Chapter 43: Inside Your Mind

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"What an interesting journey you've had, Rey," Ben's clone says near my ear. He lowers his hand from my forehead. In my sleep, he was able to read my mind---my defenses were down. He must have seen everything.

I shiver.

My head throbs. I feel the cold floor below my body. Both my wrists and my ankles are bound by energy cuffs. I try to lift my head but feel broken from the torture my captor put me through. There's no way I can break my bondage and escape from him---I'm too weak.

I can't speak---I feel delirious from him digging through my mind. Inching closer to me, I feel his lust growing at my exposed and defenseless body.

"What I saw inside your mind was fascinating, Rey."

"I bet it was," I respond sarcastically.

"You have held the upper hand so much in this game. Somehow, you even managed to make a duplicate Dark Saber, on Takodana, while no one was looking. It appears you have accomplished many things while no one was looking," he says as he leans down on his side next to mine.

I can feel the darkness emitting of his body---he's consumed by it.

"You think we don't know about your little ambush waiting on Ahch-To," he laughs. "We have known about that since you left Coruscant. Beaumont Kin isn't the only spy we have planted there."

"I knew it," I think to myself.

"I know that what you have seen on Exegol and Mustafar. We too, know why Lord Vader failed to open the spirit world and the World Between Worlds," he says as he runs his left finger up my arm towards my shoulder.

"Does he now?" Sidious's voice whispers in my mind.

I need to keep the clone monologuing. He hasn't seen Jace in the plans when he scanned my mind. I have to give Jace enough time. I force my eyes open and stare deeply into his. I sense his excitement through the Force---he's not even concealing it.

"We plan on using your Republic fleet to open the door of Time. They are, after all, the light to our darkness. The balance we need on this plane," he sneers.

I say nothing and stare at him.

"What are you going to do now?" I ask coyly and delicately flutter my eyelids at him.

"Now, I'm going to intercept your fleet at Ahch-To and open the door," he says rising to a standing position. I follow him up with my eyes as I lay there on the floor. I reach out through the Force and sense my saber on the far table.

"When I succeed---you will rule with me. You won't have a choice then," he says and walks away from me on the floor. I follow him as he makes his way to the control sphere in the center of the room.

Taking his seat in front of the sphere, cords begin moving around his body. Most attach into his head---where I assume a cybernetics implant is. Placing his fingers on the sphere---he connects to the ship. I sense we are moving now. It's only a matter of time until we reach Ahch-To.

"Jace hurry," I think to myself.


About an hour has passed by. I sense we are getting closer in proximity to Ahch-To by the excitement in Ben's clone. I'm slowly regaining my strength but trying to conceal it for fear of him using the machine again. I need all the strength I can get.

Alarms begin ringing. They must have picked up on the scanners the Republic Fleet waiting in orbit---I can't fail now.

I turn and look at the clone operating The Ascendancy. He senses my stare and looks down at me. "Not to worry, your Republic fleet will be annihilated soon. Then, you can take me to where you've hidden the Dark Saber---before I destroy the planet.

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