Unexpected Visitors PT. 2

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(Okay so I was told that Frosch was a boy but to be honest I want to keep him as a girl in this story so I'm sorry Frosch is going to be a girl. That's all!)

Third POV

As some as the exceeds finished eating they went together go fo their usual things, aside from Happy who had fallen back asleep. Taking the opportunity Natsu went to go talk to Lucy.

"Want to go on a job?" Natsu asked

Lucy nodded.


Natsu smiled.

"How about tomorrow?"

Lucy shook her head.

"The rest of the week I'm helping at the bar."

Natsu's smile fell.

"But Luce!" Natsu whined getting the attention from the Sabertooth members, Fairy Tail didn't pay attention since this happened every time Lucy couldn't go on a job or help him in one of his silly pranks.

"Sorry Natsu. How about we go on a mission next week? I promise I won't complain." Lucy said.

Natsu smiled as he planned to take one of the dumbest jobs on the board.


Lucy shook her head.

'Natsu is most likely going to want to take the collect the chickens job.' Lucy thought.

As Lucy let Happy sleep she turned to see Plue was now playing with Bickslow's babies, Auska, and Frosch with Lector and Panther Lily watching them.

"Pun Pun!" Plue exclaimed as he stood on top of two of Bickslow's babies.

"Pun Pun, Pun Pun!" Bickslow's babies repeated as they flew around the guild.

Lucy giggled seeing Plue was smiling wider than usual.

"Don't drop Plue!" Bickslow told his babies as he gave Evergreen her food before he headed out to get something from the store, knowing that his babies would be under the care of his team.

"Plue, Plue!" Bickslow's babies repeated.

Frosch and Auska wowed before following them, Auska ran while Frosch flew. Rogue couldn't help but let out some tears.

"Frosch has grown up so much." Rogue said as a tear slipped down his eye.

Lector smiled a bit.

'Fairy Tail isn't so bad.'

After a while of flying Frosch descended, she still needed to train a bit to extend her flight period. Auska also stopped running since she was tired and needed to eat. Frosch yawned a bit and walked towards Rogue, extending her arms up Rogue quickly picked her up and cradled her. Falling asleep Frosch dreamt of a queen that saved his friend from the shadow that haunted him. Auska in the other hand sat down with her mom and dad and began to eat.

Happy woke up after his nap ten minutes later, rubbing his eyes Happy turned to Lucy, who was still watching Plue play with Bickslow's babies.

"Lushee?" Happy asked his voice still full of sleep.

Lucy looked down at Happy looking to see if something was wrong.

"Yes?" Lucy answered when she found a bit of nervousness in Happy.

"Can I train?" Happy asked quietly.

"Sure! Do you need help? Want me to call Capricorn? Today I can summon him." Lucy asked

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