Found and The Fight PT. 2

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Third POV

Lucy, Lisanna, and Happy were walking through the tunnels, when Lisanna began to speak.

"Hey umm Lucy?" Lisanna asked, her nerves eating her alive.

Lucy looked up from the map and turned towards Lisanna.

"Anything wrong Lis-chan?"

Happy was studying Lisanna suspicious she might want to yell at Lucy again. Lisanna was never his mother figure it was only a game when he was young, but Lucy was his mother figure. Lucy was a bit weird, but she was kind, loving, and strong. She always took care of him and Natsu when they got sick. She would feed them and she was always there for them when they needed her. So when Lisanna yelled at her in the library, it didn't sit well with him.

"Sorry for yelling at you earlier, its just I thought you were playing around a-and I don't want anyone to get hurt." Lisanna said.

Lucy sighed and Happy continued to examine her.

"Lis-chan, I already told you it was fine. Besides it was my fault for not noticing the rune on the book. Don't blame yourself for that again okay?" Lucy said.

Happy smiled at Lucy, she was once again showing how kind and forgiving she was. It reminded him of when Sabertooth came to apologized.

The guild was being as chaotic as always. They were actually in the middle of a brawl, when Sabertooth mages walked through the guild doors.

Sting, Rouge, and Minerva were at the front while, Yukino, Rufus, and Orga were behind them. Seeing them made the guild go on high alert.

Natsu Erza and Gray were quick to surround Lucy, Happy, Carla, and Wendy. The guilds had called a truce, but they still weren't on the friendliest terms.

Master Makarov jumped down from the second floor onto the first, looking at Sting, the new guild master of Sabertooth.

"What brings you here?" Master Makarov asked.

Sting looked at him.

"We came to formally apologize for our behavior before and during the Grand Magic Games." Sting said.

Master had been taken aback but none the less nodded.

"We cannot accept your apology unless every member agrees."

Sabertooth was left agape, but didn't protest knowing that it would only be fair.

One by one the teams came forth and spoke to the group of mages. Everyone had come to terms so far, that is until it was Team Natsu's turn.

The tension between the groups made everyone nervous. When Minerva stretched her hand out trying to pull Lucy to the front, Erza was quick to draw her sword.

"Don't. Touch. Her." Erza had said venom laced in each of her words, while her sword was pushed close to Minerva's neck.

Lucy quickly grabbed Erza's arm, slightly pulling it away from Minerva's neck.

"Erza please stop they came to apologize not fight." Lucy said before looking at the Saber's apologetically.

Sabertooth was left wordless by Lucy's words, along with Fairy Tail.

"Lucy she beat you more to the point of almost killing you!" The guild exclaimed.

Minerva looked away from Lucy, trying so hard not to let anyone see her weak. Lucy noticed and walked up towards her. Natsu and Happy tried to stop her but it was too late she was already standing next to Sabertooth's mages.

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