Chapter 28: The War Room

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Wind from the blast doors going into the Republic War Room hits my face.  I walk through the entryway and am greeted by Finn.  

"Perfect timing," he says as we walk over to the large HoloTable in the center of the room.

I take my place around the large table and see a small handful of other high clearance officers surrounding the circle.  They all nod their head at my arrival and turn their attention back to Poe who leans forward with his hands against the table.  I can sense his unease by all the events that have unfolded over the last few weeks.

"Rey, I want you to meet the top SIS agent you requested.   This is Jace Shan," Poe says.  Turning his attention to the man next to him.

The agent has a tan complexion and is about a foot taller than me.  His face has a scar across the cheek and the buzz cut hairstyle indicates a previous military background. He stands firmly at attention.  Through the Force, I sense his undying loyalty to the Republic.  Not only has he given his life to servitude, but he's also given his blood and tears. His right eye holds the newest version of cybernetics.  He isn't Force-sensitive, but, I can tell that his implant has helped him in the same way the Force would for me.

"Jedi Master." He gives a polite nod but his face remains stern. 

"What information do you have for us?" I ask.

Jace presses a few buttons on the HoloTable and a projection of The Ascendancy appears. 

"We have reviewed intelligence secretly gathered over the last few months and the data sent over from the ill-fated Republic fleet.  This vessel is unlike anything that we have ever seen before," his eyes scan the room. "Scanners show us this vessel is not only powered by machine---it's somehow connected to the pilot.  Its data readout is a labyrinth of circuitry we have never seen before."

"So what are you saying?" Finn chimes in.

"This ship is powered by the mind.  That's why it is so quick and so deadly."

"How do we defeat it then?" Poe questions.

"The best method for us is to find a way to sneak on board when the ship docs at Vardos' Cyclopean station.  Once inside, I will navigate to the ship's engine room and plant a virus in all its relay cables.  Since this thing is machine and organic---a virus is our only hope.  I will need your protection, Jedi Master, Rey," his eyes turn towards me.

"You shall have it.  Maz Kanata has promised us a local contact and a smuggler to get through the planet's security."

Jace nods at my reply.

"So it's settled then.  Get to Vardos, get on the ship, and then we'll blow it up," Poe adds.

"Precisely," I reply.  

The door to the War Room opens quickly and all eyes turn to the person running in the room.  An administrator runs and hands Poe a HoloPad.  His eyes open wide at the sight on the screen.

"Poe, what is it?" Finn asks.  I wait patiently for Poe to speak.

Poe clears his throat and looks around the room. "We have an even bigger problem now.  It appears our new friend has picked up another ship.  They have salvaged a Sith Fleet Destroyer."  

The room goes silent.  

"How could they have managed that! Those were all destroyed after the battle of Exegol!" Finn exclaims.  The other members in the room start chattering quietly amongst themselves.  The news brings an unsettling wave of energy to the room.

"I don't know but I can tell you that it's not good," Poe replies.

"I know where they are going after they dock at Vardos," I speak up.

The eyes of the room turn to look at me.  The silence is deafening. 

"They are going to use both of those ships and try to destroy the planet, Ahch-To."

Whispers around the room can be heard. 

"Ahch-To? Why Rey?" Finn asks.

I exhale softly and clear my throat.  "They want to destroy Ahch-To to open a portal and go through the World Between Worlds."

I sense Finn's energy waver through the Force.  He's very concerned and I sense he's angry I didn't disclose this to him earlier. "There's so much I wish I could tell you, Finn."

"What do they plan on doing if they succeed?" Poe asks.

"They want to manipulate time and go back to the beginning. They want to write themselves as the victors in this endless game.  They want to go back to where it all started.  The only way to do that is to open a portal large enough.  Ahch-To isn't just a nexus in the Force---it's the core where everything started.  It's the only place they would be able to succeed in doing that."

You could hear a pin drop in the room.  The realization hits every person in the room what the cost will be if we fail.

"We aren't going to let them," Poe finally speaks.  Breaking the silence of the room, the other members look around to one another. 

"We need to depart for Takodana, now," I speak over the whispers.  Placing my hands against the HoloTable. 

The attention of the room falls back to me.  I look in the eyes of the generals and commanders of the Republic.  For so long, they have fought to restore peace and hope in the galaxy.  I sense through the Force their hope is waning.  They realize now Exegol was never truly the end of the war.  It's just begun...

"You heard her, let's go!" Finn says.

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