Chapter 5: Dreams

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Breathing in deeply, I smell the flowers of spring all around me.  Opening my eyes, I look around and see a meadow surrounded by vibrant colored green trees.  An array of flowers covers the grassy meadow---pure bliss.  My glance trails down and I see that I'm in a beautiful white, thinly layered gown.  There is a subtle ivory embroidery all over the dress.  It's form-fitting but not too tight.  

"It's beautiful." I smile.

I feel my hair is up loosely and a long sheer piece of white material hangs from the back of my hair.  

"A wedding dress?"

I keep walking through the meadow and see a small path through the trees ahead. I pass the long meadow grass and step on the stone laid trail under the trees.  I am surrounded by this comforting energy.  The trees are tall and thin and as I pull my gaze back down from the canopy---I see someone ahead on the path facing away from me.

The path keeps moving forward and see a man in formal attire turned away from me.  He's standing on a circular shaped mosaic laid at the end of the path---I see tall, ancient stone-carved structures surrounding the mosaic and him.  

As I get close, the man turns around---he senses me.

"Ben---" I lose my voice. I keep walking to him, and he fully turns facing me.  He looks at me with tenderness and gives me a loving smile.

"Yes," he replies. 

My pace quickens slightly as I make my way to stand directly in front of him.  

"Is this real?" I choke.

"No, Rey, it isn't yet.  But I am," he says slowly as he grabs me with his right hand and pulls me into him.

He locks onto my lips, and we engage in a heated kiss.  I close my eyes and feel his hands wrap me tighter against his core.  I move my right hand up and weave my fingers in the back of his hair.  I savor every moment, sound, and sensation.  How I crave for this to be real.  I feel my heart soar with happiness.  I can feel his love for me radiating and hitting me. 

Releasing the kiss, I reluctantly open my eyes and see him staring into my very soul with those beautiful brown eyes.

"There's so much I want to tell you," I say as tears form in my eyes.  "Since you have been gone I feel as though half of my soul has been ripped from my very being.  I want this suffering to end. I may have found a way..." I say choking on sobs. 

He pulls me in for an embrace and rests his mouth against my forehead. I can feel his warmth surrounding me.

"Why can't that future we foresaw come true!  Why did it have to end the way that it did!" The harder I sob the tighter he holds me.  I feel as if the bond we shared is still there---it never went away. 

Ben releases me from his hold and wipes my falling tears off my cheek with his right thumb.  "Rey, my sacrifice wasn't the end---it was only the beginning," he says to me kissing my forehead.

"What are you saying?"

"Everything that happened---was meant to.  It's not over yet, Rey.  You know what you have to do," he says scanning my face. 

I look his face over several times trying to find an answer.

"The Force does not give you what you ask for.  It gives you what you demand with your actions, Rey.  You are my destiny, and I am yours.  If you want the story to end the way we foresaw---take it.  You are the only one who can make it come true."

"I know..." 

Ben's hands run-up to my face and his thumb caresses my lips slowly.  Tracing them like he's trying to memorize every part of me.

"You look beautiful, by the way.  I look forward to the day I can see you in this dress for real." he smiles as a tear falls from his eyes. 

I grab onto his hand cupping my face and interlock my fingers with his.  I breathe and close my eyes.  Tears begin falling uncontrollably now. I feel the bond tightening between us as it used to be when he was alive.  It's as though our bond never broke---even in death.  We are still connected as a Dyad.  For the first time in over four years---I feel whole again.  He's been the piece that was missing for so long. 

"I love you, Ben."

"And I, love you, more than you could imagine, Rey.  It's time to wake up."

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