Chapter 32: Voyage To Vardos

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"Take a stumble out there, Rey?" Poe asks humorously.  Looking me up and down.

Approaching Z-Man's, XS Stock Light Freighter, I can see Jace waiting for me at the base of the loading ramp.  Finn, Poe, Chewie, and BB8 stand near the hull of his ship---waiting to say goodbye before we board.  

"Yes, a rock came out of nowhere," I lie with a smile. BB8 coos and swivels his head to the side. Finn scans me over and brushes some dirt off of my left shoulder.  I give him a smile from his small act of kindness.

"You all know the plan.  Once you receive word from Jace---intercept them at Ahch-To.  You will be able to take The Ascendancy down if we succeed," I say turning to my friends. I know the word "if" causes them to falter in confidence but there is a very real possibility Jace and I will both die on this mission.

"We'll have the cannons ready," Poe reaffirms. "Let's take these bastards down."

Chewie roars with approval and walks back towards the Falcon with BB8 following closely behind him---Poe turns and walks away too.  At the last minute, I grab Finn's jacket before he can get any farther away from me. 

"Finn," I look him deeply in the eyes. "If you sense something terrible has happened, through the Force---follow your instincts because it is correct."

Finn turns and grabs me for a tight embrace.  "I will always come if you are in trouble, Rey."  I feel him plant a kiss on top of my head---I squeeze him tighter.  Releasing the embrace, I watch as he and Poe board the Falcon in the distance.  My heart sinks.  I am fearful this is the last time I will see them all---alive.

Turning, I walk from the hull and step behind Jace entering Z-Man's freighter.  


I quickly turn my head back to Maz's castle and see her standing in the distance.  I make eye contact with her and feel a sense of peace wash over my heart.  She nods her head and gives me a small smile.  I know that she will deliver the dagger to Ahch-To.  Deep down, she knows what has to be done. 


The freighter breaks Takodana's upper atmosphere and pushes through the planet's gravitational pull.  Entering the main hold---Jace waits for me at a table with a bag. 

"These are for you, Jedi Master," he says handing me a small pack. I watch as the cybernetics in his eye twitches slightly. "Inside you will find the uniform we will wear---disguised as maintenance workers.  Your badge and clearance card are inside the pouch.  They need to be in your right pocket until we make contact at the surface."

Grabbing the pack, I open and examine the neatly organized items.  I can tell Jace is very meticulous while on missions---never missing a beat. 

I scan him up and down and sense his calm.  This isn't the most dangerous mission he's been on in the name of the Republic but it will be the most costly if we fail---he knows this to his core.

Stepping away from the main hold I follow the corridor down to the starboard dormitory.  I quickly change and load both my sabers and clothes back into the pack I was given.  I will need this when we land on the surface.  Looking in the mirror, I untie my top bun and re-tie my hair into a braided hairdo---I can't miss any detail of my disguise.  Looking myself once more in the mirror---I could pass for a maintenance worker.

Exiting the dormitory, I make way to the cockpit.  I want to have a little chat with Z-Man. 

Stepping through the entryway, I take a seat in the co-pilot's chair. "Any changes to the voyage plan?" 

He flips a switch to warm-up the engines for light speed and adjusts the auto-pilot mode. "No, scanners again came back with the same readings.  We will arrive there in about eight hours of light speed travel."

I am relieved to hear there are no unexpected changes to our plan.  I sit in the chair and watch as he engages the thrusters.  The stars outside of the window blur into white beams of light.  The ship jolts, and we rock slightly in our seats from the momentum.  I sit silently for a few moments and scan his mind, delicately, through the Force.

"What's her name?" I ask turning my chair to him.

He keeps his eyes on the control panel. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Your daughter..."

He breathes in deeply.  The secret he wished to keep hidden is revealed.  I want to remind him what the cost will be if he jumps ship or betrays us in any way.

"Chynzia," he whispers.  He knows there's no point in hiding the truth from me. 

"That's a beautiful name.  How old is she?"

"She turns twelve this year," he sighs and faces me.

"She's very lucky, you know.  To have a father like you.  I sense you have gone through many obstacles to keep her safe and provided for."  I am brought back to the memory of my parents.  For so long, I kept faith they would return.  Finding out they died trying to protect me didn't grief-stricken me.  I was relieved because if they hadn't died---I know they would have returned for me.  I wasn't abandoned in the end.

A small smile spreads over his face, "thanks."

I rise from my chair and before exiting the cockpit I place my right hand on his right shoulder. "No matter what happens, I promise, no harm will come to her."

He exhales a sigh of relief. "Thank you," he responds.

"I know what troubles you.  I will make sure you get enough payment to leave the smuggler's trade and make a decent life for you and Chynzia. I know that is why you were desperate for this job."

I wave of happiness washes over him.  He's been running on a treadmill trying to get out of this business but no matter what he does---he can never seem to get ahead and escape it.  "That will ensure we are not betrayed." I smile down at him.

His mouth opens, and he looks up at me with deep gratitude. "By the way, what does Z-Man stand for?" I ask him.

"Zofrinic Kirm...awful name isn't it."

"No, it's unique.  Mind if I call you Zofrinic for the rest of the voyage?"

"Sure," he looks up at smiles at me. 

Removing my hand from his shoulder---I exit the cockpit. I walk through the main hold and take a seat on a lounger in the corner. I sit down and place the bag next to me.  My thoughts replay the events in the forest.  "I can't land on Vardos with that dark energy in the front of my mind.  They will discover us." 

I lift my legs and cross them in front of my body.  Taking a Jedi meditative pose, I rest my two hands gently on my knees. My mind calms and I focus on my breathing. 

"Be with me."

Deeper and deeper my mind goes to find the balance through the Force. 

"Be with me."

I feel the serenity of the light side of the Force wrapping around my body.


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