Chapter 38: Cyclopean Base

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"It was very easy to find construct my double-bladed saber.  All I did was---"

"The Master Codebreaker shall see you both now," his secretary interrupts us at the table and ushers with her hand toward the hallway. The secretary wears a gold and white, short-sparkly dress.  Her golden hair is pulled back into a tight bun and her makeup is breathtaking.  She's wearing heels far too high to walk comfortably in.   I assume Master Codebreaker would hate for his female companions to be able to run away from his presence. 


"I hope you two enjoyed my rare vintage, Kri'gee," Master Codebreaker says.  Sitting at the negotiation table once more with a small package next to his hands.

Jace and I take our seats across from him.  "It was quite easy getting access for you both on Cyclopean Base, I must say.  With the demise of First Order's power, I dare say they have become quite lazy with their security," he says opening the package.

Sliding two badges across the table---Master Codebreaker leans back in his chair.  "Those cards will get you access to anywhere with the highest clearance on Cyclopean.  However, your goal of getting on The Ascendancy will not happen by me, my dear," he says looking at me.

"What are you saying," Jace questions firmly. I sense his rising pulse from the news.  I calm my emotions and scan the Master Codebreaker.

"You see, my good man, the only way to get clearance into The Ascendancy is to get it from inside the ship.  This ship works on a special program or some algorithm---the likes of which I have never seen before.  The data is almost---" 

"Organic," I interrupt.

"Yes, exactly, so smart you are."

"So you're saying you can't do it. I guess we wasted our time and resources here, Master Jedi," Jace says rising from his seat in frustration.  He knows so much is riding on the success of this mission.  I grab his arm and pull him back in his seat---calling his frustrated bluff to get Master Codebreaker to change his story. 

"He's telling the truth," I say looking at Jace.  Jace sits back in his chair and grabs the arms of the seat. 

"What's the alternative then?" I ask.

"You have to sneak on somehow, I suppose, darling.  There is a way to do that, to be sure. There would have to be. However, I have to leave that up to your devices," he says with a smug smile.

I can't control it any longer---the darkness.  Reaching out through the Force, I apply pressure around his neck---ever so gently.  I watch with pleasure as he begins to squirm in his seat from the uncomfortable pressure.  His eyes look deeply into mine---a scared rat fearing the end. I should just kill him right here.  Right the wrongs and avenge the death of the fallen soldiers I lost.  I feel the blood in his veins trying to push through the mysterious hold around his neck. His oxygen is becoming lower and lower as I increase the pressure. Both of his hands slam against his collar trying to pull at the invisible clutch.

"Rey!" Jace screams and grabs my arm. He's never called me by my first name before.  

I release the hold on the Master Codebreaker and watch him gasp for air. "Tell me, how do we use our devices and sneak onto this ship?" I say, trying to still my mind.

He coughs and gasps for as much air as his lungs will gather. With a shaken breath, "the ship---" he coughs. "The ship will land and all aboard will disembark.  You can sneak on as one of their own but you'd need to do away with the people whose identity you take---" he coughs once more and slicks his hair back as if nothing happened.

"Perfect, where do we start?" I ask menacingly.

"My secretary shall take you down the hall and get uniforms.  After, you shall go to my private garage where a vehicle suited to taxi commanding officers awaits.  Once you reach the base, there is nothing else I can do for you, darling."

"Pleasure doing business with you, Master Codebreaker," I say rising with my new badge in my left hand and right extended to shake his.

He clears his throat and rises from his seat. Jace follows after and is in awe of what just took place.

"The pleasure is all mine," he says shaking my hand.


"You know, of all the vehicles I've ridden.  I have never been in one of these babies before," Jace says as he adjusts his Fleet Admiral hat in front of the mirror in the speeder.

"This is the nicest I've been in.  Amazing, he just happened to have a PL-Ninety luxury speeder lying around for us to use," I smile as I make sure the medals on my Grand Admiral uniform are straight.

"You didn't use those Jedi mind-tricks, I've heard about, on him, did you?" Jace turns to me and asks with a big smile on his face---he knows the truth.

"Oh, of course not," I lie and grin back to Jace.  "He probably realized this ship was far more comfortable than the other one he had planned for us."

We turn our attention front and center and sit with perfect posture in our seats---the way an admiral would. The droid chauffeur lowers to ground level and approaches the gate into Cyclopean Base.

"This is it, we're on our own now. Don't speak to them or make eye contact with anyone lower than you---that's my job.  The speeder is going to take us as close to The Ascendancy's docking point as possible,"

I feel my sabers hidden in the pockets of my overcoat.  Looking at the clock inside the speeder---I turn to Jace. "We have less than one hour before the ship arrives,"

The speeder pulls to the entry gate and it's robotic arm hands a card to the officer inside the security box. The officer grabs the card and scans the information.  He looks inside the vehicle back at us in our seats. 

"I expect an officer to salute and stand at attention when we approach!" Jace exclaims with a sneer.

"My apologies, Fleet Admiral Hawking.  We weren't informed you'd be arriving this early," the man says and salutes.  He presses a few buttons and the gate opens.  The droid drives our speeder inside. 

"This is where the fun begins," I say to myself.

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