Chapter 37

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"Potter, we"-he (The Minister of Magic) clears his throat and continues-"we just got word from Molly Weasley that your wife and godson have been kidnapped."
My world seems to freeze. My knees give out and I fall into my chair. Ron stares at the wall, dazed.

*A few days later*
Harry POV:
Hermione sits next to me on the couch. "Harry, you need to sleep. You being sleep deprived isn't going to help Ginny or Teddy."
"Don't you think I've been trying!" I snap at her, not meaning to.
"Hey!" Ron yells. "Don't take it out on her! She's just trying to help! This is hard on all of us."
I place my head in my hands and sigh. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just..."
Hermione nods, "we know, Harry. We feel it too."
I stand and pace the room, "and it really doesn't help that we've been suspended from helping with the case."
Ron nods, "we just have to keep faith in Kingsley, Jones and the others." Jones is the head Auror the Minister assigned, along with Harrison.
The Minister told us later the day we found out about the kidnapping. We are too emotionally invested in the case, as he said, so we now all we can do it wait.
"Harry, how about I make you a sleeping drought? No dreams, just sleep." Hermione offers.
I nod, "okay, thanks."
When she's done with the potion, I down it quickly and head up to my bedroom. "Please be safe, Ginny." I whisper before falling asleep.
Ginny POV:
"Ginny!" Teddy's cries echo through the house we're being kept in. He's been crying since we've got here, we were put in separate rooms so I can't do anything. Just have to sit here and listen.
"Shut up!" The man roars at him, only making Teddy cry harder.
"Please!" I yell. "Just let me see him! He'll keep crying for me if you don't!"
"Ginny!" Teddy sobs.
"I said, shut up!" Harrison yells, I overheard a conversation one night and I heard his name.
"Please," I sob, not able to bare the cries anymore.
My door opens and Harrison walks in, Teddy in his arms. "If he doesn't stop, it's your little nephew's turn to come here. What's his name again? Fred?" He sets Teddy down and he runs over to me.
"Oh, Teddy." I say pulling him into my arms. He rests his face on my chest, his cries quieting. "It's okay, you're okay, buddy. You're with me now. But you have to stay quiet, okay?"
He sniffles, "okay. Ginny?"
"Yes, sweetie?" I ask running my fingers through hair. It's pale white with fear. (What do you guys think is the "color' of fear?(
"Where Harry?"
"He's coming, he's coming real soon. Now, try to go to sleep. Okay?"
He nods and is asleep in a few minutes.
Please come soon, Harry, I thought to myself, we need you.
When I woke the next morning, Teddy was munching on the food Harrison brought to us. "Morning, Tedster. You sleep okay, bud?"
He nods, "yeah. I got go potty."
I nod, I have to use the bathroom as well. And I pray that he has tampons, because in a few days, I'll be in trouble.
"Harrison!" I yell. "Harrison!"
Loud footsteps followed by the door slamming open. "What?!"
"We have to use the bathroom." I say, standing and picking up Teddy.
He growls, "of course you do."
I sigh, "it's not my fault." I open the door and pause before shutting it, "I'm gonna need some tampons." I close the door, hard.
Once we are done I open the door and walk out. Harrison grabs my arm, tightly and leads me back to the room. "Stay quiet, I have to go to work. And I can't have anyone hearing you." He says, shoving me into the room.
I scoff, "you work? Where?"
Harrison laughs, it was a creepy laugh, no light or happiness in it. "Hasn't Harry told you? I work in the office right next to his. In fact, now that I think about it... that's right! I'm head of your case!" My breath catches in throat. He smirks, "I plum forgot. Oh, here." He brings in a book shelf full of books for me and Teddy. "Don't want you to get bored."
"Then let us go home." I beg. "I won't tell anyone, I promise."
He laughs, "if only I believed you." He leaves without another word.
That night, I sit in the window, Teddy cradled in my arms. "I wish you knew about Harrison. I wish you were here Harry-no-I wish I was with you." I kiss the top of Teddy's head and lean my head against the window, trying to fall asleep.

Sorry it's short, I have a lot to write today!
Was that good? Bad? Okay?
Let me know!
I hope all of my U.S. readers out there had a good 4th of July. And congrats to those who's love is now legal in the U.S.! #Lovewins
I hope to update soon!
I love you guys!
Keep calm and fangirl on!

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