Chapter 27

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Harry POV:
Ron, Teddy and I walk to the Hall of Memories. "I told mum I'd talk to Fred."
I nod, "I'll come and see him as well." I say. "After I see Remus and Tonks."
Ron nods and runs off to see his brother.
I walk down the hall and come to a stop right before their picture. I set Teddy down. "Teddy, you know how pictures move?" He nods. "Well these pictures are even more magical then ours. We can talk to these pictures."
"Really!" I say. "Your mummy and daddy are in the picture right there. Do you want to go talk to them?"
"Do you want me to come with?"
"Yeth pwease," he says taking my hand.
We walk over to Remus and Tonks. "Hey guys," I say lifting Teddy onto my shoulders.
Tonks goes down on her knees, "my baby. You are so big!"
"Mummy!" He says.
"Yes baby, I'm your mummy."
"You have grown so much," Remus says.
"Daddy! Moony!" Teddy lifts up his toy to show his dad.
"Yes, I see him." Remus laughs.
"Teddy, I'm going to let you talk to your parents privately."
"Oh-tay Hawy," Teddy says.
Ron POV:
"How's mum?" Fred asks.
"She's mum, you know how she is." I laugh. "George's son is 8 months old. He named him Fred."
Fred smiles, "give both of them a hug."
"I will," I say brushing the hair out of my eyes.
"Is that a wedding ring I see?"
I nod, "Hermione and I got married 2 months ago."
"How was the honeymoon?" Fred smirks.
"Shut up. And just to let you know George made my piece of cake explode."
He laughs, "that's awesome."
"Hermione got him back though."
"Merlin, what did she do?"
"Made his pants explode," I laugh.
Fred laughs too, "that's great."
"Ron," Harry says, "I need to get Teddy home soon. Hey Fred."
"Hey Harry, treating my sister right?"
"Always am," he says. "She's actually sick today so I should really get home."
"I'll be there in a second." I say.
"It was good seeing you Fred," Harry says.
"You too. Tell Gin I say hello and that I love her."
"I will, mate."
Harry POV:
I sneak up behind Teddy and pick him up. He squeals in surprise, he starts to giggle as I tickle him. "We gotta get home, Tedster. Can you say goodbye to your mummy and daddy?"
"Bye-bye mummy, bye-bye daddy."
"Goodbye, baby. We love you, with all our hearts." Tonks says.
"I wuv you too," Teddy says.
"Teddy, can you go run to Ron? I'm going to talk to your parents."
"Okay." He runs off to Ron.
"Thank you Harry," Remus says. "It makes Tonks and I feel so much better that Teddy is with you and Ginny."
"Thank you, that means a lot to me." I say.
"Harry," Tonks says. "Thank you for taking care of my baby. You're doing a great job."
"Thank you. Gin and I are trying our best."
"You're doing wonderful," Remus says.
"I should go, Ginny isn't feeling well."
"Give her out best." Tonks says.
"Bye guys," I say.
As we walk out we see the boy, Johnson, from earlier talking to the girl, Laws.
"Come on Laws, it was just a joke."
"Which one? The worms for dinner or my homework?"
"Er, both?"
"Well they weren't very funny!" She exclaims. "My little sister is in the infirmary because of those worms! And! Now I have to stay up all night finishing my homework!"
"Well good news! I didn't do my homework so I'll be staying up all night with you!" Johnson smirks.
The girl glares at him. "Why is your ego so big? I might have to leave, the room if getting to crowded!"
Their classmates laugh. "Come on Laws!" A different boy shouts, "just kiss him and he'll stop bothering you."
"I'm afraid that's going to make him bother her more," another says.
"I just want to see him get slapped after they kiss." A third laughs.
"Got your little friends to help you Johnson. Unfortunately only Wells can cast a decent spell."
"Very true," a boy, who must be wells, says. "But Jason here can cast a full patronus."
She scoffs, "I'd like to see him try."
"Expecto patronum!" Jason Johnson says. A lion patronus comes to life.
"Do yours Ella," A girl says.
"Expecto patronum!" Ella Laws says.
A lioness patronus makes her way into the hall way. The two lions dance around each other then they disappear.
Jason smirks, "guess it's true then."
"What's true?" Ella asks.
"We are, in fact, soul mates." He smirks.
Ella walks up to him, leans in, like she is about to kiss him but instead she says. "In your dreams, Johnson." She stomps on his foot, grabs her stuff and storms down the hallway.
"You are always in my dreams Ella!" He shouts after her.
"Toerag!" She shouts.
Everyone laughs. "At least she didn't call you ignorant, this time." Wells says.
"Progress!" Jason shouts.
Ron and I laugh.
*time lapse*
I pick up some chicken noodle soup for Ginny.
"Gin!" I shout when I get home. I set Teddy down.
She walks down the stairs, a blanket over her shoulders. "Don't shout. I have a headache."
"Sorry, love." I say. "I got you some soup. Want any?"
"Sure," she says, then goes into a coughing fit.
"Up to bed, I'll be up with your soup in a minute."

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