Fighting to Liberate Pt.1

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Third POV

When the mages reached the boiling waters, Elder Selik began to speak.

"Children please take care and thank you in advance for helping us escape this hell." Elder Selik said bowing to the group.

The group smiled and quickly broke into their groups.

With Lucy Happy and Natsu.

"This way!" Lucy said leading the group as Natsu and Happy stayed back making sure no one was left behind.

As Natsu and Happy walked around, Natsu suddenly felt a rise in heat.

"Stay here Happy I'll be back." Natsu said seriously.

Happy nodded, making Natsu quickly run towards the heat. As Natsu ran he noticed the walls had some sort of Lacrima implanted. Natsu stopped and took one of the lacrima out immediately identifying it as a heat lacrima.

'Why would they need heat lacrimas if there is a volcano?' Natsu thought.

After pondering for a while Natsu shook his head, if the demons were being evacuated there shouldn't be a problem.

"Just a little more and we'll be there!" Lucy said making the demons cheer.

After a couple minutes the demons were out of the village and hidden by a wall of trees.

"Do you know the way back home?" Lucy asked

The demons nodded.

"Okay. Be careful, and please tell Chief Moka Fairy Tail says hello." Lucy said smiling sweetly.

"Thank you for everything." The demons said as they began to fly.

Lucy smiled and turned around to see Natsu and Happy.

"They left already so let's head back yeah?" Lucy said.

Natsu nodded.

"Okay but we'll be running there from up here." Natsu said.

Lucy frowned slightly not understanding.

"Why is there a problem with the tunnel?" Lucy asked.

Natsu sighed.

"There were heat lacrimas implanted on the walls around the demons town. Something seemed to turn them on and it's hot according to Happy." Natsu explained.

Lucy frowned.

"Something is off about this. Grampa Crux didn't say anything about that." Lucy said before shaking her head.

"Okay let's go. Who knows what other surprises were left for the others." Lucy said.

Natsu smiled and nodded before they took off.

With Bickslow, Levy, and Freed

Levy groaned in frustration. The runes around the house were stacked and when they finished one set the next appeared.

"Good thing Freed came or it would be taking longer." Bickslow said.

"Longer! Longer!" His babies repeated.

Levy nodded.

"Do you have any news?" Feed asked Bickslow working on the rune he and Levy were currently stuck on.

Bickslow shook his head.

"I can't find anything out until I come into contact with Pappa." Bickslow said when out of the corner of his eye he saw an old man coming into view.

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