Chapter 16: The Darksaber

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"We need the Dark saber," I slam a Holopad on Poe's desk.

"What you guys need is a bath," Poe snarks.

"We don't know why we need this but the relic says this is the key. Our days of digging in the library came up with very little on its importance besides being a symbol of power," Finn replies.

I sense Poe's confusion from our abrupt entrance and information presented. He scans our faces as we stand exhausted in front of his desk. Looking from Finn to me and then back to Finn, "when was the last time you guys slept?"

"About three days," I reply irritated.

"Three days, wow. So where are you going to get this Dark saber from?" Poe asks after a moment of silence and shaking his head.

"Coordinates were left in the device and I'm sure they are also in Darth Vader's ship. I'm positive we got the ship because the enemy has hidden a tracking beacon somewhere inside of it," I say back as I collapse in the chair facing Poe across the desk.

"The enemy has a chip in it and you are just now telling me this," Poe quips.

"Pretty positive at this point," Finn replies and then turns his head to look at me.

"Wonderful," he says sarcastically, leaning back in his large chair.

"We can use this to our advantage," I chime in.

"Tell me the plan," Poe responds leaning towards me.

I take a deep breath trying to steady myself and fight the growing fatigue. I reach out through the Force and absorb energy to keep me awake. "It's simple. Follow the blueprint and lure them out. Do exactly what they want us to do and when the time is right---wipe them out once and for all."

Poe's face turns stern. "That's a good idea."

"Then this way that dark Force user they revealed to us on Hutta will also make an appearance, and we can take him out too," Finn adds looking at me when he said we.

I turn to look at Finn and feel through his fatigue this intensity rising. I look back at Poe. "They are going to expect our suspicions. They wouldn't have revealed their Force user if they didn't feel like they had the advantage. We need to send out scouts and mercenaries to see what they are hiding. Who knows they may have reestablished a small fleet or salvaged some Sith Star Destroyers."

"Or worse, got another Death Star," Poe says humorously. Neither Finn nor myself laugh. "I like the plan. As you both know, there's nothing I want more than to see them annihilated," Poe replies.

I nod my head. "We can work out schematics and develop a thorough plan in a few days. Until then, this is an as need to know basis. I do not want them to have any spies find out and inform them of our plan." Looking to Finn and then back to Poe.

Finn stares intently at me. The idea of a spy sends shivers down his spine. But I know they are here. I turn my head to the left and stare at the portrait of Leia on the wall. I stare deeply in her painted eyes. Even the painting can capture her always empathetic yet powerful stare. I breathe in deeply and return my head to Poe.

"We leave tomorrow morning. I will take Darth Vader's ship to lure them out. I will give the rendezvous point when it's time. You, Finn, Chewie, Threepio, Ar-too, and BeeBee-eight will meet me when I give the call. Expect me to be followed by their new warrior," I finish looking at Finn.

Poe leans back slowly in his chair. "What happens if you run into trouble?"

"Not to worry. I have faith in you and the Republic military that I will be safe. My objective will be to get that saber by any means necessary--before the enemy does. I know Finn will sense me the whole time--when I arrive at where the coordinates take."

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