Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Kurama

(A/N:Alright before you guys read, a little note. Naruto's magic, I have decided to name it after the jutsu style, Fuuton/Wind style. So every time he performs a wind spell, it will be fuuton: (whatever the spell name is). I will admit, I'm having fun with this story, and I'm having trouble staying away from ideas for it and it's all you readers' faults. Damn you for making me excited about this. I hate you all. Just kidding. Hope you guys like it. REVIEW! Really though guys, I need you to review, it's what will give me the drive to post another chapter and as much as I appreciate the faves and alerts, but GOD DAMN IT JUST REVIEW THE STORY!)

"Fairy Tail" Regular Speech

'Fairy Tail' Regular Thoughts

"Fairy Tail" Dragon/Demon/Monster Speech

'Fairy Tail' Dragon/Demon/Monster thoughts

Fairy Tail- Stating of the year or a place

Summary: I was told I was a world where NAKAMA were every person's desire. Then HE found me, he said he saw great potential in my small body and he raised me. Because of him I lived...I learned...and I finally found someone I could call nakama. Even if he didn't call me the same. That is why I will do whatever I can to live up to his name. As the son and dragonslayer of the greatest being I have ever met. Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse.

Year X773

Ten year old Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze was busy with his training for the day. He was tasked each day by his father, the Dragon of the Apocalypse, Acnologia, to cause as much destruction as he could in one minute. Naruto always loved to destroy things and it was time he showed his father how much he improved in the past four years since he started learning Dragonslayer magic as well inventing his own techniques for his wind magic.

"Mokushiryu no Tsume/Apocalypse Dragon's Talons!" Naruto slammed his dragonslayer magic on the ground and the earth split apart forming a deep, wide crevice as an earthquake shook the land. He then went into a handstand and began to rotate as wind kicked up around him.

"Fuuton: Senpu Kyakuu/Wind style: Cyclone Leg!" Multiple arcs of slashing wind flew out of the cyclones surrounding Naruto's legs as he spun on his hands before bending his arms and leaped into the air and crashed his fists together as the greyish-green magic seal of his wind magic formed.

"Fuuton: Daitoppa/ Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" Naruto punched the air and let loose two blasts of pressurized air before flipping in the air as he descended. Upon his descent, his arms became coated in sky blue magic, and slammed them down on the ground as he went back onto his feet.

"Mokushiryu no Habataki /Apocalypse Dragon's Wingbeat" Naruto clapped his hands together, arms outstretched, and a large shock wave of magic energy burst forth from his hands. The attack tore through the landscape like it was nothing, kicking up dust and dirt and as the attack finished, Naruto began to rapidly rotate and the wind bent to his will as he summoned forth the elemental magic.

"Fuuton: Tastumaki/Wind Style: Tornado!" The tornado caused many trees within the vicinity to fall to the ground as well releasing blades of wind which seemed to slice cleanly through everything it came into contact with. Suddenly, the magic within the tornado began to be absorbed into Naruto's maw. He leaned back and took a deep breath of air, eating the magic within his own attack. Magic energy became visible as it swirled to life in his jaws before compressing into a single sphere.

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