Chapter 17: The Call (Rated M)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I promised I would fix TROS novelization's kiss interpretation


"Be with me."

I breathe in deeply and smell the surrounding ocean. My senses are awakening as I feel the sun's rays hit my skin. The warm air makes me welcome the cool water that I feel moving around my lower body.

The ocean's salt soothes me as the gentle waves hit my core. I feel such peace. I open my eyes to see a vast ocean ahead of me---about mid-day. I allow my hands to fall from my chest to the water below---I notice that I am nude.

"I will always be with you."

I smile as the truth of the situation washes over me. "Ben." I turn around to see him walking behind me against the waves. He reaches my right side and his strong arm wraps around my waist---pulling me towards his frame.

His right arm runs up my left shoulder--behind my neck and into my free-flowing hair. My hands rest on his chest and I run them against his skin and lock my arms around his neck. I can feel his grip tighten as his fingers press deeply against the skin on my backside.

With the warm rays beating down, I pull him in and press my lips gently against his. I'm consumed by his passionate embrace. Our lips move together slowly as if they were in a passionate dance. The soft waves crash against our entwined bodies.

I can feel the bond surging all around us. I feel as though we are one with the Force. He gently releases my lips from his hold and slowly opens his eyes. Our gaze meets and I'm greeted by those warm brown eyes that I love so deeply.

"Why now?" I question softly.

"Does it matter, Rey?" He briskly lowers his body below the water and I can feel his hands slide under my buttocks and grip around the backs of my legs. With one quick motion, he pulls my legs apart and lifts me to his hips. My legs wrap around his mid-section in response and our mouths crash into one another. They have been away from one another for far, far too long.

I feel the water level dropping as Ben walks us out of the ocean. He reaches the sand and I feel him quicken his pace. After a few moments, he stops and begins lowering down to the sand below. The plush, thick blanket cushions my back as I feel his body weight lowering against me.

His right elbow is planted near my head and I can feel his left-hand slide down the side of my leg. His strong hand finds its way between my legs and his two fingers play with the entrance of my chasm.

I let out a gasp from the sensation. How my womanhood craves him. His fingers forcefully enter me and my back arches in response as I let out another gasp. I can feel him thrust his fingers in and out, in and out.

How I crave him even more. His mouth crashes against my neck and I feel his fingers continue their thrusts. He slowly removes his fingers and I feel his left-hand grab onto my thigh. The kisses trail down my breasts then towards my core. I look down at his head sliding towards my womanhood.

With both hands grabbing onto my thighs---he spreads my legs. I watch as his mouth goes past my belly button and towards my juncture.

I gasp.

I feel his lips plant on my womanhood and his tongue dances with fire against the entrance.

"Ben!" I scream in ecstasy.

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