The Job and The Search PT.2

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Third POV

Natsu and Gray had finally stopped running. Natsu turned around and saw that they were missing one person.

"Where is Lisanna?" Natsu asked confused as to where she was if she was right behind them.

Gray shrugged, "Lets go look for her Ash Breath."

Natsu punched Gray, "What was it Ice Block?"

Gray was about to throw a punch at Natsu when he saw Lisanna running towards them.

"You guys! Don't just run off!" Lisanna scolded slightly as she catched up.

Natsu and Gray both smiled at the small memory this brought.

Lucy Natsu and Gray were all in a rescue team, searching for any survivors, after they had defeated a man that controlled an S-class monster. Gray and Natsu were serious for once since the man had made the monster destroy the city killing hundreds in the process. And why was all that destruction necessary? In the words of the man it was the only way to take revenge against his father, who had 'forced' him to help care for his sick mother. Lucy had been so angry it was her who gave the final blow destroying the monster and knocking the man out in the process. Natsu, Gray, and Erza had been so proud and shocked they had almost hugged Lucy to death. Wendy, Carla, and Happy were the ones that saved her since they had already seen Lucy do something like that before.

Lucy was investigating the surrounding area for any survivors, as she looked around she did not notice Natsu taking off followed by Gray. As Natsu ran the groans of pain and the cries distress got louder. When they reached the collapsed building they saw that there was an opening large enough to pass through. Natsu went in first and lit up his fists in flames, Gray followed. Once inside they noticed a boulder blocking the way.

Natsu was about to punch it when Gray grabbed his arm.

"Are you crazy?!" Gray yelled.

"What do ya mean?!" An irritated Natsu shot back.

"The boulder is the only thing holding this place up!!" Gray shouted, finally gaining the attention from the people.

"Help!!!" They screamed.

"Natsu!!! Gray!!! Where are you?!"

Natsu and Gray heard from outside.

"In here!!" They both yelled

Lucy heard and ran into the building.

"Don't just run off you guys!! I was worried!" Lucy said worry laced in her words, and a small frown on her face.

Natsu and Gray slightly blushed when Lucy began to check for any injuries, Lucy being completely oblivious to it continued to search for anything serious.

"Please help us!!!" The people on the other side of the boulder screamed.

Lucy flinched at the volume of the scream, but knew is was worse for Natsu. She quickly asked if he was okay and he nodded. Once Lucy made sure both of her friends were fine, she turned towards the boulder and began to study the it.

"If the boulder is destroyed then the people on the other side will be able to pass, but that won't work since the building is not collapsing because of the boulder itself." Lucy muttered.

Lucy then clicked her fingers.

"Open gate of the Maiden!! Virgo!!" Lucy chanted, and a ding dong was heard before a puff was made.

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