Chapter 37: Dance With Darkness

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"So, there I was, about to get blown to bits.  When suddenly this Rancor busts through the cave wall, steps over the thermal detonator, and boom! I was able to jump on the speeder and ride away from the First Order mercenaries!" Jace gesticulates with his story.   

We left the bar after our glass of Kri'gee and found a secluded table in the corner of the Parlor.  Jace and I have swapped stories for about an hour now.  The Master Codebreaker shouldn't be much longer with our request.

"That is so unbelievable that you survived that mission," I respond with a smile.  Leaning back in my chair I look around the glamorously decorated room.  The female companions, of the Master Codebreaker, yawn from boredom with their drinks.

"Must be quite uneventful to have their job," I giggle. Looking from the women back to Jace.

"Completely," Jace says with a grin.

"Quite dull," his voice whispers in my head.

"Begone!" I demand to myself.

"Anyways, once we have the details from...." Jace's voice trails as I lose focus.

"Me? Be gone? Is that any way to talk to your flesh and blood!" he lets out a cackle. 

"Jedi Master?" Jace questions.

"Hmm? Sorry, I need to use...the refresher.  Would you please excuse me for a moment?" 

"Of, course."

I rise from my seat and walk across the parlor back to the barman. "Which way to the refresher?" The Cathar looks at me drying a glass and points down the hallway. 

"Thank you," I respond rushing past him.

My vision is blurring and I start seeing double.  I bump into the wall near the refresher and almost knock down a portrait---the door opens and I rush inside.  Quickly, I press the button and lock the refresher behind me.  I'm almost blinded by the brightness of this room.  Everything is Wayland marble with gold fixtures.  It figures he would go over the top---even in the refresher.

I stumble across the floor and make it to the vanity sink.  The water turns on and I immediately start splashing my face with it.  Closing my eyes, I reach out to the Force.  The light is fighting to reach me---darkness is growing stronger in my mind.  

My eyes break open, as I try and catch my breath---it's like I'm losing consciousness. 

"Get out of my head!" I scream at the mirror.

There is no response. 

My hands rest against the sides of the sink---I look into the mirror at my reflection.  My mouth is snarling and my eyes are darkening.  

"Get out!" I scream.

The darkness in my complexion starts to lighten from the demand I made.  I rip at the tie in my hair and the braid comes loose.  Grabbing the strands of my hair, I pull my brown locks back up into my signature single bun.  With both hands, I slap at the sides of my cheeks and forehead---to bring color back to my complexion with circulation.  

"It's what had to be done," I tell myself.

I catch my breath and stare deeply into the eyes of my reflection.


Thunder rolls in the distance. Even with the demise of Palpatine---darkness lingers here. An endless maze of tunnels and caverns with information lies before me in this Sith Temple.  All the secrets of the Dark side have been mine since that fateful day. 

I feel as though I've spent months here but barely any time has passed outside this planet.  Somehow, this place evades time itself.  I have used that to my advantage to study as much as I can within these walls. So much of it, I still don't understand.  I wish that I could speak this ancient language---this would go so much faster.

My lantern light glows against the elaborately carved cavern.  I found a tunnel beneath fallen rocks a few weeks ago near the giant chain structure. I can't understand the carvings---if only C-3PO was here.  With that reboot, we gave him on Kijimi, he'd have no problem telling me what these Sith hieroglyphs mean.

"It's here..."

Facing the wall, I see numerous carvings drawing out something.  I move the lantern closer to the images. I reach out and run my hands over the deep carvings in the wall---tracing them with my fingertips.

"The World Between Worlds? This has to be it!" I think to myself. There is a triangle carved in the wall a being on one side and two on the other.  There are lines drawn connecting the three between the triangle.  "Ah! What is this saying!"

"This has to be it.  The answer I have been searching across the galaxy for a year to find.  It's right in front of me.

"Are you sure it's the World Between Worlds you need?" his sinister voice echos down the cavern.

I turn around quickly. I sense that I am the only light in the Force present here---I don't respond.  I feel the darkness wrapping its twisted soul around my body. I manage to drop the lantern and hear it crash on the stone floor. I will my double-bladed lightsaber to my hand and activate both ends.

"Where are you!" 

"I am everywhere..."

"What do you want!"

"To help you.  It is the only way you can bring him back, after all. That's what you have been searching for...haven't you?"

"I will never trust anything you say," I say firmly and look around the room. I sense no beings, alive, are present.  The energy of the past remains locked away in here---he's trapped.

"My dear granddaughter, look at the carving on the wall," his voice is demanding and deep. 

I keep my blade engage and slightly turn and look at the carving with my peripheral vision. I am almost mesmerized by the full image of what I see as the lightsaber glow illuminates the carvings above the image.  My eyes pull me in the direction to completely face the wall carving. 

"I know you have been to Mustafar.  It didn't work for The Dark Lord, Vader---did it... Opened the wrong door.  Such a tragedy."

I don't respond. 

"You see, you're missing a special piece to your plans.  Darth Vader, too, was missing a piece as well.  Doors won't open without a key," I can almost hear him smiling from the words.


"Yes.  Without it, the door won't open and I'm afraid...young Ben Solo will be lost to time---forever."

"What could I possibly be missing?"

"You're,"  his voice deepens and I shudder from the word "me".

"Tell me..."


I step away from the mirror and exit the refresher.  Trying to stand tall, I walk down the hall and head back into the parlor.  I must not have been gone long, because no one seemed to move from their previous positions.

Passing several sofas, I make way back to Jace.  He nods and gives me a little smile.

"New hairstyle?" Jace jests.

"Wasn't feeling like myself," I smile and take my seat.  

"His secretary came and informed me he's almost ready with our request."

"Excellent.  It's time to get to work then."

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