Chapter 34: Inspection

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"Jedi Master."

The sound of Jace's voice breaks my concentration on the memory. Opening my eyes, I see him standing in front of me with his pack on.

"We are about to reach the checkpoint.  We need to take our positions near the cargo hold," Jace says firmly. 

Rising from the lounger, I grab my pack and throw it on my back.  Making sure the hat I was given is straight---I follow Jace to the cargo hold. I can feel my yellow double-bladed saber and the Dark Saber are secured in my bag.

I feel our ship break from the light speed.  I know that we are close to the planet's outer defenses and checkpoints now.  Before I take my seat by the cargo hold door---I see Zofrinic walk past.  He must have been double-checking things in the engine room.  He stops and turns his face up from looking at the ground and makes eye contact with me.

Reaching out through the Force, I sense he won't betray us.  He's surprisingly calm for what lengths he must go through to get us through the planet's defensive checkpoints.  His eyes are soft, and he gently nods to me.  The motion is a non-verbal affirmation of his loyalty---he won't betray us.  

I'm finding this paranoia is driving me mad.  All that I have learned and discovered since Exegol---I'm surprised I even trust myself.  My mind doubts everyone's intentions.  Part of me feels it's because I have woven so many mistruths---deceived my all friends.  All to protect the secret that I refuse to speak aloud.  The secret that has woven its poisonous needle into my heart---turning me against the light.  I know what must be done but I'm wondering if I have the strength to do it anymore---the cost it will take from me.

All that Jace and I can do is wait.  He sits steadfast in his crewman's chair across from mine. 

"Have you ever been to Vardos before?" I ask.

"Not in a very long time...long time," Jace says softly.  Blinking slowly, remembering what must have been a dangerous mission he took in the name of the Republic.

"Anything I need to know?"

"You're a Jedi Master, you have all that you need," Jace chuckles slightly.

His words hit me like a stone.  Those words, you have everything you need.  Leia spoke those words to me while training on Ajan Kloss.  A time when I could not find balance and doubted I could wield Master Skywalker's blade. 

"Leia, what more do I need? I feel as though I'm not enough.  Not enough to win the war and restore peace. How can I do this? I'm losing hope..."

"Rey, trust in the Force and above all trust in yourself.  What you must do, choose to do, on the road ahead will test you.  It will take everything from you, Rey.  But know this, no matter what happens or where the course of destiny takes you---you have all that you need."

I grow silent reminiscing on the image of Leia looking at me.  Her eyes were so warm and encouraging.  She knew the destiny that would unfold up to now.  Deep down she knew what would happen in the end.  Why couldn't she tell me what was to come?  

I feel my heart sink.  Closing my eyes I regain focus on my restless emotions.  After a moment, I reopen my eyes, I see Jace staring at me.

"I got a feeling something is about to happen."

"I sense it too," I reply.

Zofrinic's voice speaks over the intercom. "Prepare to be boarded."

Reaching out through the Force, I bring a calm to my mind. Looking back to Jace we nod at one another.  All we have to do is play the part and don't speak.  They will suspect us if we talk too much.

The freighter shakes as a tractor beam pulls it into a security cruiser's entry bay.  My heart beats slightly faster.  I can hear alarms going off outside of our freighter.  This is still a First Order occupied planet---we have no allies hiding here if we get into trouble.

Several minutes pass, eventually I hear the boarding ramp deploy and the rushing of booted feet through the freighter.  About ten armed inspection guards enter the freighter.  They are probably looking for contraband---they hate competition.  The First Order and the Empire were notorious in controlling the drug trade in their occupied systems.

I hear them searching and rushing through every area of the freighter.  They have small scanners looking to detect any unauthorized weapons.

"Garage and cargo hold are clear, sir," a security Stormtrooper says to his commanding officer.

I hear others telling their lead that other areas of the ship are clear.  I sense Zofrinic coming out of the cockpit and greeting the security personnel. 

He walks with confidence to the commanding officer who has a red pauldron on his right shoulder. "Detail on your crew,"  the commanding Stormtrooper demands Zofrinic.  He hands the officer a data pad with the information about Jace and me on it.

The guard takes several moments to scan the information. "Where did you pick these crewmen up from?  Your last check-in was Corellia."

The guard is testing Zofrinic---he could betray us easily right now to spare his own life.  I keep my eyes focused on the wall ahead of me and patiently sit in my seat.

"Picked them up on Kuat.  They are new maintenance recruits for the Alpha Axium Weapons Factory located in the capital," Zofrinic says without a moment of hesitation.  He must have read and reread the details sent by Maz. 

The guard doesn't move and scans Zofrinic up and down behind the cover of his mask.  The silence between them is deafening.  

"Wouldn't want to keep Mof Korvan waiting, now would we?" Zofrinic says before the guard has time to deny us access. 

I sense great fear in the commanding officer from hearing that name.  Jace and I remain still in our seats as another officer walks over to us. The armed guard stops and looks down at me. I keep my head still and forward-facing---I do not lookup. The brim of my hat is covering my eyes.  His gloved hand reaches down and lifts the brim to try to examine my face.  Before he can lift too high---the commanding officer calls them off the inspection.

I don't move or fix the hat.  I watch them exit with my peripheral vision.  After a few moments, they leave and the loading ramp engages---closing once again.  

I turn and look at Zofrinic standing in the same spot he engaged the officer.  Placing his hands on his hips, he pivots and looks at us down the hall.

"Close one, eh?" he says with a smile and winks at us. "It's not about what you know, but who you know."

We both exhale a sigh of relief.  

"I hear if they escort you out of the ship, they kill you once you step off the ramp," Jace says with a smile and winks at me.

"Good thing we're still here then. I would hate to have to kill all of them before they got the chance," I smile and chuckle back.  Jace appreciates my humor.

Zofrinic has entered the cockpit and I can feel the engines engaging. The ship moves to a hover position and I can feel us exiting out the cruiser back to space.  

"Hold on to your disguises, it's going to get harder from here," Zofrinic says over the intercom.

"I can imagine," I say aloud.

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