Chapter 39

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Harry POV:

"I don't understand, what am I doing here? Where is Harrison?" The women we found at Harrison's house asks. The child clutches onto her neck.

I sigh. "I'm guessing you know who I am?" The women nods. "Well, then I'm guessing you know who my wife is." Again, she nods. "And I'm sure you've heard the news about their disappearance?"

"Yeah," she says. "Harrison is working on that case, he told me. Why are you-Wait, you think Harrison is apart of this?"

Ron takes over. "Yes. Ginny told us, well through Harry's house elf, that Harrison was the one that kidnapped her and Teddy."

The women falls onto the couch, "wait, he was keeping your wife and child in our house. Where our child sleeps?"

"Mummy?" The little boy asks, looking up at his mother.

"Shh... baby, it's okay."

"Where daddy? I wan' daddy." He says climbing off her lap. He walks over to me, "why did you take my daddy?"

His mom sits on the floor and pulls him into a hug. "Daddy is a bad man, Jacob. We won't be seeing him for a long time."

I sigh and glance at Hermione for help.
"I'm Hermione, by the way. What is your name?"

"Alyssa." The women says.

Hermione nods. "Um, Harry, could she sleep in one of the guest rooms?"

"Yeah, sure. I can show you there." I offer.

The women shakes her head. "No, no. We can just go to my parents' house. Thank you though."

Ron nods. "We can place an Auror at the house."

Alyssa nods. "Thank you." And she leaves without another word.

I sigh, "now what?"

Ron raises an eyebrow, confused.

"I mean, yeah, we found him, but now what? Ginny and Teddy could be starving for all we know..."

Ginny POV:

"Ginny," Teddy says, "I want Moony. I want Harry."

I kiss the top of his head. "I know buddy. But Harry will be here soon and we can get you a new Moony."

Teddy wines. "But I want the real Moony."

I sigh and ruffle his hair, not sure if what to say.

Why did Harrison move us? He hasn't come in a few days either... maybe... "Kreacher!"

POP! Teddy jumps and reaches for me, the noise scarring him.

"Yes, Mistress Ginny?"

"Did Harry get Harrison?" I ask, waisting no time.

Kreacher nods, "yes, ma'am. Can Kreacher bring Mistress Ginny home now?"

A door slams followed by heavy footsteps makes Teddy clutch my shirt. A scream makes my eyes widen.

"Kreacher he got someone else. Go! Go tell Harry!"

"Yes, mistress-"

"Just Go!" I whisper yell.

POP! And it's just me and Teddy.

Or at least that's what I thought, until the door bangs open.

Harry POV:
I lay in my bed, starring up at the ceiling. "Oh, Ginny. I wish you were here. You always know what to do, I have no idea."

POP! I sit straight up, to see Kreacher standing next to the bed.

"Master Harry, sir. Mistress Ginny has called upon Kreacher to ask if you caught Auror Harrison. Kreacher told her yes but before Kreacher could take Mistress Ginny home, she made Kreacher leave."

I rub my temples. "What? Why?"

"Someone entered the house with another prisoner, sir."

I run down the stairs. "Ron! Hermione!"

Both run to the end of the stairs. "What?"

I sigh, grateful they were all right. "They took someone else."

"What! We caught Harrison." Ron says, taking Hermione's hand.

I shake my head, "I don't know... he must have someone else helping him."

The Minister of Magic appears in front of us. "Harrison has escaped."

"Get my parents," Ron orders the Aurors. "My brothers, anyone in those pictures."

When everyone is here we look and instantly know who's missing.

"Oh no." Hermione says, berrying her face in Ron's chest, hugging him tightly.


So how was that?

Do you guys hate me? I bet you do!

Who do you think is missing? (I'm still trying to figure out who😂)

I don't really plan these things... they kinds just happen as I go along.

I hope you guys somewhat liked it!

I hope to update soon!

I love you guys!

Keep calm and fangirl on!

Also guys... I hate to tell you this but it might not be until this coming Monday when I can update next... I stared drivers education and I still have practice and I'm on taper (don't feel like explaining) also, my biggest meet of the season is this weekend so I can't be worried about updating.
I'm really sorry guys! But I'll try to update ASAP!
Thanks for understanding!
Keep calm and fangirl on!


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