Chapter 17

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Harry POV:
We stay in Hogsmeade for longer then we expected, so by the time we got home
Teddy was screaming and crying because he was so tired. "Shhh... Teddy." I try to soothe my godson. "Let's get you up to bed."
"NO!" Teddy screams. "I not tired!"
"Shhh... Teddy you are so tired you don't even realize it, you'll feel better in the morning." Ginny says rubbing his back, Teddy says nothing just keeps crying. I set the little boy down, his screams are too loud to be so close to my ears. He drops to his knees and cries out, loud. Ginny groans, "why couldn't my mum had me earlier? I would know what to do."
"Let's just bring him up to bed, I'll lay with him until he falls asleep." I pick up the sleepy blue haired boy, he screams in protest. "Shh... Teddy Bear, I'll lay with you until you fall asleep."
Ginny changes him into his pajamas, but he put u quite the fight. I had to hold him down so she could take off his pants and shirt, but I made the mistake of letting go and he ran around the house, taking off his underwear at one point. So the next 20 minutes of the night were spent chasing my naked godson around the house. I finally caught him when I apparated in front of him, causing him to fall. "No bed!" Teddy yells.
"Yes bed!" I set him down on the floor. "Teddy, Harry and Ginny are very tired." I quickly change him, he starts crying again while I do. I lay him in the bed and lie next to him, I prop myself on my elbow and run small circles on the smalls boy's back, trying to calm him.
"Teddy," he looks at me, his eyes blood shot. "You want me to tell you a story?"
"Yes, pwease." My godson snuggles next to me.
Ginny POV:
I sit against the wall by the door to Teddy's room, listening to Harry tell Teddy a story about when he was a baby.
"You were, 7 months old and you always found Ginny's hair a good thing to hold onto. She was taking care of you while I took a quick shower. And when I came out I heard Ginny saying, "Ow, Teddy let go." You had a fistful of her fiery red hair, and were laughing your head off. I walked out and Ginny had me try to pull you away, but you wouldn't let go. We finally had to wait for you to fall asleep to get her free, she wore her hair back from then on."
"Tell me a story 'bout daddy." I hear Teddy say.
"Let's see..." Harry says thinking of the story. "Well when I was in my third year the Ministry sent dementors to Hogwarts."
"What are demtros?" a sleepy Teddy asks.
"They guard Hogwarts," Harry says, good he didn't go into detail. "No Teddy you have to lay down, we will play tomorrow."
"But-" Teddy says.
"No, come on I'll only tell you to story if you lay down." Harry says. "Alright, so the Ministry sent dementors and the only way to get rid of them is to cast the Patronus charm, and your dad taught me."
"He," Teddy yawns in between his words, "did?"
"Yes, he did. He taught me to fill myself up with the happiest memory I had and cast the spell. I couldn't do it for a while but your dad helped me through it." I don't mean to but I fall asleep on the floor.
Harry POV:
I hear Teddy's even breaths and pull the covers up to his chin, I kiss his head and say, "Good night Teddy, I love you." I quietly close the door and when I turn to go to the bed room I see Ginny asleep on the floor, her hands under her cheek and a slight smile on her face.
Ginny POV
He picks me up, bridal style and carries me into the room, he lays me on the bed and takes off my shirt and bra, I open my eyes and he is staring at my breasts but then puts on my pajama top, then he takes pants off and puts on my pajama pants, he picks me up again and lays me under the covers. "I love you Gin," he kisses my head.

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