Chapter 74

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Albus is 8/9 months and Rose is 5/6 months old.

Hermione's POV:

I pace the room they suggested I waited in, Rose's crying was disturbing the other people in the hospital. She's still crying, screaming and I can't get her to stop. I tried feeding and changing her but nothing is working.

I set her down on the blanket I laid out on one of the chairs. She continues to scream, and I swallow the lump growing in my throat. "Please, Rosie. I'll do whatever you want, please just stop crying."

She doesn't stop, she fits the blanket and lets out a particularly loud scream. I let a tear leak down my cheek. "Please Rosie, I-I know you want your daddy but..." my voice cracks, "please sweetheart."

There's a knock at the door and I turn to look who it is. Harry, Ginny and the boys stand in the doorway--well Al is in Harry's arms of course. I lift Rose into my arms and stand.

Ginny takes Rose from me and takes my hand in hers. "Hermione," she whispers, "calm down Rose is crying because you're stressed and upset. She can sense it and she's scared."

Harry guides me over to a chair and has me sit, "when did you last eat?" I shrug and watch as Ginny tries to calm Rose.

I stand and face Ginny. "Can you keep her for a little bit longer? I'm going to find the loo and I will try to find a nurse or a healer and get information on Ron."

"Of course," Ginny nods, bouncing Rose and cooing at her. "Bring the healer here so we can all here?" She requests.

I nod and walk out of the room closing the door behind me. I sigh and look around trying to find a sign for the loo.

When I find it, I walk over and shut the door behind me and locking it. I sigh and walk in front of the mirror, I run the cold water and cup it in my hands.

I splash the water in my face and look in the mirror. I sigh and grab a towel and dab my fave dry. I hold my breath for a few seconds and then I let the breath go for a few more.

I walk out of the loo and I walk to the front desk. A nurse is scribbling away on a piece of parchment when I clear my throat, causing her to look up. "How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for the healer with my husband, Ron Weasley."

The nurse nods and grabs another piece of parchment to look at. "Yes, your husband has just gotten out of surgery. The healer will be with you soon. You can wait in the room with your family, she will inform you about the surgery and then take you to see your husband."

I nod and walk back into the room, Ginny is rocking Rose and cooing down at her. She isn't crying anymore but I can tell she doesn't want to be in Ginny's arms, she wants me -- well probably Ron's -- so I walk over and take her from Ginny.

Rose wines but settles when she realizes that she is in my arms. She smiles and grabs onto my necklace. I kiss her forehead and lift her up so her head rests on my collar bone. "The nurse said that Ron's healer will be here soon, she's going to take me to see him."

Rose coos and pulls my necklace into her mouth. I pull it away from her and walk over to the diaper bag, I dig through it to try to find a chewing ring for her. I find one and hand it to her.

She makes a humming noise as she sucks and chews on the ring. I kiss her temple and press on her head lightly so she rests on my collarbone once again.

The door opens and a younger looking woman walks in. "Hello, I am Healer Fields. Mrs Weasley, I presume?" She holds her hand out towards me.

"Granger," I correct shaking her hand, "but, yes, I am Ron's wife. This is Ginny, his sister and Harry. H-how is he?"

Fields gestures to the door. "Why don't we talk on the way? Mr and Mrs Potter, I'm afraid I have to ask you to stay here."

Ginny looks like she's going to argue but Harry sets a hand on her arm and whispers in her ear, she relaxes and nods. "When can we see him, then?"

"Once I have discussed with Mrs Granger and Mr Weasley the extent of his injuries." Fields says. "This way," she opens the door.

• • •

Ron is sitting up in bed, but he doesn't look very happy about it. He's shirtless, his chest bandaged and bruised. His face is bruised, his lip swollen. And his left leg, from mid-thigh to mid-sin, is heavily wrapped in gauze.

I rush over to him, exclaiming. "Ron!" I set Rose onto his lap, letting her back rest against his stomach and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Ron, you're okay. You had me so worried."

He groans in pain, causing me to release his neck. "Hi," he croaks. I grab the glass of water by his bed and I hold it up to his lips. He drinks greedily, spilling some onto his chin. "Rose."

I pick up Rose and lift her so he can see her, she smiles kicks her feet. I hold her in my arms so her bottom rests on my forearm and my other forearm holds her to my chest. She squeals and tries to reach for Ron.

"Hello sweetheart," Ron presses a kiss to her cheek when I lean forward so he can.

"Mr Weasley, I brought your wife here because I thought you'd want her to hear what I'm about to tell you." Fields says taking out her wand.

She walks over and mutters a spell, she places her wand a few inches above Ron's bandaged leg. She starts at the top of the bandages and runs it down to the end.

An X-ray of Ron's injury. Fields waves her wand up and the image floats in front of us. She points to his knee. "Unfortunately, Mr Weasley, we had to put pins and a plate into your knee in order for you to even be able to walk again."

Ron looks confused, "but we're wizards, why can't we just... 'magic' the injury so it's fixed?"

The healer sighs, "healer's magic doesn't work that way, this is the only way you would've been able to walk again. For awhile you will have to use a cane or a crutch but eventually walk freely."

I kiss Ron's temple and run my fingers through his hair, he leans into my touch. Then his eyes go wide, "w-wait I-I can't be an Auror with a cane..." his face falls when he realizes what she meant. "I can't be an Auror anymore, can I?"

Fields shakes her head, "no, Mr Weasley I'm afraid I cannot recommend to your or to your boss that you return to your work as a field agent for the Auror Department."


Hi guys!! I hope you liked the chapter!

Sorry it took so long, I've had a crazy couple weeks. And I start school on Tuesday so I've been finishing up some of my summer work that I have to do.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope to update soon!

Keep calm and fangirl on!



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