Chapter 38

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Ginny POV:
I pace back and forth in the small room behind the bookcase.
I could call for Kreacher and tell him what's going on and have him tell Harry but... if Harrison is the head of the case Harry could tell Harrison and then Harrison could hurt me or Teddy or the rest of my family.
He took my wand when I got here so that's out, he's probably a very good wizard, anyways. He has such a high position in the Ministry, he must be good.
I could just punch him, that would feel so good but he could hurt Teddy or someone else I love.
I know what I'm going to do... and I'm going to have to do it fast.
"Kreacher!" I yell.
Harry POV:
I jump and turn around, wand drawn. But, I lower it when I see Kreacher. "Kreacher?" I ask.
"Master Harry, sir. Kreacher have important information. But Kreacher can only share it with Master Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the Minister of Magic, sir."
I turn my head in confusion, "who gave you this information?"
Kreacher reaches into his pocket and pulls out Ginny's wedding ring and part of Teddy's baby blanket that has been missing since they have. I grip both of them tightly. "Get Ron, Hermione and the Minister."
"Yes sir, Master Harry, sir." Kreacher says then is gone with a POP!
I sit in my office, starring at the ring I gave Ginny, not to long ago when Ron, Hermione and the Minister.
"What you got there, mate?" Ron asks.
"Hermione, cloak the room so no one can hear is." I instruct. She looks confused but nods.
Once done I hold out the ring and cloth. "It's Ginny's ring and-"
"Teddy's blanket." Hermione finishes. "I'd recognize that anywhere."
I nod to the elf, "Kreacher brought it and he has information that only we can hear. Go ahead."
"Well, Master Harry, sir. Kreacher was called by Mistress Ginny. She told Kreacher that she is safe and so is little Master Teddy. Mistress Ginny and Master Teddy are in Auror Harrison's home or another residence, she can not tell, sir."
"Harrison, is behind this?!" I yell, grabbing the nearest glass object and throwing it at the wall. "I want him gone! Now!"
Hermione sets her hand on me to clam me. "Harry, let him finish. Go ahead Kreacher."
"Mistress Ginny also said that she can't have Kreacher bring we home because Auror Harrison could take someone else, sir. She also gave Kreacher this, sir." He hands me a piece of paper with a few sentences written on it.
I'm okay, Teddy is okay. We miss you terribly. We love you, I love you, Harry. Stay safe, trust only Ron and the Minister. Don't take too long. I love you.
-Ginny and Teddy
P.S. Tell my family not to worry, tell them I love them.

I have the letter to Ron and Hermione, by the end Hermione is crying. "Is that all? Why can't she tell us more?"
"She already put her life and young Teddy's in danger by calling Kreacher, Ms. Granger."
"It's Weasley," Hermione whispers, nodding.
I stand, "I want Harrison gone! I want everyone on this case gone!" I roar. "I want Ron and I put on this case."
The Minister nods, "I understand but we have to tread carefully and cautiously, Potter. Harrison could know and could be moving them now."
I grab my wand and jacket. "Let's go find out. Ron?"
He nods, kisses Hermione's cheek and follows me out. (OMG! I wrote 'my cheek' instead of 'Hermione's cheek')
We go to the only address listed on Harrison's paperwork. I knock on the door, he answers it. "Harry? What are you doing here?"
I shove him against the wall, my wand pressed against his neck. "Don't play dumb, I know what you're doing?"
He raises an eyebrow, "I don't know what you're talking about, Auror Potter. But I'd appreciate it if you would lower your wand."
"Darling, who's at the door?" A women asks, walking into the front entrance holing a young child.
"You have your own family," I growl. "Why are you taking away mine?"
"Harrison, what is he talking about?"
"Ron, get her and anyone else out of the house and get Hermione here to talk them to my house." I say.
"What? No! Harrison!" The women yells, her eyes full of fear.
Ron takes the child, who screams for his father and grabs the women's arm. "It's okay, we're trying to keep you safe." Ron says gently. "My wife is going to take you somewhere safe."
Harrison fights against me, "the least you can do is give me a fair fight, Potter."
"I fought against Voldemort, I don't know what a fair fight is." I growl. "Where are Ginny and Teddy?"
Harrison scoffs, "Harry, I'm the head of your case. Why would you ask me such a thing?"
I press my wand into his throat harder. "You know why, tell me."
When Ron comes back I knock out Harrison and take away his wand. "Get someone to take him to the Ministry."
Ron nods, "you go look for Ginny."
I nod and run up the stairs. "Gin!" Nothing. I walk into every room when I find a book case with hinges on the side. I open it and stop dead.
I bend down to pick up what I found. "Mate, the downstairs is clear. What are you-" he stops when he sees what I have. He sets a comforting hand on my shoulder, "at least we know they were here. At least we can get Harrison to talk.
I nod, "yeah. I can't believe that women was here this whole time."
Ron nods, "I'll get some Aurors here."
I nod and look down at the object.
It's Teddy's stuffed wolf, the one I gave him years ago.
The thing that was supposed to keep him connected to his parents is here.
His Moony is here and not with him.

How was that? Good? So-so? Bad?
Let me know guys! I love hearing from you!
I hope to update soon! Stay tuned!
I love you guys!
Keep calm and fangirl on!

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