Chapter 16

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Teddy POV:
"Teddy Bear, wake up," Ginny says softly shaking me so I wake up. I open my eyes and stare at her. "Mornin' sleepy head." She kisses my head.
"Morning," I say then roll over so I can go back to sleep.
Ginny pulls back the covers, "No Teddy it's time to wake up." She picks me up and bring me down stairs, I lay my head on her shoulder as we go down the stairs.
"Morning Teddy," Harry says. I just make a noise, trying to get out that I want to sleep more.
"Here you try to wake him up," Ginny laughs handing me to Harry, I sit on his lap and lay my head back on his shoulder.
"Come on Ted, you gotta wake up, its Saturday! We are going to Hogsmeade to meet Ron and 'Mione," Harry says trying to wake me, I make a noise of protest. "We'll just have to give you a bath to wake you up!"
I take my head off his shoulder, "no bath!" I shout.
"Here you go Teddy," Ginny says giving me a piece of toast.
Harry takes me up stairs for my bath, I try to get free, "No bath! No! I'm awake!"
Harry laughs, "you need one anyways bud." He fills the bath.
Harry POV:
"NO!" Teddy screams, I don't know why he doesn't like the bath.
"Edward," I warn. "Stop throwing a temper tantrum."
"No, bath!" Teddy is lying on his back on the bathroom floor, I locked the door so he couldn't get out.
"Edward Lupin, you are taking a bath weather you like it or not." I say sternly, I pick up the little boy and take off his cloths, whilst he screams and cries.
"Ginny!" he screams.
"Ginny thinks you need a bath also, she isn't going to help you." I say as I test the water one last time. I pick up the red haired boy and place him in the bath, he calms down and realizes that the bath is fun. I wash his hair and body. "Okay Teddy time to get out." I say, I am currently soaked as much as he is.
"NO!" he exclaims. I groan in frustration.
I reach for my godson and he hits me, "Edward Remus Lupin!" I scold. "You don't hit people!" I pick up the boy and wrap him in a towel, I quickly dress him and put him in the corner for hitting me. When I tell him that he has to say there, he cries for Ginny.
"Harry what's-" Ginny asks coming into the room.
"Ginny I'll talk to you in the bedroom," I say she nods and leaves. "Edward, you better stay where I tell you."
I walk to the bedroom and lie on the bed, Ginny sits next to me stroking my hair gently. "I'm proud of you." she says.
"Why?" I ask shocked.
"Sometimes I feel like you don't want to punish him, but you did and I'm proud that you did." she kisses my scar. "What did he do?"
"First he screamed at me, not wanting to get in the bath. Then he screamed at me, mot wanting to get out and when I reached to pick him up, he hit me." I say. Teddy screams from the other room. "I feel like a bad godfather."
"Harry you most certainly aren't a bad godfather. You need to punish him when he hits people," Ginny says kissing my head again. "I'll make sure he is staying where he is supposed to." She gets up and walks to his room, she opens the door a crack but doesn't go in. She sits back on the bed with me, "He is staying, you should see his hair it's a deep red." We talk for 10 more minutes when Gin gets up to see if he is ready to apologize.
She walks in with the tear streaked red haired boy holding her hand, "Teddy are you ready to tell Harry you are sorry?"
The little boy nods and lets go of her hand and walks over to me, he climbs onto the bed, wraps his little arm around my neck. "I-I-I'm s-sor-sorry H-harry," he says.
"What are you sorry for Teddy?" Ginny asks sitting next to us.
"For yelling and screaming at you and for hitting you," he pulls back.
"Thank you Teddy Bear," I say hugging him, I kiss the side of his head.
"Is Harry mad?" Teddy asks pulling back.
"Not as mad as I was when you hit me, Teddy you never hit people, understand?" I ask.
Teddy nods his head, his hair is slowly turning back to blue, "Yes Harry." He wraps his arms around my neck again.
"We are meeting Ron and Hermione soon, we should get ready to go. Come on Teddy lets get you ready." Ginny says reaching for Teddy.
"No, I want Harry," Teddy's arms tighten around my neck.
"Alright," I say. "Go get your shoes and socks for me." Teddy nods and runs to his room. "Gin he is only doing this to show me that he still loves me even though he hit me."
"I know," Ginny says but still looks hurt at Teddy's rejection.
"Here Harry!" Teddy says.
"Teddy I need to change so I want Ginny to help you, okay?" I ask.
"Okay! Here Ginny!" Teddy says.
Ginny smiles and helps the little boy with his shoes. I change into a t-shirt and jeans and walk out to Ginny tying his last shoe. "Let's go!" I say. We head to the fire place and we floo to Hogsmeade.
When we walk into the three broomsticks we see Hermione and Ron at a table, we head over to them and hug each other. I sit down next to Ron and across form Ginny, we play footsie under the table.
"How was your morning?" Hermione asks.
"A little... hectic..." I say nodding towards the little boy who is sitting on my lap, "how was yours?"
"Just fine," Hermione says.
Ginny slides her foot up my pants, I choke on my butter beer. I start coughing, "all right there mate?" Ron asks.
Ginny grins, "yes, are you alright Harry?"
I glare at her, "yes I'm fine."
Ginny starts to slide her foot up again, "you sure?"
"Yes," say.
"Good." She takes her foot away so I run my foot up her leg and under her skirt, she also chokes on her drink too, I smirk.
"So 'Mione, I see there is something written on your ring, what does it say?"
Hermione laughs and shows me, 'Swish and Flick,' I laugh, "what does it mean?" Ginny asks.
"Well in first year, we were practicing 'Wingardium Leviosa' and according to 'Mione I was saying it wrong and she corrected me and after class I insulted her, and she hid in the bathroom, and when Harry and I rescued her she reminded me to 'swish and flick,'" Ron says smiling.
The girls talk more about the wedding when Ron says, "ow! Gin, did you just kick me?"
"Uhhh... yes?" Ginny says.
Ginny shrugs, "I wanted to."
"Uncle Ron," Teddy says.
"Why is that man walking towards us?"
I look to see Draco Malfoy walking to our table, I glace at Ron and we both pull out our wands, when he gets to our table Ron asks, "what do you want Malfoy?"
"I won't hurt anyone," he says placing his wand on the table. "I came to say I'm sorry about Fred."
Ron tenses, "why in the bloody hell would you do that?"
"Because he and George were pretty much the only Weasley's I liked, got me out of a lot of tests with their pranks they did. So I am very sorry, I have to go." He says.
"Wait Draco," I say. "Do you know where your father is?"
"If I did he would be dead, goodbye," Draco takes his wand and leaves.
"Who was that?" Teddy asks.
"Nobody Teddy, nobody." I say.

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