Chapter 8

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I'm sorry that this is so short... I have a test tomorrow and I have to go to bed early, and I had to babysit so I didn't really have time to write! I don't have school on Friday so I might be able to do a bigger one!!
Edited by: callmesnuffles

Harry's POV:

"Hawy?" Teddy asks waking up.

"Hey Teddy Bear," I say lifting him onto my lap, "Teddy, today we're going to the Burrow, and you are going to stay there with Grandma Weasley while Ginny and I go to Diagon Alley, but we are coming back I promise." I see tears forming in his eyes, "Teddy I need you to be brave like your mummy and daddy, can you do that for me?" he nods but still has tears in his eyes, "okay let's get ready."

"I'll get him dressed," Ginny says, taking him from me.

"Hawy?" Teddy asks.

"No bud, Ginny is going to change you," I tell him, shaking my head.

"Hawy, Hawy," he keeps repeating my name, but I ignore him, it's the hardest thing to do, "I wan Hawy!"

"Edward go sit in the corner!" Ginny shouts, I run to the room to see Teddy in the corner.

"What happened?" I frown.

"I put him in time out because he hit me," she explains.

"Teddy! You do not hit people," I scold, "Gin, you can go get dressed, and I'll watch him."

"Thank you. Teddy when I come back you are going to apologize to me," she says walking from the room.

"Hawy?" Teddy asks. I shake my head and pick a book to read off the shelf, "Hawy, Hawy!" he yells. I ignore him.

"Edward, are you ready to apologize to me?" Ginny asks walking into the room, he nods, "come here then."

He toddles over, "I sowy Geey," he says hugging her leg, she picks him up and he kisses her on the nose.

"Let's head to Grandma Weasley's," I laugh.

Molly's (Mrs. Weasley's) POV:

I hear a knock at the door and open it to see Harry holding Teddy, "hello dears." I smile.

"Hi mum," Ginny says, "can you take Teddy and get him doing something?"

"Teddy, go to grandma," Harry says, Teddy grasps his neck harder, refusing to budge. Harry sighs and I shoot him a sympathetic glance, knowing the struggle.

"Come on Teddy, we're going to make cookies, it's something Ginny loved to do when she was your age," I try to convince him, taking him from Harry.

They follow me into the kitchen and sit at the table as we start to make the cookies, "Teddy, we need to wash your hands," I hold him over the sink, he places his hands under the water and giggles as it falls over his little hands.

We are mixing the dough when Harry says, "Bye Teddy," and they both leave suddenly.

Teddy doesn't realize it at first but when he does he starts screaming, "Hawy! Hawy!" I pick him up and place his face into my shirt so it isn't as loud.

"Shh... Teddy, Harry is back I promise," he continues to cry as I rock him back and forth.

"Mum?" Ron calls, walking into the kitchen.

"Hawy! Hawy!" Teddy cries again, before it tunes down to desperate sobs, his lips shaking.

"Oh, baby, it's going to be alright. Harry's coming back soon, I promise." I murmur, pressing my lips to his forehead.

"Maybe we should set him in the living room with some toys." Ron puts in, gazing curiously at Teddy.

"Let's try it," I set him down on a blanket and hand him some old toys that used to belong to my sons. Holding my breath, I wonder how he's going to react.

Teddy just lies on his stomach and cries, "Hawy! Hawy!" over and over again. I sigh in despair.

"The poor baby," I rub his back. The blue haired baby cries for an hour, then I something clicks in my head, remembering something from raising my children, "Ron, I might have an extra pacifier from you kids. Can you check the kitchen?" he nods with pursed lips and rushes away.

"Accio pacifier," he mutters, comes back with a pacifier and puts it in Teddy's mouth. Tentatively, Teddy starts to suck on it, briefly silencing his cries. All the crying starts to tire him, and still shaking he falls asleep, his eye lids fluttering.

"It'd be no wonder if I'd gone deaf..." Ron mutters crossly but I know he loved Teddy just as much as I do. I place a finger to my mouth and gesture to the kitchen with my head.

Getting the message, he stands up and walks into the kitchen, "I didn't realize he was so attached," I whisper to my son, still dazed by all the crying.

"Yesterday when his grandmother brought him back to Harry's, he was pretty much the same. He's scared that Harry is going to leave him, just like his parents," he explains softly.

"The poor thing," I whisper as tears form in my eyes.

Ron pulls me into a hug, "'s alright mum, he just needs to realize that Harry isn't going to leave him."

"Yes, I know. I just hope that's going to be soon."

Teddy sleeps more peacefully for two hours, and when he wakes up his hair is still a sad looking blue, "Hawy?" he looks around, frowning.

"Teddy, please don't cry. I need you to be brave like your mum and dad, can you do that?" I plead.

Teddy crosses his arms, his hair turning red, "Hawy," he mutters, crossing his arms.

"Teddy, let's go have the cookies before Ron eats them all," I fake gasp, picking him up. Luckily he doesn't say anything but his hair speaks loud and clear, he is mad at Harry but he also misses him.

We go into the kitchen to see Ron eating some of the cookies, "here buddy," he says handing Teddy a cookie. Teddy takes it and squirms in my arms. Happy and relieved that he's finally settling down, I set him on the table. He sits on his knees eating the cookie. I put the pacifier back in his mouth once he is done eating the cookie, hoping it will prevent any further sobs. Just at that moment I hear footsteps and look up to see Harry and Ginny leaning by the doorway. I sigh in relief.

"Hawy!" Teddy exclainms but it sounds muffled from the pacifier. He desperately reaches for Harry and Harry lifts him up, pushing his body against his chest. Teddy knots his hands around Harry's neck, softly crying on his shoulder.

"How was he?" Harry asks nervously and I can tell he's embarrassed.

"At first he didn't notice you left but when he did he started to scream and cry for about 2 hours but then I told Ron to find a pacifier for him. Luckily, Teddy fell asleep for 2 hours, and when he woke up I gave him a cookie then you came here," I tell him truthfully.

Harry's POV:

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Weasley," I say and feel my face flushing red.

"It's alright Harry, it's not your fault. Teddy is just scared that's all," she assures me, "it'll get better. I'll see you tomorrow?" I nod and we say goodbye.

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