Chapter 52

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Hey guys so I just learned that James and Albus are two years apart. I thought they were only a year apart. But I guess not, so... I'm gonna have to think about my one shots again... oh well, that's okay. If you guys have any interesting facts about Harry Potter just comment or message me! I would really appreciate it!

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*1 month later. James is about 5 months old*
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Ginny's POV:

Harry shakes his head. "Ginny you were so excited yesterday, and now you're saying that you don't want to go back. What's up?"

I look down at James, he's sleeping against my knees. His back resting on my thighs. I play with his little feet. "Because," I start, "because what if I miss something? His first words, or the first time he walks or--"

"Ginny," he says, "don't you think I worry about that? But... when I come home and you, Teddy and James are waiting for me, it's the best part of the day. And it hurts when you tell me what he did that day but... it may be the first time he did it but when I see if for the first time it's amazing." He kisses my forehead. "But if you don't go back its oka--"

"I'm going back." I interrupt him. "What you just said... sounds amazing and... I'll be okay." I look down at James. "You just sleep all day. Don't do anything cute, at all, mister."

He seems to be able to tell that I am talking to him and he wakes up. "Shit. I just got him to sleep." Harry complained. "He was crying all day and--"

I tickle James' stomach, causing him to erupt into giggle. "Don't be such a hard ass Harry and enjoy a night with your son and wife."

. . .

I run into St. Mungo's and over to the receptionist. "Harry Potter. I-I'm looking for Harry Potter and Ginny Potter."

"Are you kin?" She asks.

"He's my godfather, please I need to see him."

"Room 303."

I run into the room. "Harry!" I yell running over to his bed. He lays there, cold and pale. I notice that his heart monitor had stopped beeping. "No! Harry!" I sob.

I look over to see Ginny, her chest isn't moving. "Ginny! No please!"

"You!" I turn to see Ginny's mum running at me. "You killed them, Teddy! It's your fault!"

"No!" I sob. "I didn't do anything! It's not my fault!"

"Everyone is dead!" Molly yells. "And it's your fault, Teddy."

"Teddy..." someone whispers from behind me. I turn to see a young woman with pink hair.


"Teddy," she whispers and falls to her knees. "It's your fault..." her voice darkens and her hair turns black. "It's all your fault."

Then, I'm in a room filled with dead bodies. I fall to me knees. "See?" Molly, who doesn't look like the Molly I know anymore, says. "You do no good, you werewolf-spawn. Neither did your father! Hurt poor James when the full moon was in the sky. He hurt Sirius. Even hurt Harry's mum once."

"I've never hurt anyone!" I sob. "I love Harry! I love Ginny! And..." I turn to see Viccy laying on the ground, gasping for breath. "Vic--"

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now