Chapter 80

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Teddy's POV:

After a few minutes on the train, there's a knock on the door of my compartment. I look over to see a girl standing in the doorway. "Do you mind if I sit? Everywhere is full..." she glances over her shoulder before looking back at me.

I shrug, and gesture to the seat across from me. "I don't mind." She smiles and slides across from me. The first thing I notice about her is her hair, it's brown and curly. Even curlier than Hermione's hair. The next thing I notice is her skin, unlike my pale complexion, her skin is dark. Then I notice her eyes, they're a brilliant blue.

She seems to be taking me in as well, because she jumps when I accidentally loose concentration on keeping my hair black and it turns back to its natural color. "Wow. How did you that?"

My cheeks flame up, and my hair turns pink as well. "Um, I'm a Metamorphmagus. I can change my complexion, but I'm not very good at controlling it."

She grins and hops onto the seat next to me, "that's bloody fantastic. Can you make your hair purple? That's my favorite color."

I nod and close my eyes, focusing on the color. She starts to giggle. "That's amazing." She reaches a hand up to touch my hair, I duck away from her hand. She goes back to her seat. "I'm Dylan, Dylan Hanson. My mum and dad thought that I was going to be a boy and they couldn't think of another name so..." she shakes her head and then looks at me. "What's yours?"

"Teddy, well, technically it's Edward but no one calls me that. Except for my Nanna when I'm in trouble." I tell her.

Dylan giggles. "So, have you known about magic your whole life? Or are you a muggle born?"

"No I've known, I'm a half blood. What about you?" I ask.

She scoffs and shakes her head. When she does this, her curls bounce and jiggle. "I wish. I'm a pure blood, and my family has been going to Hogwarts since it was built. I'm not going to marry a pure blood."

"Why not?"

Dylan sighs. "Because I think blood purity is dumb. My parents don't care about it, their parents did, they just happened to both be pure bloods. I don't want to marry a pure blood so the number of pure blood families is less."

I don't understand this girl. "I guess you've got your whole life figured out. My Nanna hates all that pure blood nonsense, as she calls it. She married a muggle born to spite her family, she loved him as well but..." Dylan giggles and nods.

We get interrupted by the treat trolley, we both buy many things to munch on as we talk.

"Do you have any siblings?" Dylan asks me, biting off the head of the gooey, moving gummy worm.

I shake my head, "no. My parents died when I was a baby. My Nanna and godfather raised me." I pause before I continue. "Well, I sort of do. Harry, my godfather, and his wife have two kids and they grew up with me around."

Dylan paused mid-chew, she swallows hard. "Wait... your godfather is Harry Potter?"

I nod, looking down at my own Gummy worm as it moves around my hand. "Yes."

Dylan's eyes go wide. "And Ginny Potter! Do you go to her games? I've always wanted to go. It's my dream to play for the Holyhead Harpies."

I shrug. "I've been to a few games."

Dylan looks at me, as though I've offended her. "That's all you're going to say about going to a Holyhead Harpy game?"

I shrug and change the subject. "Do you have any siblings?"

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