Chapter 21: We Have A Spy

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I step outside and see the horizon of the dark barren wasteland before me.  The hidden door in the hillside grinds shut behind me.  Without a second thought, I start running.  I focus on the surrounding energy in the Force and use that to my advantage.  Increasing my stamina and speed back to the ship with every passing second. 

Time passes, as I close in on Darth Vader's parked Tie Fighter.  Suddenly, I stop hard and dust kicks up from the ground.  I look around my surroundings and sense something approaching---someone.  


I see a red saber ignite in the distance by the ship.  Anger rises in me.  Darkness clouds my eyesight as I fill with rage.  The cloaked figure walks towards me as his red saber moves with his steps.  He increases his speed towards my direction.


I stop from grabbing my yellow lightsaber and instead reach for the Dark saber.  My fingers activate the blade and I leap with the Force through the air to dodge his imminent attack.  

He jumps in the air to meet me.  Our blades clash together.  Landing on the ground I begin to spare him---blocking his advances.  He swings at me with such aggression. I sense that seeing me with the saber drives him mad with jealousy.

"Give it to me!" he screams.

I say nothing and instead reach the energy of the crystal in the Dark saber.  I can feel the power connecting to my mind's eye.  Every moment that passes---I'm getting stronger.  I feel the energy of the Dark saber coursing through my veins.  It's as if we are becoming one---united in battle.  "It's chosen, me."

I thrash down at him and hit him with hard offensive strikes.  He blocks my swings and dances back to try to gain an advantage at a new angle. Sensing each hit I make against his saber---his crystal is weakening from the blow.  It's as if the Dark saber is sucking the life from that other crystal.

"He fails to understand who he's dealing with," a voice sneers in my head.

I fly my blade upwards, jumping in the air to Force kick him back hard against the ground.  With pleasure, I watch him sliding backward on the ground---I lower the blade to my side.  Raising my left hand towards my chest I gather energy in the Force and throw bolts of purple Force lightnings toward his fallen body.  The bolts hit him directly in the chest and I can hear him scream out in pain.  The sounds of his suffering bring joy to my darkening mind. 

His power grows---I knew he's been Force cloaking his strength all along.  He's taking my bolts and absorbing them into this hand. I watch with fascination as he throws the bolts back to me.  Instinctively, I swing the Dark saber up with my right hand and block the attack.  Bolts of lightening ricochet and hit a nearby hillside. The sound of falling debris echo in the distance as rocks crash to the surface. I watch the black saber speckle.  It's almost like it absorbed the power of the Force lightning and became stronger.

"They won't let you keep it, Rey! You know they won't!  You're too dangerous now! And they all know it!" he exclaims rising to his feet.  I watch his labored breathing and blood drip from his nose. 

My breathing becomes harsher and angrier.  The man starts walking and deactivates his saber. I keep my blade engaged.  How I would love to remove his head with one cruel stroke---maybe one day.

"Do they know where you keep your secrets, Rey! Because I do!" he tilts his head and remains silent for a moment.  "The bottom drawer in your wardrobe!" 

His words hit like daggers in my heart.  Anger and hatred soar inside.  I can't suppress it any longer.  Darkness is winning the dance of balance inside of me.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I scream with every ounce of energy I have inside.  The waves of my scream hit him and knock him to the ground.  Large waves vibrate in the air all around me from my scream.  I am losing sight of my vision as I feel my eyes blackening.  I can hear the sound of the Darth Vader's Tie Fighter crunch under pressure behind me. I keep screaming harder.  The sound of the ship being destroyed echos over my scream.  

My screaming stops---I sense them approaching. I look to the sky and see the lights of the Falcon flying overhead.  I watch as the boarding ramp deploys and can see Chewie and Finn inside. I look back down to the man hobbling up off the ground.  He's on all fours trying to rise to his feet.

Right as he stands I use the Force and grab a hold of his throat.  Raising him in the air, I watch in delight as his legs flounder. He grabs at the invisible pressure around his throat but to no avail.  He can't stop this attack---I'm too powerful now.

"Rey!" Finn screams as the Falcon lowers to a hover above my head. 

I release the hold and watch as he crashes against the surface once more.  Using the Force, I jump on the ramp of the Falcon and run inside.  I rush into the main cabin to see the droids surprised by my sudden entrance. 

I collapse with my hands against my knees---gasping for air.  Chewie runs into the cockpit as Poe comes out.  My vision is returning and the balance inside restores.

"What happened!" Poe screams.

I breathe in, "I got it," raising the Dark saber's hilt in the air. I can sense their wonder and fear by seeing this legendary blade in person.  

Standing upright, "But we have a bigger problem now. We have a spy," I say catching my breath and steadying my breathing.

"A spy?" Finn says in alarm.

"Who! How do you know this!" Poe demands.

BB8 and R2 roll up towards my leg and beep in their droid tongue. I look down at them and back up to Poe and Finn. "Someone was in my suite."

"That's not possible," Poe replies.

"It is.  Someone has been hiding in plain sight this whole time. I intend to find out whom.  But for now, we need to get back to Coruscant."  

Their faces turn to stone in surprise and fear.  They nod in unison at my request.  

"Let's go," Poe says turning back and heading into the cockpit.  

The Falcon soars through the atmosphere and hits open space.  Setting our return coordinates, I place my hand on Poe's shoulder in the pilot's chair. 

"What is going on now!" Poe screams as he navigates through the planet's gravitational pull.  The Falcon jerks and rocks as tries to break free from an invisible hold.  Our party loses some balance as we rock back and forth with aggressive jerks. I grab onto the back of the pilot's chair and steady myself using my right hand on Finn's shoulder.

Finn looks to me---he feels it too.  Something is happening.

As we escape the planet's orbit we look on the scanners and see the mysterious planet dissolve into speckled dust into the black hole.

Finn's face freezes and shock spreads across mine.  Chewie howls in confusion with Poe staring in fear at the reading on the scanner. 

My mouth slightly drops open, "I don't know.  I truly, don't know," I reply as I look to all their faces staring back at me for an answer.  

My heart begins racing.  My fingers delicately trail over the hilt of the Dark saber.  

"We need to hurry."

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