Chapter 26

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Thanks to all of you who gave me questions!!

Harry POV:
I look out into the sea of hands, "uh, blonde hair pulled back."
"Yeah," I say.
"Is it true that you and Ron used the Polyjuice potion in second year?"
"Yes." Ron answers. "We turned into two Slytherin kids to find out who was the heir of Slytherin himself." Ron points to a blonde boy, "you."
"Do you think that another dark wizard, like You-Know-Who?"
Ron and I glance at each other, "um, I'm not sure. Maybe, but think of it this way. There have been many dark wizards and they all have been defeated. If another dark wizard arises they will be taken down." I say.
"Black hair, in the back." Ron says.
"What was the scariest year here at Hogwarts, for the both of you."
"Well... Second year was pretty bad for me," Ron says. "Two reasons, our best friend, at the time, Hermione was petrified by a basilisk. And my little sister, Ginny, was taken into The Chamber of Secrets by said basilisk. Harry?"
"Well... All of my years here were amazing don't get me wrong but, I'd say 5th year for many reasons. One, not many people believed me that Voldemort was alive. Another reason is because the Ministry hired Umbridge to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts."
Ron laughs, "the books we were reading were even too easy for the first years."
"Another reason is because Ron's father was attacked. And because my Godfather Sirius was killed."
Ron squeezes my shoulder. "Next question?"
"Why didn't you say that your 7th year was the worst?"
"I didn't want to bring up 7th year because of other questions. But... You know what? I'd say all my years here has some level of scary or danger. You?"
"What was the most traumatizing event of the final war?"
"My brother," Ron says. "My brother Fred was killed."
Harry squeezes Ron's shoulder.
"The whole war pretty much. Especially when I couldn't find Ron and Hermione for a period of time. And when I went to the woods to face Voldemort and he killed me. And no, I won't go into that, I'm sorry. You?"
"Sirius Black was your godfather, but didn't he sell your parents out to Voldemort?"
"No." I say forcefully. "No. A man named Peter Pettigrew turned in my parents to frame Sirius. Sirius Black was a good man, my father's best friend. He was never a Death Eater, his family disowned him because he was put into Griffendor. He was a good man."
"You?" Ron says.
"How do you become an Auror?"
Ron explains the training that you have to go through and the grades you have to get on the O.W.L.'s.
"Why didn't you, Ron and Hermione go to your 7th year?"
"We had to find the horcruxs that Voldemort made. Horcruxs are a type of dark magic that I'm not allowed to really tell you about. Any others?"
"Who was that baby you came in with?"
"My godson, he is the son of my dads best friend who died in the war, along with his wife." I say. "You."
"What did you do with the elder wand?"
"Well, my wand had broke while we were looking for horcruxs so I fixed mine with it. And since I'd disarmed the owner at the time the wand became mine. But, it wasn't mine to begin with. It was Dumbledore's so, after I fixed it. I put it back in its rightful place. And when I die of natural causes, the wand loses all power." I finish with, "like Dumbledore wanted."
(A/N: it happened in the book... They messed it up in the movie! If you only watched the movies... What is wrong with you?!😱😱)
"Next?" Ron says. "You."
"How did the three of you meet?"
"Well, Harry didn't know how to get through the barrier to get to the train because he was raised by muggles. So my mum helped him. Then on the train I sat in the same car." Ron says. "Then, Hermione came into the car asking if we'd seen a toad."
"Love at first sight, huh Ron?" I nudge him with my elbow.
He jabs my ribs, "shut up, Harry."
The students laugh.
"We have time for one more question." The teacher says.
"Are you really the chosen one?" A small girl asks without being picked on.
"Well... The chosen one could have been me or a friend of mine Neville. We were born around the same time. And that is what the prophase told Voldemort. A boy born at the end of July, will be his end. But he chose me because we are both half-bloods."
"Thank you Auror Potter and Auror Weasley." The professor says.
"You're welcome." Ron and I say as we walk out of the room.
The students start to file out of their classrooms. We get stares from them.
As we walk someone walks into us. The students start laughing. I look down to see a girl trying to find her glasses. I pick them up and hand them to her. "Glasses, horrible things aren't they?"
"Yeah they-" her voice gets caught in her throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going. I was studying as I was walking."
Ron laughs handing her the books. "Don't be, you remind me of someone."
"Is that good or bad?"
"Good. You remind me of Hermione." The girl grins, "thank you for helping me... I have to go... I'm going to be late." She starts to walk away.
"Hey! What are you studying to be?" I shout after her.
"An Auror." She rounds the corner.
I grab a card for an internship, and charm it into her books.
We walk back to Mcgonagall's office. When we get up there, there are a group of 4 boys waiting outside.
"What'd you do?" I ask.
"We charmed the pasta last night at dinner. And we-"
"Johnson!" A voice exclaims. The girl from earlier storms up the stars. "You charmed my homework to disappear!? What on earth is wrong with you? You stupid toerag!"
"We did that too," the boy grins. "And don't you agree that I am a quite attractive toerag, right Laws?"
The girl makes a high pitched noise and stomps on his foot, twisting her foot and storming away. She also throws a; "ignorant toerag!" Over her shoulder.
The guy's friends start to laugh."Shut up."
I laugh and knock on the door. The door opens and Teddy runs up to me, "Hawy!"
I pick him up, "hey bud."
"Blimey, you're Harry Potter." One of the boys says.
"I am," I laugh.
"Why doesn't anyone act shocked when they see me?" Ron asks.
"Because I'm the chosen one," I joke.
"Shut up Harry," he slaps the back of my head.
"What a lovely example you two are setting for these four," Mcgonagall says.
"If you wanted a good example, you should've had Hermione come, professor." Ron says.
The boys on the bench stifle their laughs.
"You four in my office." Mcgonagall says. The boys stop laughing and go into the office.
"Would you two come back next year?"
"Of course Professor," I say.
"Thank you boys." She says. "It's good to see you both."
"You as well," Ron says.
We walk down the stairs and to the Hall of Memories. (A/N: did I give it a name?)
"You want to go see your mummy and daddy?" I ask.
"Yes!" Teddy says, I hand him Moony out of the bag.
"Let's go," Ron says.

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