Chapter 4

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Edited by: callmesnuffles

Ginny's POV:

It's the first Hogsmeade trip and Harry said that he could get away from Auror training to see me, he is going to bring Teddy with him and I can't wait to see him. The second I wake up I shake Hermione awake, "'Mione it's Hogsmeade weekend!" making her shoot out of bed to get ready. We walk down to eat breakfast and come back up after we are done to bet ready to see our boyfriends.

"I can't wait to see Ron and Harry." Hermione says as we wait for the time to leave.

"Me too, I also can't wait to see Teddy!" I tell her, not able to keep a grin from creeping up on my face.

"What's it been like, to practically raise a child with Harry?" Hermione asks.

"Amazing. The best thing is to watch Harry take care of Teddy," I tell her smiling, "Did I ever tell you what he calls me?" I ask she shakes her head, "He says something like 'guh, guh,'" I tell her imitating Teddy, "how are things with Ron?"

"Good I guess, but I see the way Harry looks at you..." she trails off.

"Hermione, you must not see the way Ron looks at you, when you are reading he looks at you with so much love," I say.

"Really?" she asks. I nod, we are finally allowed to leave and quickly walk to the three-broomsticks. We walk in to see Ron holding Teddy and Harry laughing.

"Ginny?" he says, I run over and kiss him, "I missed you so much Gin." he says. I look over to see Ron and Hermione trying to kiss over Teddy I walk over and take him out of Ron's arms they kiss.

"I missed you so much Teddy Bear." I say hugging him to me,

"Guh, guh," he says. We sit down and talk.

"How is Auror training?" I ask.

"It's great, and loads of fun" Harry says, "How's Hogwarts?"

"It's good. They are creating a hallway to honor the wizards that died in the war," I say looking to Teddy, "they are putting their pictures up," Harry nods biting his lip I can tell he is keeping the tears in.

"That's great, Teddy can talk to them when he starts school!" he says. We talk more about what is happening at home and at school but Hermione and I have to leave, we hug and kiss our boyfriends goodbye and head back to the castle.

****Time laps to Christmas break Teddy is about 10 months old****

Ginny's POV:

I wake next to Harry's side, I smile and kiss him awake, "Harry wake up, its Christmas!" I exclaim, he opens his eyes and smiles, we get out of bed and get Teddy.

"Geey Geey, up, up!" he exclaims. I pick him up and laugh.

"Teddy who is that?" I ask pointing to Harry.

"Hawy!" he says. He finally realized that Harry isn't his dad and he can finally say his name too, but he has troubles with his 'n's' and 'm's.' We walk down stairs to see Ron and Hermione eating, "Won! Ermy!" he exclaims we laugh and wait for the rest of my family to get up, once they do we open presents like we always do, oldest to youngest. Ron gives Hermione a necklace with a book charm on it and she gives him a kit to take care of his broom with. It finally gets to me, I give Harry a photo album of pictures of me and him, Harry, Ron and Hermione and with him and Teddy. He also gives me a necklace with our birthstones inside a heart.

"Teddy I got you a present too!" Harry says he gets a bag, "come here," we've been trying to get Teddy to walk and he stands up and walks over to Harry.

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