Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Lullaby's Concerto-Flute Solo

"Fairy Tail" Regular Speech

'Fairy Tail' Regular Thoughts

"Fairy Tail" Flashbacks

"Fairy Tail" Dragon/Demon/Monster Speech/Names of Spells

'Fairy Tail' Dragon/Demon/Monster thoughts

Fairy Tail- Stating of the year or a place

Summary:  I was told I was a world where NAKAMA were every person's  desire. Then HE found me, he said he saw great potential in my small  body and he raised me. Because of him I lived...I learned...and I  finally found someone I could call nakama. Even if he didn't call me the  same. That is why I will do whatever I can to live up to his name. As  the son and dragonslayer of the greatest being I have ever met.  Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse.

(A/N: I HAVE RETURNED! Please, hold your applause. I love you all too.

I  am glad that you all liked the previous chapter. A few complaints about  how Erza was downplayed and that the fight was too short and how I  should have made her stronger and I know that, but given how this was  only in the beginning of Fairy Tail, Erza was much weaker ergo I find it  a suitable amount of time for her fight's duration with her against  Naruto.

As for the use of Naruto's Dragonslayer  magic on weak opponents. The reason I used them was to show you all some  more Dragonslayer attacks. And for gods sakes people, make up your  minds. It's always like this. Naruto's too dark, so I make him less dark  but then you complain it's not like him. I make him merciful, you say  he's too merciful. I make him use Dragonslayer magic more when you ask  for it, you say he shouldn't be using it on weak opponents. WHAT THE  HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? I'M AM GETTING REALLY ANNOYED TRYING TO  SATISFY THE LOT OF YOU WHEN YOU ALL KEEP CHANGING YOUR FRICKIN' MINDS  EVERY TIME!

Also a note to the anonymous readers and people who have accounts with disabled

Anyways, hope you guys like this chapter. All flames will be ignored.

(Insert Music: Fairy Tail-Akuma Deliora)

Unknown Location, Fiore

It  had been exactly one day since the day that Naruto and Kurama stole the  flute, Lullaby, from Eisenwald, killed off the entirety of Eisenwald  and also humiliated the Fairy Tail team. Naruto had decided to put the  one day delay on his plans for Lullaby just in case Fairy Tail decided  to track him. Though Natsu was weaker, the senses of a dragonslayer were  not to be underestimated, so Naruto and Kurama had taken the day to  reach somewhere uninhabited.

Right now, Naruto and Kurama had been  flying for a few hours before they stopped in a large area of empty  grassland. The only form of life present in the area were the birds and  field mice that roamed the skies and grass.

Naruto reached into his cloak and pulled out the wooden flute that was Lullaby.

"So what now then ?" Kurama asked as he stared at the three eyed skull.

"Now  we wake the demon up." Naruto stated before resting the flute on the  ground. The blonde and the Exceed took notice of the fact that the grass  where Lullaby was laid had turned brown and died before being blown  away by the wind. Naruto knelt down and poked the flute.

"How do  you plan to wake up the demon? I mean, it's not like it's just gonna  burst out of its own accord." Kurama said. Naruto stared at the flute  before poking it once more. As he did that the flute rattled and a deep,  sinister laugh echoed through the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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