Chapter 42: Drowning in the Depths

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"Rey, there is an imbalance in the Force... I know that you feel it," Master Skywalker says to me. His Force ghost on Ahch-To appears before me.  I continue chiseling away at the rock around the mirror cave---I don't respond.

"You are trying to do something that has never been successfully done before, Rey."

In a huff, I climb down the ladder and stand facing his apparition.  "I don't care," I reply shortly.

"Rey, you are pushing the boundary of something powerful---beyond all knowledge---" I cut him off.

"If you want the boundaries of knowledge and life expanded---someone needs to push it," I reply shortly.

"If he goes through---if you fail---it will be the destruction of everything!" he screams.

"Then I won't let him pass!" I scream.

Master Skywalker's face turns to stone.  He knows there is nothing he can say that will change my course.  

"This is one thing you will never understand! My soul is divided without him here! There can be no true balance without a dyad present in the galaxy! You know what happens when there isn't balance! The Sith will rise with a new master and apprentice! Who then Master Skywalker will vanquish them! Will it be you again!"


I step over the body of a Darth Vader cultist.  With the Force, I move the fallen wall and debris from my pathway---the doorway is visible now.  

I gasp. "It's here..."

Walking into the forgotten laboratory, I can see the remnants of the failed experiment.  I activate another small lantern from my pack and place it on the floor in the center of the room.  Activating my other two, I use the Force and have them float in a circle around the ruins so that I can see everything clearly.  

"He had the right idea.  How foolish of him to trust Momin. He can't have an imbalance bring back the light.  He needed balance on this plane to bring Padme back..."

Approaching the first extremely large slab I examine the markings.  From the information I was able to gather---these are not the correct markings that I saw on Exegol. Vader was able to open a door---but not the right one.  

I pass another three slabs that have been cracked and severely damaged.  With the Force, I will them away from the center---the place I need.

"There you are," I smile.

I examine the circular stone altar that was hidden under the giant slabs. I will the dusty debris off of the top with the Force.  

"Even with the key, it wouldn't have worked here.  But you will do just fine as a table."


"I know they have the coordinates to the Dark Saber.  And now, they will give it to me," I place the datacron on the circular-stone altar in the laboratory.  

"Take the bait and give me what I want," I smile at the datacron resting on the altar.  

I turn around and exit the laboratory.  I know it's only a matter of time before they follow my trail here and think they have discovered it first.  I have kept every detail secret from everyone---even Finn.  A frown grows on my face from the realization. 

"Give me the coordinates and I'll get the saber." I think to myself.


"You see, you're missing a special piece to your plans. Darth Vader, too, was missing a piece as well. Doors won't open without a key," I can almost hear him smiling from the words.


"Yes. Without it, the door won't open and I'm afraid...young Ben Solo will be lost to time---forever."

"What could I possibly be missing?"

"You're," his voice deepens and I shudder from the word "me".

"Tell me..."

"Continue down the path to the very end," he demands.

Reluctantly, I continue walking.  Keeping my guard and senses up in case there is an ambush.  The path ends and another carved wall is before me.

"What does this mean?" 

"The only way to break the door open is with the full power of light and dark.  A dyad would have no problem doing so.  However, it appears your other half is no longer with us.  Such a pity," he sneers.

"Get to the point!"

"You would need me, the last remaining Sith to help you open it..."

"I will never use your help!"

"You will if you want young Ben Solo to return to this world.  After all, that is what you desire most.  I can see it in your mind.  It consumes every spare thought.  Since you have discovered what opens the spirit world---you will stop at nothing.  This is the way..."

My heart races.  I feel like I am drowning and can't breathe.

"Tell me..."

"Open your mind and allow my power to surge through you.  Only then will you have the power to break open the door on Ahch-To!"

"How can I trust that you aren't going to destroy me once you get the chance," I counter.

"You don't.  But it is the only way to bring him back.  You know this is true.  You have seen it!"


Data runs across the screen before me. Cracking open the Final Order's hidden secrets has been become quite a daunting task. 

The image I feared flips on the screen.

"No," the words tremble from my lips as I stare in horror at what lies before me.

"They cloned..." My heart sinks. "Ben..."


I see the door.  A white circle illuminates in the stars.  I'm on a circular path with a few other portals in the distance.  This is the right door---finally. 

"He'll come back when I call his name..." I watch as the wolves glow around the doorway. I feel the bond surging---he's close.  I am at the edge of destiny.  I reach my hand forward and touch my fingertips against the black void. The memory of my first encounter with the mirror cave on Ahch-To comes to my mind's eye. 

"Ben Solo." 


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