Chapter 29: Z-Man

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The ship gently rocks as it lands on the surface of Takodana. I hear the pressure release and watch as the loading ramp of the Millennium Falcon deploys in front of me. The beautiful scenery of green and deep-blue water expands across the horizon as we walk down the ramp. Green grass gently blows in the wind and I can smell the forest nearby. The smell of the trees and clean air brings a smile to my face. I look to my left and see the trail that leads into the forest. The same trail I took that fateful day I fell captive of Kylo Ren. A shiver runs down my spine from the memory. Up ahead, I can see Maz step outside of her newly rebuilt lakeside castle---she kept the architecture the same as before. I follow her with my eyes as she steps down the stairwell and walks across the courtyard. Above, I see banners and flags flying once again across the courtyard. I'm glad she replaced them---it gives the gray castle color and personality.

Walking along the cobblestone path she paces towards us. After a few moments, she is standing right in front of our small party. She scans us over with her signature glasses on and a big smile spreads over her face.

"I see you brought my boyfriend." Chewie howls behind us. "Good, come this way. Lunch is ready."

I turn and look at Finn to my left and smile.

Entering her castle, I am greeted by a delicious smelling aroma---Maz always knows how to entertain guests. Finn, Chewie, Poe, Jace, and I walk over to a table that Maz has prepared for us in the center of the room. I see a gentleman with dark glasses and a military buzz cut sitting down and drinking some ale---he looks up at us. He's dressed in a dark blue coat and gray cargo pants with a brown leather jacket that looks worn and old.

Through the Force, I sense this gentleman only cares about one thing---money. "Typical smuggler. I wish more of them were like Han." I shake my head from my thought. I try not to think about Han because it becomes a rabbit hole that eventually leads me to the memory of Ben.

Taking our seats at the circular table, I watch as my party digs into the appetizers offered before us. An elaborate spread of fruits, slices of bread, and small vegetables are packed on top of golden plates scattered across the table. A few moments later, an Artiodac male walks through the kitchen doors holding a large serving plate in both of his hands. The plate is covered by a giant silver lid. He approaches the table and sets it down in the middle---removing the lid.

As he lifts the lid in the air, steam rises off of the large cooked fish. I have never seen this species before---it must be a Takodana delicacy. The chef starts cutting the cooked fish and placing pieces on each of our plates. He sets the carving knife and serving fork back down on the plate before exiting back to the kitchen.

"I'm quite hungry. Eat first, and then we can talk," Maz says with a smile and an obvious wink. I know she is somewhat Force-sensitive and can feel that everyone is famished from the journey here.

Everyone's attention turns to their food as they begin eating. My attention remains on the smuggler that Maz has recruited for our mission to Vardos. "Will he betray us the first chance he gets?"

Some time passes and everyone, including myself, finishes their meal. It was delicious and satisfying. Even though I follow the Jedi diet, I have found myself craving flesh more lately. This desire to devour has grown since arriving at Coruscant from Hutta. I have been able to pacify it--until now. I probably ate more than my share of fish.

"Well, now that everyone has eaten, it's time for business," Maz speaks up.

Everyone's attention turns to Maz and the smuggler. "I would like for you all to meet, Z-Man," Maz says as she turns to the smuggler next to her.

He remains firm and doesn't make any expression.

"Have you done this sort of run before?" Poe asks, getting right to the point.

"I don't like to talk about my previous employer's runs, but yes, I can get you there without any trouble," Z-Man says.

"What does the Z stand for?" Finn asks. I sense everyone has the same question for the man.

"I don't like to mention my name. I keep it confidential. All you need to know is this. You can call me Z-Man and I will get you safely to Vardos with no questions long as you pay me."

"Payment is not going to be the problem here. We need to know that you won't abandon ship at the first sign of trouble," Poe responds staring straight through Z-Man. Poe's face grows stern and intimidating.

"How do we know that you won't betray us?" Jace speaks up, as Chewie howls and slams his fist against the table. Chewie howls the same question at Z-Man. I sense Chewie's distrust for this Z-man---feelings must be pushed aside at this time. We all know that Maz wouldn't bring anyone who would betray us. We need to get to Vardos---I need to get on that ship.

"Do you trust Maz?" Z-Man asks.

I sense he desperately needs the payment from this job. I scan his mind---he has a child that he's trying to keep hidden from the rest of the world. "He won't betray us. The cost of betrayal is too great for him."

Poe is about to chime in with something snappy. "We can trust him. But Z-Man, if you do betray us, the second things go awry---you'll be dealing with me."

I feel his understanding through the Force as he nods his head in agreement. I sense he's trying to remain frozen without expression. Appear tough but not boneheaded to us.

"Maz has informed me she sent over my billing to you. I require payment before and after the successful run," Z-Man says looking at Poe.

"That's correct, you'll get half once we board your vessel and the other half once we arrive at Vardos unharmed," Jace interjects before Poe can respond.

I sense Jace's agitation. "Jace is strong-willed and highly Force-sensitive, though, he doesn't want to acknowledge it. It's almost as if he hides the sensitivity---pretending it's just intuition."

"It's settled then. The private data I collected before this meeting shows the best time to arrive at Vardos will be in two days. Based on the readings I gathered, we need to leave in four hours. That's enough time for travel and briefing once we are on the lightspeed highway," Z-man scans Jace and then looks over to me.

"It's settled," I say. Rising from my seat the other's stare up at me. "Gather the items required for the voyage and arrival at Vardos. We'll leave in four hours."

Z-Man nods at my motion and I walk away from the table. The others rise from their seats slowly and make way through the bar and out to the landing bay where our new friend's ship awaits us.

I head towards the main doorway and veer left and stop at the entrance to the stairwell that takes you to the basement of Maz's castle. The same basement that held Master Skywalker's blade so long ago. The same basement that revealed a piece of my destiny.

I look over once more at the table back at Maz, and she nods to me. Slowly, she lifts her glasses off and places them on the top of her head.

I start walking down the winding staircase. 

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