Chapter 15: Discoveries

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"A library, sort of."

"Sort of? What do you mean, Rey?" Finn looks at me quizzically while walking over to the direction I'm headed.

There is a large desk in the corner of the room that has miscellaneous books, documents, and items I have been studying the last few times I was on Coruscant--scattered on the top.  This place is an information treasure trove that is full of discoveries that were not destroyed when the Jedi fell. 

"Someone by the name of Dooku created this place decades and decades ago--I suppose.  I dug up what info I could on him but all I could find was that he left the Jedi order and became the leader of the Separatists during the Clone Wars."

"You don't say," he says as he picks up an item at random off a shelf and inspects it. 

"Why did he create this place? Better yet, how," he says looking around.

"I'm not sure honestly.  All I know is that this was all collected and documented by him.  It appears he was quite fixated on the research and information of Sith relics.  Probably because the Jedi order forbade it.  I would like to thank him though because I have found the information in this room very useful during my quests in the outer rim."

I stand behind the desk and Finn walks over to the front.  I carefully grab my small side satchel and remove the relic from the bag.  The red light pulsates deeper now than before.  Carefully, I set it up on the desk next to papers I had been reading once.  

Finn lowers down to the level of the relic and starts to look at the markings. "What do you think they say?"

"Nuo Blow: Kash Nie Vel than Lot: Eilemas iv Mus Prie Sulig Amzi Kia eternity," I finish and stare into Finn's eyes.  

He rises and stares into my very soul.  His body releases a shiver and his mouth parts slightly open. "Rey..."

"For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity."

"Ok, ya--secrets have to stop now! Where--when did you learn to read Sith! Besides that what else have you been hiding from me, Rey!" he yells. A small tear forms in his eyes. I sense his feeling of betrayal. 

"I went back to Exegol after I buried Luke and Leia's sabers on Tattoine.  There were numerous things left after the destruction and I happened to grab a few books in the crypt. That's how I learned it.  I don't know much more than basic translations," I lie. 

"You went back to Exegol! What the kriff Rey! Why did you do that? Better yet, why do you feel like you can't talk to me anymore!"

"It was nothing.  I just forgot something is all."

"What could you have possibly forgotten there?" his face begins to harden with anger.

Tears start to form in my eyes.  I shake my head slightly as my face falls to the floor. I let the tears fall.  I feel sadness growing in me.  The fear that I'm isolating myself from those that I love shocks my heart.  How I wish I could tell him I went back for the answers and to find the path.  How I wish I could tell him there's a solution for the growing darkness.  How I wish I could tell him everything...

"His shirt," I sniffle in the sobs. The memory of our final moment together floods my mind. The happiness is flooded with the sadness of his death.

I sense the anger subsiding in Finn.  He places his hand on his hip and then looks at me.  His body softens before he speaks. "I'm sorry," his voice trails.

"Don't worry about it.  I don't want to talk about it." I turn my attention to the relic on the table as I wipe away tears. 

"Does anyone else know about this place?" 

"Not that I'm aware.  I found this place by accident actually.  I was wandering around the corridors trying to take my mind off some things and I felt the energy of this room behind the secret door in the wall.  I have been coming here for some time now. I actually find it surprisingly calming."

"I see... I may need to come here and do some digging as well."

"You're more than welcome to.  But now, to business.  I have to tell you something, Finn," my words linger as his eyes perk up with excitement.

"What is it?" he questions softly.

"The enemy wanted us to have this relic.  I'm positive they planted it in the ship themselves."

"Why would they do that?" Finn's face draws concern.

"If this relic does hold the information we suspect and the fact they wanted us to have it; my intuition tells me that they can't do it themselves.  Why that is---I do not know," I lie.

"So this is a trap then?" 

"Yes.  But a trap that I'm willing to pursue to find out why they want us to have this or what they think we are going to do with it.  Finn, I can only trust you knowing this.  If Poe finds out I know that he will have this relic destroyed."

Finn nods in assurance.  I know that I can trust him. "No time to waste then.  After you," Finn looks at me and then to the relic.  I sense his excitement at the idea of us having another adventure together. 

With a wave of my right hand, I use the Force to unlock the relic.  The relic begins to shift and the top opens--projecting a Holocron above. 

"Wow..." Finn's voice slows as his eyes gaze at the glowing projection.

"We look in awe at the files projected in the Holocron.  All the information Darth Vader discovered and documented is in this relic.  All the information I need has been put here. I smile from the discovery.

I scroll through the information and see there is a file labeled Key.  Without hesitation, I click on the file and a series of images appear. 

"What is that?" Finn questions.

"I have no idea.  But, I know where we can find it." My eyes turn to Finn, and we both give one another a smile. 

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