Chapter 14: Coruscant

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"So, this is Darth Vader's Tie Fighter?" Poe says while looking and walking around the fighter in awe. He stops at the front of the fighter and stares intently through the viewport as he places his hands on his hips---his signature stance.

"I guess so," Finn adds as he follows behind Poe---stopping next to him.

The security hold is an armored fortress. There is no way for anyone to get inside unless they have the highest security clearance.  I grab onto the ladder railings that stand next to the vessel and quickly go up the steps. The hatch is open and inside I can see the place that Darth Vader once sat.  Without hesitation, I jump inside and land on the seat.

My hands are almost frozen in the air from the sensation of being surrounded by the control panel he once used. I reach out through the Force and can feel the lingering dark energy around this ship.  "It's almost like this energy was waiting for me."


My eyes dart down to a compartment under the helm. I run my hands over the panel and feel a small button.  Clicking it, a door opens and I can see inside a glowing red relic.  

"This isn't a datacron.  This is the answer," I think to myself.

The relic is a bit larger than palm-sized and pyramid in shape. Inside of the golden framed pyramid a deep glowing red light that dances inside.  There are Sith markings all around the relic. Staring at it puts me in a trance-like state.


"What is that thing?" Finn demands outside of the fighter.

I hold the relic up close to my face and feel a power drawing me.  Darkness...

"I do not know," I finally respond with a lie.  My glance is unwavering from the relic.

Whispers. I break from the trance and stare out the fighter's viewport at my friends who have a concerned look on their faces.

I shake off the growing restlessness and climb out of the fighter---heading down the stairs.  Once at the bottom, Finn and Poe surround me.

Finn hasn't guarded his concern over me since we left Hutta.  He wants me to know that he's concerned about me.  He doesn't want to hide his feelings or emotions.

I look sternly at them.  "It's a Sith relic."

"Woah-Woah-Woah! Not another one!" Poe says in frustration.  "I want that disgusting remnant of that evil religion wiped from the galaxy now! It will cause nothing but trouble! It's going to be destroyed!" 

"We should find out what's inside," Finn responds staring deeply into my soul.

"The enemy revealed themselves on Hutta wants this for a reason.  I will find out what that is.  Sith, only reveal their presence when they have the advantage.  We need to uncover what that is and I sense this holds the answer."

"No! We need to destroy it, so they can't use it!" Poe demands. "Give it to me!"

He attempts to grab the relic from my hand and I quickly move it away. "Poe! I know you are still angry at me for what I did on Hutta. I can never express how sorry I am for betraying your trust.  I know you. There is a deep-seated hatred inside of you for the First Order and...him," my voice trails as small amounts of water forms in my eyes. "But this could be our way to end it for once and for all."

I sense Poe's anger through the Force is wavering.  He exhales a puff of frustration and stares aggressively in my eyes. 

"Has she ever been wrong before?" Finn says placing a calming hand on Poe's shoulder.

Poe remains silent and turns away from us.  He exhales deeply and tries to calm his emotions with techniques I taught him.

"Poe, trust me.  That's all I can say," I plead.

He turns around and his face has softened slightly.

"I don't like this---I don't!  Rey, I'm worried about you, honestly.  I don't want something like this to be your downfall or any of ours.  You have done so much good for the galaxy and the Republic, Rey.  But, you haven't been the same since he died.  You know this is true. I'm sorry if that brings up bad memories, I truly am." Poe stares at me, and he knows what he is saying is true---I can't argue it.

I slightly step closer to him with empathetic eyes.

"I am willing to trust you and forget about what happened on Hutta.  I will trust that your instinct is correct even over mine.  But the second this goes South I'm pulling the plug," he finishes with certainty.

"Understood," I say smiling. I feel unbalance in the Force rising in me. "How dare he think his decision can overrule mine.  In his frustration, he fails to remember that I outrank him.  I outrank everyone. Does he forget who I am!"

"He forgets who you are..." A voice whispers in my mind. My stare intensifies. 

"What do you need from us, Rey?" Finn asks.  I break my trance to hold the darkness back and turn to look at Finn.

I shake my thoughts. "We need to head to the Jedi Library."


"Rey, the archives are this way?" Finn stops and points through a doorway.  His energy is that of pure confusion.

"We aren't going to the archives," I say walking with a grin.

"But, uh, you told Poe..." Finn's trails off as he bobs his head slightly.

I stop and turn around. "Are you coming?" I say with a smile.

"I guess," Finn says and hustles to catch up to me.

We walk down the winding hallways of the once infamous Jedi Library.  The architecture, art, and artifacts are spaced aesthetically around the place.  There are small amounts of librarians and custodial staff walking around the grand temple going about their duties.

"Master Rey," a librarian stops to greet me with a head bow.

I smile and tilt my head back to him in courtesy.  We keep walking.

"Where are we going?" Finn finally asks.

"Somewhere secret," I reply.

He says nothing back but I can sense his mind is wandering with endless possibilities.  

"Guard your thoughts, my young padawan," I say humorously.

Finn snorts and shakes his head at my response. We make our way to a part of a wall at our destination.  "Why have we stopped?" Finn asks.

"We're here," I say smiling.

"Uh," Finn looks around and his eyes eventually find my gaze.  I have a large grin on my face. 

"The Jedi were great at hiding things in plain sight," I say with a smile.  I wave my hand and use the Force in front of the wall.  The stone wall shifts with a grind and falls back and then slides open.  A dark narrow hallway lies in front of us.

"After you," I smile ushering my hand toward the dark hallway. 

"Alright then," Finn replies.

We start walking into the dark and with a wave of my hand, I turn on the blue glowing lanterns that line the hallway.  Stairs heading downward illuminates in the distance. We follow the path and reach the foot of the stairs.  A winding circle of steps leading to our destination awaits us.

Both of us slightly jog down the steps due to the decline. After a few minutes, we reach the bottom of the stairs and with another wave of my hand---light up a very large room.

"What is this place?"

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