Angel or Devil

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Third POV

The weekend was over and the girls had returned to the guild. Lucy and Lisanna were helping Mira at the bar, Levy was reading while Gajeel and Panther Lily ate beside her, Gray and Natsu were fighting before Erza stopped them, Jellal was helping Wendy and Romeo with a puzzle, and Juvia was back to spying on her Gray-sama.

All in all the guild was having a normal, well until the guild doors burst open revealing a tall young man. He had his black hair slicked back and he had cold purple eyes, his skin looked soft and he had a toned body, even under his thick suit it was obvious. It was as clear as glass that he rich and didn't enjoy being in a guild.

The guild froze as the male skimmed over the guild, his cold eyes looking uninterested, until his eyes landed on a girl. She was gorgeous her porcelain skin and attractive figure pulled him in. He walked towards her and as he reached her she looked even more beautiful.

"My lady. Please tell me your name." The man said holding the Angel's hand

Mira was stunned, what was she supposed to do, tell an actual stranger her name?

"Mira-nee! Lucy went to the market we were short on green peppers-. Mira-nee?" Lisanna said coming out of the kitchen, snapping Natsu and Happy out of their trance to follow Lucy.

The man turned to glare at whoever had dared speak, but when he looked at Lisanna his breath hitched, she was also beautiful.

"Who are you?" Master asked once he made it down to the first floor.

The man turned towards Master, as if to intimidate, but Master looked at him bored.

"Who are you?" Master asked again

The man looked surprised, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"My name is Isogai Nakamura."

Master sighed.

"You're the one looking for a bride huh?"  Master said

Isogai nodded.

"I must say that your guild has really beautiful ladies, sir?"

Master smirked.

"They are my children and are radiant."

Mira and Erza glared

"Master." They said sternly.

Master deflated amusing Isogai further.

"May I take some of your girls for examination?" Isogai asked

Master held back a growl, he was not about to let a total stranger take his children away.

"Excuse me?"

Isogai huffed it was annoying having to to explain everything everytime he went to a guild.

"To be eligible to be my bride the ladies have to pass basic communication and coordination skills." Isogai explained looking around more to see if more than the two ladies were eligible.

"No." Master said simply walking to the bar.

Isogai was left stunned and the guild got back to what they were doing.

"Mira a beer please." Master said

Mira nodded and served the order.

Isogai was still stunned by the refusal of the Master, since all of the the other guilds he had gone to had given their approval.

Isogai sighed and turned around to leave, but was met with a flying body crashing into his.

"What the hell popsicle?!" Natsu screamed standing up and lunging at Gray.

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