Chapter 36

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"So he left you there?"
I nodded.
"And now there's some good looking guy in the kitchen making us late lunch?"
I nodded.
"And the other two are watching tv?"
I nodded.
"And more are on the way?"
I nodded.
"I still can't believe I'm spending the night!"
She's been squealing since she arrived a half hour ago.
Drew was whipping up lunch.
Franklin and Evan were watching tv.
Kent, Jason and the others were supposedly on their way.
Drew called him and told him I had fainted.
I called Claire over to have the sleepover we planned. She seemed eager as and I quote "this girl brought home another conquest".
She painted such a bad picture of her sister. I couldn't really imagine her at all. But if she was friends with Kim, she was probably bad news.
The guys refused to leave until Kent arrived. They said something about him having to tell me something important.
"The door!"
"I'll get it!"
Drew sounded like he was still in the kitchen and Evan answered from the living room. I decided to greet my brother, so I made my way down the stairs.
Surely enough, I heard the door open and hastily close.
"Where's Kent?"
Evan has no one trailing behind him.
"Uh, wasn't Kent."
"Then who was it?"
Evan looked to the floor.
He looked up to meet my eyes.
"Who was it?"
He looked back down. I decided to check for myself.
"No Amber don't go, he's still-"
The sound of the door opening cut him off.
"Amber, I have something import-"
Then the sound of the door closing cut him off. Why was Luke in front my house?
"Why didn't you tell me it was him?"
Evan scratched his neck awkwardly.
"Fine. Nobody is to come up to my room except Kent."
I turned and walked up the stairs.
Once I closed my door. I locked it and slid down against it.
I felt a tear of confusion run down my face. Why can't Luke every be there when I need him? All of the sudden he had something important to say. Just like Kent, and even Jack. Wait, Jack...
He had something he wanted to tell me. I saw Claire looked at me with confusion in her eyes. I could tell she was fighting to find words to comfort me with. What words would suffice?
What words did I want to hear?
I didn't know. And I couldn't expect her to know either.
"Could you pass me my phone?"
"Yeah sure."
She got up and placed it in my palm.
After sending her a nod of gratitude, I punched in the number I forced myself to learn less than a month ago.
He picked up on the third ring, still always busy.
He sounded surprised.
"What did you want to tell me?"
"Tell you about what?"
"About my brother, about Jason."
"I told you, we need to meet in person."
"Tell me now."
"It's not that simple Amber..."
"Why not huh???"
"Because what Jack?"
"Because Amber..."
"Because what?!?"
"Because he's a ga-"
I didn't heard the rest of his sentence.
Three loud knock bombarded my ears.
It didn't help that I was leaned against the door.
With a sigh I ended the call. Claire has put her earphones in so she probably didn't hear anything of that conversation.
"Amber are you in there?!"
He was mid knock when I opened the door, causing him to almost fall right onto me.
"Hey there."
I waved.
"You and Luke had a fight?"
The guys bailed on me. Damn them to hell.
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"It's okay kiddo, just try and don't get too attached, you're young."
That was possibly the worst advice he could give at that point in time.
But I nodded nevertheless.
"Food is finished, come on down."
"Didn't you have to tell me something?"
"It can wait."
"Wasn't it important?"
"It can wait."
He was not letting up.
So I walked over to the bed and plucked out one of Claire's earplugs.
"Time to eat!"
After discarding her iPod, we made our way down stairs. All the guys were here now. The love seat left empty for us girls presume. I took my seat and so did Claire. Shortly after, Drew served us up some spaghetti and meatballs.
"Did you tell her?"
I looked up as Drew threw his question to Kent.
"Not yet."
"You're running out of time."
"For what."
The guys didn't even spare my question a thought.
"I'll tell her soon."
"You better."
For some reason that sounded like a threat.
Claire ate her food in silence, phone in hand. Probably texting Jeremy by the random bursts of her laughter.
The guys stayed until about eight, after they got a call to come home.
They didn't say who called, just that they needed to leave asap.
Claire and I finally commenced our sleepover.
We talking about any and everything.
She told me about all the cute thing Jeremy told her. And where they had their first kiss. She briefly mentioned her sister. But quickly moved onto Kim and that was when something caught my attention.
"So they dated?"
"Um actually... their supposed to be still dating. The word on the street is their so good for each other than they can't stay away from each other."
Kim was Luke's girlfriend?
All this time?
But that girl he brought home didn't have black hair. It was distinctively blonde.
Damn him for making me feel this way after only a week.
Damn him to hell and back.
"But hes cheating on her..."
Claire didn't even seem fazed. He response came simultaneously.
"She's cheating on him too."
"So why?"
"I don't know hunny, but don't think about it so much. It isn't worth it."
Was it bad that I wanted him to be worth it?
Was it bad that I wanted to forgive him and go back to being my normal Luke?
Yes it was. Because it was selfish of me.
Luke was his own person. He knew his actions had consequences, yet he still committed them. So I shouldn't think about fixing his mistakes.
I decided to take Claire's advice, and mix it a bit with Kent's.
Claire didn't deserve to be stressed out right now.
Sleepovers were supposed to be fun.
I knew what could steer us in the right direction from here onward.
"My birthday is Tuesday."
She cleared didn't expect that.
She stared at me blankly for a good five minutes before she finally understood what I said.
"The day you were born,"
"That day that only come one a year,"
"Is this Tuesday,"
"Second day of the new school you're enrolling in,"
"And you're now telling me this?"
She stood up and gave me a once over.
"Nope this ain't do at all."
"You need a makeover."
"But my birthday is Tuesday, wouldn't it be giving it away if I get pretty pretty for the day before my birthday?"
She considered it.
"Makes sense. But promise me that you'll call me over Tomorrow even to do you're hair at least."
She sounded as if she was pleading.
I nodded my head. A makeover would be fun. Who knows?
She clapped her hands together.
"Great! Now let's get this party started."

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