Chapter 51

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Hermione's POV:

Ron and I sit on our bed, facing each other. "We are not doing this, Hermione."

"Ron," I scold. "We are."

"No one sets bloody dates to have sex Hermione." Ron takes a sip of wine, downing the rest of his glass.

"I found this book in a muggle library and it said that it was completely okay to do." I insist. "Ron our marriage is dying and I want this." I take his glass of wine and set it on the table. I climb into his lap and straddle his hips. "Please Ron. I love you."

He sighs. "I feel silly setting dates."

"But it will give us something to look forward to and..." I rest my head on his chest.

He laughs. "Oh bloody hell, Hermione. I love you. Yes, fine let's set the dates."

. . .

Ginny's POV:

I shut James' door as quietly as I can and turn on the baby monitor. There is a light knock at the door I open it. Hermione bursts into my house and hugs me.

I laugh and hug her back. "What's the occasion?"

"We did it!" She whisper exclaims. "It, it!"

I laugh again. "Congratulations? What did you do to make my brother grow a pair?"

She blushes. "I don't think you want to know. But I'm definitely trying it again."

I shake my head. "Oh Merlin. Teddy! Lunch!" I yell, as quietly as I can.

His loud thundering footsteps cause me to wince. "Edward if you wake the baby you're changing his diaper for the rest of the day."

His nose crinkles in disgust. "Sorry, I forgot. Why is Hermione smiling like that?"

"No reason," I say quickly. "Eat up, we're doing our reading lesson after this."

He huffs. "Fine."

Hermione giggles. "I'm gonna go visit Ron before my lunch is over. I will see you two soon."

"Bye Aunt Hermione." Teddy says.

Hermione kisses his head and walks out of the house, slamming the door behind her. James' cries echo down from his room.

I groan. "Dammit Hermione." I look at Teddy. "Shit, don't say dammit, Teddy." He giggles and continues to eat his lunch.

I rush up the stairs and walk into James' room. "Shh... it's okay... mummy's here. Go back to sleep, shh..." I rock him until his cries quiet and I lay him back into his bed. "Teddy, are you ready for your reading lesson?"

Teddy's POV:

"Ginny what's that word?" I ask, pointing to my book. I look over at her to see her fast asleep.

I slide off the couch and pull a blanket over her. I kiss her forehead and run up the steps to James' room. He is lying awake, kicking his feet and gurgling.

I turn on his mobile like Harry taught me to. James squeals and kicks his feet more. I pull a chair over go the crib and stand on it. I give him a toy to play with. "Please don't cry James. Ginny is sleeping. I'll... I'll send an owl to gran." Or at least I'll try, I don't know how to spell.

I write the letter the best I can. I can write my letters I just can't put them together very well.

Gine slepng. Jams awake ned u. I write. I give it to Penny, our owl. "Grandma Weasley." I say, remembering how Harry does it.

The owl flies off. I rush back to James' room. His face is turning red. The mobile ran through its cycle so I started it again and ran down stairs to wait for gran.

When she appears I open the door. "Teddy, what's wrong? Why did you message me?" She asks.

"Ginny sleeping." I tell her. "I thought she should sleep."

She laughs. "Oh you're too good. Well let's go check on him." She takes my hand and leads me upstairs.

. . .

Harry POV:

I open the door to my house. The smell of spaghetti filling my senses. "Ginny? Teddy?"

I walk into the kitchen and turn down the heat on the sauce. "Gin?" I walk into the sitting room to see her asleep. I shake her awake. "Ginny, where's James?"

"James?" She asks, here eyes still closed. "Why are you home? It's only lunch time."

"Ginny it's 5:30." I say.

She sits up and runs up the stairs. "Teddy!" She yells.

I follow after her. "Ginny what is--"

We find Teddy, Molly and James in his room. "Mum, what are you doing here?" Ginny asks taking James from her.

"Teddy messaged me." She says. "He wanted you to sleep."

"What is going on?" I ask.

"Teddy and I were reading after lunch and I must have fallen asleep." Ginny says.

"Dinner will be ready shortly." Molly says taking James back and grabbing Teddy's hand. "You two rest before. I'll call you when it's ready." The three of them walk down the stairs.

"What the bloody hell happened today?" I ask.

Ginny shakes her head. "All I know is that I feel rested and my nipples don't ache like they usually do. Let's go rest for a bit and wait for dinner."

"Shouldn't we help her?" I ask.

I shake my head. "No, she missed having more than one person to make dinner for. And taking care of babies, of course."

. . .

Ginny's POV:

"Thank you so much, mum for coming here." I hug her tightly.

"Oh, of course dear." She kisses my cheek. "You just owl me any time and I'll come and watch James and Teddy."

I nod. "I'll remember that. Ron and Hermione are doing better. She came over today for a little while." I tell her.

Mum nods. "Yes, Ron came over the other day to talk to your father. I wasn't allowed to talk with them."

"So you listened at the door?" I ask, helping her get her coat on.

"Naturally." She answers. "Well, goodbye dears. I will see you four soon."

"Bye mum." I say kissing her cheek.

. . .

Hermione's POV:

Ron draws lightly with his finger on my bare back. "Mm," I moan softly. "That feels good."

He kisses my shoulder. "I love you Hermione."

"I love you too." I say. Not all of our problems are solved. Not even close, but I can at least enjoy these small moments of peace together.


Hey sorry for the lame chapter... I just... I don't know I just wasn't in the mood to write but I got this done.

So I'm not going to do a sequel to this. But what I am going to do is just have chapters be little stories. Like James' first girlfriend might be one chapter then the next chapter might be from when he is 5 or 6, or something like that.

Do you guys understand it? I just don't want to write a sequel because I have no desire to.

So I hope you all enjoyed the lame-ass chapter.

I love you guys so much!

I hope to have another update soon!

Keep calm and fangirl on!


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