Chapter 44: The Island

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Screaming through the atmosphere our pod races towards the surface.  The reverse thrusters engage and the pod soars back upward in the sky.  Jace and I are knocked to the pod floor as we feel the engine shift into landing mode.  I can see other pods, from The Ascendancy, out of the viewing window dropping into the ocean.  

"Brace yourself!" I yell at Jace. 

The escape pod's landing chute deploys as it prepares to touchdown on the island. With a hard thud, the pod lands on the surface.

"We're here," I say with relief.

The pod's internal lighting flashes orange over our heads.  I step over to the computer and flip the switch to unlock the door.  With a loud pop, the door shoots off the hinges and I can see the island once again. 

Climbing out the hatch, I jump down on the grass below.  The sun is high overhead and a gentle ocean breeze hits my senses.  

"So it begins," he laughs in my head.

"Where to now?" Jace asks as he jumps out of the hatch and lands near me. 

"You need to alert the island caretakers to head into the caverns for safety---this isn't over."

"What about you, Rey?" his face draws concern.

"There's something that I must do. Don't wait for me.  The Republic military will be down here after that's all over," I say looking up to the heavens.

Jace nods at me and turns around to try and see which way to the village.  "Take care of yourself, Rey," he says before he runs to warn the caretakers. I feel the tenderness of his words. 

"It was an honor fighting alongside you, Jace." He smiles at me and starts running.  Deep down, he knows what I'm about to do.  He's somehow sensed it since Takodana.  He realizes there's nothing he can say or do change my course now.  It all ends here---the same place it all began.

Breathing in, I turn to my left and look at the horizon. This could be the last time I ever see this beautiful view.  How I dreamed of living near an ocean when I was on Jakku.  Those daydreams got me through some of the darkest times on that planet.  Those days seem so distant now that even the memory of them doesn't seem real.

I head down the grassy decline and make way to the cliff side. 


Porgs fly away as I step towards the cliff side.  I can hear the waves crash against the rock in the distance.  The land goes down at a decline and I can see the small walkway to the hole in the rock.  

As I step down the path, loose rocks roll down towards the water.  


The wind is getting colder and the waves hit harder the closer I get.  I step off the narrow rocky path and see the hole.  I'm starting to wish that I took Jace's coat when I had the chance.  My lips begin chattering to keep my body temperature warm.

There it is...

The waves echo through the opening of the hole below.  Dried seaweed covers the top and I can feel it calling to me once again.  Carefully, I stand near the opening and look down.  The waves seem calmer below than up here.  

Using the Force, I will my wooden raft a made into view.  The dark brown raft glides over the water and I hold it with the Force below the opening.  "Not going to get wet this time," I smirk.

Focusing, I jump through the hole and use the Force to soften my landing onto the raft. My feet hit the surface and I slowly rise from a crouching position.  I turn around and can see it---the mirror.

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