Chapter 36

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Shoutout to LN0714 she sent me the sweetest message ever! I love hearing feed back from you guys and her feedback was the sweetest and kindest thing ever! It meant a lot to me, what you said warmed my heart to know that my story has such an impact on you...
I'm glad you like it so much!
Thanks again!

Harry POV:
"Harry, I'll be fine. You don't need to worry so much. I was fine when you left with Ron and Hermione. I can take care of myself," Ginny says pulling on her Quidditch gear.
"I know, love. But it's my job as your husband to worry about you." I say kissing her temple. "Teddy is staying with your mum while your at practice, correct?"
"Yes and Ron made sure she has 4 Aurors guarding her house at all times." She says. "Shouldn't I be the one to worry? You're the one who is fighting this man."
I sigh, "how about we both stop worrying?"
She scoffs, "please Harry, you're the one worrying. You know why I'm not?"
I nod, "why, love?"
"Because you defeated Voldemort if you can defeat the worlds darkest wizard, you can do anything..."
"He defeated himself, really. His curse rebounded." I tell her.
She sighs, "shut up and take the compliment, Potter."
"Thank you, Ginny." I say pecking her lips. "I'll get Teddy dressed and ready for your mums."
I walk into Teddy's room to wake him up. "Hey, Teddy Bear. Time to wake up, buddy."
He makes a noise of protest and rolls over. I pick him up and take him to the bathroom.
Once we are done I take him back to his room. "Teddy do you want to eat or do you want to get dressed first?"
"Bed." He wines.
I laugh, "how about we get dressed, it'll wake you up a bit."
Once I have him dressed I set him down at the table. "Teddy, do you want some cereal?"
He nods, rubbing his eyes. "Yes, pwease."
"Harry! I can't find my pants!" Ginny yells. "Have you seen them?"
I pause, then answer. "Why would I've seen your pants? They're your pants!"
"Just check the wash before I'm late and I hex you!"
"Stay here, Ted." I say walking to the laundry room. "They're in here, Gin!"
I hear hard, fast footsteps down the stairs.
"Great." She says from behind me. I turn to hand them to her. Expecting her to have pants on but, no. There she stands in just her Quidditch jersey, no pants.
I laugh, "you know, I've had this dream before..."
She blushes and takes the pants. "Oh, really?"
"Yes, except you were on a broom." I say kissing her cheek and walking into the kitchen.

When I get to work I head straight to my office. Ron and Ella are there when I arrive. "Hello, any new leads?"
Ella shakes her head, "nope. Nothing. We're coming up dry."
I sigh and drop into the chair. "Great." I say dryly.
Ron nods, "yeah, we have some but they don't lead to anything."
"Potter, Weasley, someone is here to talk to you about the Hooded. He's requested to talk to you two," Auror Jones looks at Ella, "only you two." She nods and follows him out.
Draco Malfoy walks into our office, Ron tenses and glances down at a picture of Hermione.
"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron asks.
"I have information, didn't Jones tell you?" He says.
I gesture to one of the chairs for him to sit in and I sit down in my chair. "Why is it, exactly, that you have this information?"
Malfoy shrugs, "people talk, I just happen to be close enough to hear. Now do you want it or not?"
I nod, grabbing a quill to take notes. "Yes."
"I don't have much," he says, "but all I know is that you can give up looking for... dark wizards."
"What?" Ron asks.
Malfoy sighs, "well... a wizard who doesn't appear to be dark. Any dark wizard would have hurt your godson or taken him right then and there, if not that, at least make more of a scene."
"My godson certainly thinks it was a scene but, okay." I say.
"Yes but a scene would have been if... if they would have done it in a more public place." Malfoy says. "I also found out that he is going to attack again, don't ask how I got this information... I don't fell comfortable sharing this in the ministry."
Ron and I glance at each other.
"What about the pictures?" I ask, thinking of Ginny, Teddy and the rest of my family.
Malfoy shrugs, "I haven't heard much on that but... I think it's just a distraction... but I could be wrong. He could be targeting your wife and godson but..."
I nod, my throat feeling tight at the thought. "Alright. Anything else?"
"Just that you really pissed him off, Potter." He says. "If I find out anything else I'll come back." He leaves without another word.
Ella comes back into the room. "What did he say?"
We tell Ella everything he told us, making sure not to leave anything out. She nods along and doesn't say anything until we finish. When we do, surprisingly, she says nothing.
Her face is blank when she finally does say something. "I don't know what to say and it's really bothering me. I've never not known what to say."
"Bloody hell you sound like Hermione." Ron laughs.
We have another visitor in our office, later that day just as we were about to leave.
The Minister of Magic.
"Potter, we"-he clears his throat and continues-"we just got word from Molly Weasley that your wife and godson have been kidnapped."
My world seems to freeze. My knees give out and I fall into my chair. Ron stares at the wall, dazed.

Hahaha! Cliffhanger!
Do you haaaaate me?
Thanks to all of you who gave me an ideas! I really appreciated it!
I won't be able to update this weekend! I have a 3 day meet starting tomorrow-meaning I'm busy so...
Also. I got an extremely rude comment on my clarification about Jason. They said I was talking down to all of you and saying that you were all stupid for thinking that it was Jason.
But I wasn't!
I even thought about Jason. I was like, "yeah! It could be Jason and... wait a minute... ha! That's doesn't work. Silly me..."
So I'm sorry if any of you thought that I was talking down to you and calling you guys stupid... I didn't mean for it to sound that way...
I love all of you guys!!
Keep calm and fangirl on!

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