The Winner, The Loser, and The Punishment

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Third POV

"So Cooooooool!" Jason exclaimed into the microphone.

"Yesterday all the mages got the Stellanium and today we are waiting for the winner. In first place we have Natsu Dragneel and Jet! Right behind them are Levy, Lucy, Happy, and Juvia! Erza Gray and Gajeel seem to be putting up a fight to catch up to the three girls ahead of them." Jason explained.

Master smiled.

'My children sure grew up.' Master thought.

Minerva looked at the lacrima to see everyone running determined to stayed out of last place.

"We're almost there!" A tired member near the back cheered only to be punched to the side by Bickslow

"Sorry man but I ain't getting last place." Bickslow said running ahead, knowing he had overslept and could be in trouble.

Before the poor member could say a word Jellal and his group rushed past him, Lisanna, and then the last couple mages, which turned out to be Macao, Cana, and Wakaba.

"One! Two! One! Two!" Ultear said trying to make Meredy follow a rhythm.

"Can we slow down?" Sorano whined

"Suit yourself. According to Erza the punishments aren't necessarily the easiest." Jellal said still jogging.

Sorano pouted and sped up once she noticed she was left behind.

"Nee-chan......" Yukino sweat dropped.

"Are you sure she's the oldest out of you two?" Sting asked scratching his head.

Yukino nodded.

"Sure doesn't look or sound like it." Orga said crossing his arms.

Yukino sweat dropped seeing her sister trip over a nonexistent rock.

"Looks like Sorano dubbed The Angel is having trouble keeping up!" Jason exclaimed into the microphone.

Fairy Tail sweat dropped at the nickname.

"I am an angel!" Sorano exclaimed standing up.

'Here we go again' Erik thought rolling his eyes bracing himself to hear Sorano's long explanation as to why she is an angel.

"I'm an angel because I am beautiful and kind!" Sorano started making Erik burst out laughing.

"Your name and kind don't belong in the same sentence!" Erik exclaimed running ahead making Sorano run after him.

"Get back here you Snake!" Sorano screamed trying to catch up to Erik so she could strangle him.

"Y-yeah The Angel." Jason said sweat dropping along with everyone else.

As the race went on Lisanna couldn't help but start falling behind. In Edolas she wasn't always running and she certainly wasn't training as much now that she was back.

'I can't fall to last place!' Lisanna thought as she ran.

As she ran Lisanna thought back to her time in Edolas. Although she was happy to be back to her real home she couldn't help but miss her life in Edolas.

' I wonder what Mira-nee and Elfman-niichan are doing right now.' Lisanna thought with a sad smile.

"Lisanna wait up!" Cana exclaimed trying to run ahead of Wakaba and Macao.

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