Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: X777

(A/N:Well this is chapter 4. I hope you guys enjoy it. Not a lot of action in it, but I hope it will satisfy you guys. Hope you guys like it. REVIEW! Really though guys, I need you to review, it's what will give me the drive to post another chapter and as much as I appreciate the faves and alerts, but GOD DAMN IT JUST REVIEW THE STORY!)

"Fairy Tail" Regular Speech

'Fairy Tail' Regular Thoughts

"Fairy Tail" Dragon/Demon/Monster Speech

'Fairy Tail' Dragon/Demon/Monster thoughts

Fairy Tail- Stating of the year or a place

Summary: I was told I was a world where NAKAMA were every person's desire. Then HE found me, he said he saw great potential in my small body and he raised me. Because of him I lived...I learned...and I finally found someone I could call nakama. Even if he didn't call me the same. That is why I will do whatever I can to live up to his name. As the son and dragonslayer of the greatest being I have ever met. Acnologia, the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse.

October 10th-Year X776

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NARUTO!" Naruto gave a small smile as the cake was laid before him. Kurama rested atop his head staring hungrily at the piece of pastry.

Naruto was finally turning thirteen years old. The boy had gotten his new birthday outfit from Seiko, which consisted of the same style of long sleeved, black t-shirt, but the pattern was similar to that of blue wisps of fire along the entirety of the t-shirt making it look like Acnologia's body somewhat. He got a pair of dark blue, loose fitting pants and since his shoe size had grown with the rest of his body, he had to get a new pair of black boots to complete the look. The gold flame pendant he had gotten from Seiko was still worn around his neck. For the past three years since he had gotten it, he had never taken it off. Naruto had gotten a growth spurt now that he had hit thirteen. He now stood at the average height of a thirteen year old teenager which was 5 feet, 4 inches. This made him slightly taller than Sakura and Ino, the same height as Chouji and about one inch shorter than Shikamaru.

"Thanks." Naruto spoke.

"So Naruto, blow out the candles and make a wish." Ino smiled at her fellow blonde.

"Wishes are simply a form of entertainment at birthday parties. Wishes never actually come true" Naruto deadpanned. Everyone sweat dropped at the boy's monotone.

'He's so serious about it.' They thought.

"Geez Naruto, it's your birthday. Don't be so dull, now blow out the candles and make a wish." Sakura said. Naruto stared at the candles before turning to survey the crowd that turned up for his birthday. Sakura, Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji had shown up. Ayame and Teuchi were busy at the ramen shop, but they had already given him his birthday gift of twenty extra large bowls of miso pork ramen with extra noodles which he had devoured with gusto. There also stood Seiko, Yoshino and Shikaku, along with Chouza, Chouji's father, who were all holding cameras as they awaited Naruto's blowing of the candles. Inoichi, Ino's father, looked like he was watching the boy to see if he was going to try anything with his daughter as the blonde girl had her arms wrapped around the boy in a one armed hug. Naruto sighed before turning to Sakura.

"Do I have to?" Acnologia really did a number on the boy's vision of what was fun and what wasn't. Especially since Naruto's version of 'fun' was to destroy a wide area of land until it was nothing but a desolate wasteland in comparison to the lush forest it had once been. All thanks to our favourite Dragon of the Apocalypse. Shikamaru and Chouji sighed.

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