Chapter 8

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
I've never been more angry in my life. She stepped out the closet, fixing her hair and pulling down her skirt. I couldn't help but imagine what happened in there. Then there was him. He was buttoning back his blouse and his damn pants. Why was his pants unbuttoned in the first place. It was only three damn minutes. Geo and Mark were both dead. She looked for frazzled, lips swollen, makeup smudged. I couldn't bare to look. As they went their separate ways, everyone turned to look at me. Why? They wanted to see my reaction. To see how highly I might've been holding her. To see if I looked sad or hurt. So I gave them the exact opposite of what they wanted. I masked all my emotions, I put on the most neutral face I could've pulled at that point in time, and hoped they didn't see through it. It was Mark's turn now, that filthy bugger.
"Louis, truth or dare?"
"Answer me three questions"
"Why did you dye you're hair pink, why did you pierce you're nose and out of all the girls, who is you're least favorite?"
"Cause I wanted to, cause I wanted to and Tasha."
Before we could process what just transpired, someone cut in.
"Okay, time for a change of a game, we're playing never have I ever, we all know how this goes. Someone says a never have I ever, if you have you take a shot, simple, soberest person wins."
The seatings changed. Boys on one side, girls on the next. Tasha start it off.
"Never have I ever kissed a girl."
All the guys took a shot, and so did a good bit of the girls, Martha was actually the only one who didn't take a shot in the room. I sent Amber a raised eyebrow, what was she doing kissing girls? We'd need to have a talk later. Louis was next.
"Never have I ever gotten suspended."
Codey was the only guy that didn't take a shot, and Louis and Amber were the only girls who did. Cindy was next.
"Never have I ever stole my friends bf/gf."
Codey, Freddy, Geo and I were the only guys to not take a shot, Tasha and Cindy happily downed theirs. Girls. Next was Martha.
"Never have I ever went into a club, while being underage."
Everyone downed a shot. In my defense, I was the designated driver. The girls went clubbing real often and the guys just followed the girls. Next was Bridget.
"Never have I ever gotten my heart broken."
I took a shot, and so did all of the guys. Tasha and Cindy were the only girls to not take a shot, damn heartbreakers. Next was Megan.
"Never have I ever broken someone's heart."
Tasha and Cindy happily downed their shots, but Amber, Louis and Bridget downed theirs regretfully. As did the guys, we all took our shot, even Codey. The last girl was Amber.
"Never have I ever slept naked."
Everyone in the room except Bridget and Freddy took their shot. Which was understandable, they did share a room.
The first guy was Zac.
"Never have I ever slept naked with someone else."
The guys too their shot without hesitation, but the girls had a harder time. It seemed that Amber and Martha were the only girls to not take a shot. Girl good. Codey was next.
"Never have I ever lied to my friends face about another friends whereabouts."
I sighed, I knew exactly who he was referring to. And that person, along with Mark, Kareem, Tasha, Cindy and Martha all took a shot. That was expected. Next up was Geo.
"Never have I ever went skinny dipping."
Amber was the only one who hadn't taken a shot. And that brought a smile to my face for some odd reason. Mark was next.
"Never have I never been in a physical petty fight."
Everyone took a shot, even Freddy. Fights were normal in our school. Next was Kareem.
"Never have I ever slept with my friends thing."
Zac took a shot. Then Tasha, then Cindy then Geo, Mark. Kareem and lastly me.(not one of my best moments) Freddy was next up.
"Never have I ever stole my sibling things."
Bridget glared at him, taking a shot. Tasha and Cindy glanced at each other before taking a shot each. They weren't siblings, but they were blood related so I guess that count for something. Watching that exchange caused me to glance at Amber, she hadn't taken a shot, but when our eyes met. We took a shot for old times sake. The guys casted me a questionable glance, I technically didn't have any siblings, for what they knew at least. But Amber knew better. Zac, Kareem, Geo and Megan each took a shot. I felt sorry for their siblings. Whatever they took was probably very valuable. The last guy was me, which was good considering that the alcohol was just about done after this round.
"Never have I ever ditched school."
Everyone took a shot. By the time the bottle reached to me, there was only one shot left. Now was time to tally our shots. Tasha stood up to bark out some more orders.
"Okay were starting from me and ending with Luke. When it's you're turn, stand and state both you're name and you're count."
There was mummers of agreement.
"Tasha- 11 shots"
That was expected.
"Louis- 10 shots"
That was higher than her last.
"Cindy- 11 shots"
She looked proud.
"Martha- 7 shots"
She was still the most innocent.
"Bridget- 9 shots"
She had her fingers crossed, probably hoping she got more than her brother.
"Megan- 9 shots"
She looked kinda sad.
"Amber- 9 shots"
My eyes were wide.
"Zac- 14 shots"
My eyes went back down it's normal size.
"Codey- 9 shots"
It collected some punches for that. He was still behind us.
"Geo- 12 shots"
"Mark- 13 shots"
The norm.
"Kareem- 14 shots"
Of course. He was Zacs best man after all.
"Freddy- 9 shots"
He laughed when Bridget groaned.
"Luke- 12 shots"
The room was erupted with wolf whistles as I sat back down with my head held low. I looked over to Amber, seeking redemption for my actions but what I saw made my blood boil.

x marks the spot {Completed}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें