Chapter 40: It Begins

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The doors open to the bridge before me---someone let me in.  The closer to this dark heart of the ship I get---the more twisted my mind becomes.  This Sith alchemy is even more complex once inside.  I feel as though they have tied this ship to the Dark side of the Force completely.  Strong and manipulative energy swirls all around me.  I feel as though the very light inside of me dwindles from being here---I'm becoming weaker. 

Down the long hallway, two apprentice guards stand at attention by the door.  They are both wearing dark clothing---I sense they are not clones.  Ripping off my First Order coat, I toss it to the side and will my yellow lightsaber to my hand from under my shirt.

"Kill them.  Kill them now," he demands in my head in a joyful sounding voice.

The power of the Dark side has me consumed.  Activating my blade---they engage theirs. I don't want to bother wasting the energy sparring. Quickly, my hand rises forward in the air and with the Force---I snap both of their necks.  I feel the crack ripple through the Force.  Ending their lives brings me joy---the darkness is winning.

"Pathetic weren't they?  No matter," he whispers in my head.

There is no point in fighting him.  It would be a losing battle; he has the advantage now.  He knew all along this would happen.  Anger from the thought bursts through my mind.  I feel my vision clouding and our power synergizing together.  If he takes complete hold of me and vanquishes my light inside---then he wins.  I can't let him. I have to hold on just a bit longer. I have to see my plan through to the end.  I must correct all the wrongs of the past---especially my own.

Walking over their corpses, the door opens. Inside, I'm completely blown away by what I see. An intricate design with a large ball in the center.  Surrounding the ball are circuits and wires.  It looks like the driver connects to the ship and operates it with their mind. The energy in here is overwhelming---pure Sith design.  This sort of technology cannot be allowed to survive.  Our galaxy would be no match to fight it.  I need to get them to Ahch-To.

"I know you are here! Come out now!" I scream into the seemingly empty bridge. I sense them---they have arrived.

Another door in the corner opens and out walks the same clone I faced on Hutta. I point my yellow blade at him and engage the other end---making my double-bladed saber ready for combat.

"I have been waiting for this for quite some time now," he sneers.

"I still don't remember your name," I taunt. His face draws an angry frown, and he then activates his red blade.

Jumping in the air---over some control tables---I crash my blade into his.  Our sparring begins.  Crashing and blocking, he's no match for my skill in combat and the anger fueling it.  But I sense something even more sinister afoot.  There are more of them coming.

From the same door I entered, another two clones engage their blades and come around this clone.  They don't immediately engage my---why?

This Cassian is demonstrating skill in combat technique number eight. What is he waiting for?  I am growing more angry and tired at the same time.  The Dark side is draining me of my endurance---or is someone else doing that?

"Enough!" I scream. I blindside him with style two, Juyo.  The aggression disarms him and with a quick swoop---I decapitate him.  I'm physically and mentally drained from using the Force.  This was their intention all along---to tire me out.  

"Feels good, doesn't it? Do it again.  Feel their life drain by your hand!" Sidious says in my mind.

The other two surround me on both sides.  I sense they won't fight me.

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