110 ~ Month Thirty Two: July

Start from the beginning

"Afraid not kid!" I reply, "There's no way to change it now."

"Fingers crossed it's a boy then!" Danny replies enthusiastically.

"Fingers crossed." I chuckle, "A girl wouldn't be so bad, you know..."

"Nope!" He shakes his head furiously, "Don't be silly Aunt Annie! Boys are best!"

"Sav?" Brett calls out behind me and I turn to face him, eyes widening at the tall football player beside him.

"Danny, will you go find Mommy?" I ask as I put him down, "Tell her you can have as many cakes as you want now that I'm here!"

"Really?" He squeals, clapping his hands before disappearing into the crowd.

"Hi!" I exclaim, straightening up and smiling at the blonde guy and the small brunette beside him.

"This is Ryan, I used to play football with him." Brett introduces, "And his new wife Lizzie."

"It's lovely to meet you." I smile at the couple.

"You too!" Ryan grins, "Sorry it wasn't sooner, our honeymoon was a month long and then we couldn't get back because of poor weather." He rolls his eyes and I feel a wave of relief flood through me. I knew how close Brett and Ryan were, and yet up until now I had no idea whether he'd even told him about me. I shoot Brett a warm smile and he seems surprised at my expression, raising his eyebrows. He doesn't know that my mind has been overthinking where I stand with his friends for the past month. "Imagine my shock when I came back and found out Brett had moved in with a girl." Ryan continues, "And not only that, but the girl who's name he tattooed on himself." He laughs and I immediately suck in a breath. I'm sorry, what?

"Wait, what?"

"Ryan!" Brett exclaims, reaching out and shoving his shoulder as I continue to look between them, shocked to my core. My name isn't on his body, I would have seen it.

"Has Brett not told you?" Lizzie giggles and I shake my head. Oh no, my baby Daddy decided to keep this information to himself.

"Where?" I ask and Brett grimaces.

"My rib cage." He admits and I suck in a breath as I think of the foreign symbols, never having thought to ask what they mean, too wrapped up with other ideas when I look at him. Plus, the guy has so many tattoos now, it's hard to keep up.

"That's what that says?" My eyes nearly bulge out of my head as I grab onto his arm.

"The night after our first game we got ridiculously drunk and decided to get tattoos." Ryan explains, "I got my jersey number. He got some girl's name." He wrinkles his nose up at the memory, "I told him he'd regret it, but here we are." Ryan grins, "Congratulations!" He says and I can't help but smile in return. I already like him.

"Thank you." I reply.

"We'll have to meet up for dinner next week sometime?" Lizzie pipes up, "Really get to know each other!"

"That sounds good to me." I smile, glancing over at the still humiliated looking Brett. I don't know why he's embarrassed, that revelation is sure to score him some points in the bedroom tonight.


"Oh!" I exclaim, turning to look behind as someone calls my name, "Excuse me!" I say to Ryan and Lizzie.

"Of course!" Lizzie smiles and I quickly turn away to see a grinning brunette.


"You'll never guess what I just found out!" She exclaims, leading us away from people.

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