Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Nakama

(A/N:Alright, just to satisfy you guys and thank you for all the faves and alerts I got after just this one chapter, I will bestow upon you guys a second chapter and NOW I will no longer update. Hopefully it's a good chapter and you guys will like it. Note again I will NOT be updating this story anytime soon because I have two other stories to work on. I did this because I had this idea bothering me this entire time and I wanted to just put it out there. Hope you guys like it. REVIEW! Really though guys, I need you to review, it's what will give me the drive to post another chapter and as much as I appreciate the faves and alerts, but GOD DAMN IT JUST REVIEW THE STORY!)

"Fairy Tail" Regular Speech

'Fairy Tail' Regular Thoughts

"Fairy Tail" Dragon/Demon/Monster Speech

'Fairy Tail' Dragon/Demon/Monster thoughts

Fairy Tail- Stating of the year or a place

Summary: I was told I was a world where NAKAMA were every person's desire. Then HE found me, he said he saw great potential in my small body and he raised me. Because of him I lived...I learned...and I finally found someone I could call nakama. Even if he didn't call me the same. That is why I will do whatever I can to live up to his name. As the son and dragonslayer of the greatest being I have ever met. Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse.

Year X769

"Okay, Naruto...this is the last one. Remember the strokes, you have them all committed to memory. Don't mess this up, if you do I'll flick you so hard you'll be feeling it for weeks...if you are blessed with a dragonslayer's healing factor" Acnologia said to his adopted son. Naruto's eyes narrowed as he made strokes in the dirt with a long stick. A horizontal stroke was formed before a downward diagonal line followed from the end of that line. Finally, the blonde completed his task as he drew another horizontal line going from left to right at the end of that line. Naruto cheered as he looked up from the sand and pointed at his perfect construction of the letter 'Z'.

Naruto smirked as he watched the sand, all twenty-six letters of the alphabet line up next to each other. Naruto turned to the gigantic dragon and pointed at his accomplishment.

"YATTA! I did it, Tou-san. I finished the allllphaaabet" he struggled with the 'large' word. Acnologia nodded before getting rid of the letters from the sand by blowing it away. The small gust of air nearly caused Naruto to fall on his rear.

It had been five years since that day, the day Acnologia had chosen to take on the previously one year old Naruto as his dragonslayer. As he expected his arm fully recovered after a few days while it now had a large gash looking scar that went from the lower part of his arm to the upper part close to his shoulder. The gash was about five inches deep and three inches wide so and it was noticeable to anyone who spotted it. It was his permanent reminder of his fight against Kushina and Minato and how he almost lost his arm.

He had taught Naruto how to read once he started talking full sentences at the age of three. After completing his reading, the black dragon had taken the time to teach Naruto about numbers and was quite proud how that Naruto was able to count over 100 at the age of four. After that, Acnologia completed Naruto's writing skills. The boy could write, a bit crudely the dragon admitted, but he could write nonetheless. With the ability to count, read and write completed, the Dragon of the Apocalypse taught his son basic mathematics, a few things about the human body as well instructing him in the art of physical combat, this was done when he turned five, mainly basic punches and kicks. With those things out of the way it was now time for the blonde to focus on his magic.

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