Fishing Trip and Apologies

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Third POV

Yesterday had been a tiring day, but Lucy managed to get up. She saw her two best friends sleeping on her bed and smiled. Those two had once again sneaked into her apartment to sleep. What she didn't count on was that someone would be sleeping on the couch. Lucy yelped and took a step back, but when she noticed it was Gray she sighed.

'Juvia is going to kill me when she finds out about this.'

Lucy walked to her drawer pulled out some clothes and went to shower.

When she was done she dressed and began to do her hair. Her hair ended up being in two twin braids.

Lucy then walked into the kitchen and began to cook breakfast

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Lucy then walked into the kitchen and began to cook breakfast.

'Eggs bacon rice and waffles should be enough for Gray and I. Fish for Happy and for Natsu I have to add hot sauce and egg omelets with toast and jam.'

Lucy began to fry the bacon when she felt something on her shoulder. She turned and saw Happy.

"Sleepy. . . . . mommy. . . . . fish" Happy muttered.

Lucy blushed.

'He's probably talking about Lisanna.' Lucy thought, sadness filling her.

Lucy shook her head this was not the time to think about that. Lucy started to cook the egg when she heard one of the chairs move.

"Gray can you help me?" Lucy asked without looking back.

Gray was shocked.

"How did you know it was me Lucy I didn't speak."

Lucy giggled.

"Natsu would've picked a fight with you and would've asked for Happy's whereabouts." Lucy said

Gray stood up and walked to Lucy.

"What do you need help with?"

"You can make the toast and help with the rice."

Gray nodded and went to the toaster.

'Does Natsu help her cook or does he just eat?'

Lucy continued to cook the food with Gray helping every so often. 15 minutes later the food was ready Lucy served the food and went to go wake up Natsu.

Gray sat down and began to eat. Seconds later Natsu sat down and stood shocked before he sat down to eat.

"Where's Lucy?"

Natsu looked up.

"She's showering Happy."

Gray nodded and continued to eat. When they were both down they put their plate in the sink. Lucy then walked into the kitchen with Happy and began to eat. Once she and Happy were done, Lucy began to wash the dishes.

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