Chapter 3

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Hey guys, this is just a filler chapter! I am SOOOOOOO sorry about not updating, I had so much homework. I got a migraine on Tuesday, and I have swimming every day for 2 hours! Also, this weekend I have a conformation retreat! I'm sorry again! I might be able to do a BIG update on Sunday or Monday night... But I'm not sure. Sorry!!

Edited by Eugenie1234

***Time lapse to September 1st, Teddy is about 6 months old and Ginny is going back to Hogwarts***

Harry's POV:

"Gin, come on we're going to be late!" I yell.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she says, coming outside holding Teddy. He is so cute at this age, and his hair is starting to change more. If he is angry it will be red but he is such a happy baby we hardly ever see it, but I think he realizes that Ginny is leaving.  He wouldn't stop screaming until she would hold him, and his hair now looks like a sadder blue.

"Oh Harry, I don't want to leave you guys."

"I know, but it will fly by, and you're Quidditch captain, so it will help pass time." I tell her.

We apparate to Kings Cross station. When we get there, we meet up with Ron and Hermione, but soon we get surrounded by cameras. We finally escape them for a while, and I see Ron and Hermione hugging goodbye.

Ron's POV:

"I'm going to miss you so much 'Mione." I tell her.

"I know, but we will see each other soon, and we can write every day." She has tears in her eyes, I hug her she cries into my shirt.

"Ron, I have to go." I nod and kiss her. We hear some cameras but we ignore them.

"I love you."

"I love you too 'Mione."

She walks away to get Ginny, who is kissing Harry.

Harry's POV:

"I love you so much Harry." she tells me, hugging me.

"I love you too Gin." I kiss her, and she kisses back. Cameras go off, but we don't care.

"Ginny we need to get on the train." Hermione says. I hug her too, it's her first year without Ron and I.

"I'll miss you Harry."

"I'll miss you too Hermione." I say, kissing her head lightly. It isn't weird when I do this, she is like a sister to me.

"Ginny you need to give me Teddy." She nods and tries to hand him over, but he starts to scream and cry, and he makes a little noise that sounds like 'guh.'

"Teddy Bear, please let go, I have to get on the train."

She kisses him on his head and finally rips him off her, and gives him to me.

"I love you Harry." I say it back, but she can't hear me over his screams.

"Oh Harry, give him to me." Mrs. Weasley says. I hand him over and he quietens down a little, but he is still crying. Ron and I watch the train go, we see the girls in a window, so does Teddy. He makes the 'guh' noise again, but when the train leaves, I think he realizes that she is gone. He then reaches for me, saying 'duh'. I stop in my tracks when he says that, it sounds a lot like 'da'. I take him home and go into his room and grab the picture, I sit down and point to Remus.

"Teddy Bear, this is your daddy, I'm Harry." I say. I start to cry looking at them. Then I grab a picture of Ginny and I, he points to Ginny and says, "guh, guh." He cries again but it's quiet.

"I know, I miss her too."

Ginny's POV:

"I hope Teddy isn't giving Harry too much trouble." I tell Hermione at dinner. She laughs. Offended, I say,


"It's just so cute how you worry about him like a mother."

I smile.

"Hello." We turn to see Luna Lovegood.

"Hello Luna. How are you?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm fine. How are Ron and Harry?" she asks.

"Fine." Hermione answers. We continue to talk to Luna throughout dinner. Once dinner is over, we head up stairs to go to bed. It's then I realize that it's going to be a long couple of months, for me, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Teddy.

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