Chapter 25

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My head was fuzzy. How could I have forgotten to take my medication?
I was so stupid. Claire was probably so worried. But I felt better. As if, as if I had somehow taken my medicine.
But that was impossible.
The first thing I did when my eyes opened was look for a clock. 10:09am. I've been sleeping for about ten hours.
I shouldn't be able to sleep for that long without my medication. This was not adding up.
I was about to get off the bed when I heard the door open.
"You're awake."
"Nah I'm sleep talking."
I deadpanned. He laughed nevertheless.
"You gave us quite a scare. We had no idea what to do."
"So what did you do?"
"Claire said you'd hate her for it...but she called Luke and made him bring you're medication."
Before I could reply he continued.
"We didn't let him in the house. He left with a sad smile on his face."
"She also called the number from the napkin you was holding. He swore he was a good friend of yours, he'll be picking you up soon."
The number from the napkin? Jason's number? Why was he coming for me?
He didn't know about my condition.
I knew bombarding Jeremy with questions would be pointless, so I changed the topic.
"So you spent the night huh."
He scratched his neck.
"Um yeah. She was so frazzled when we found you unconscious that I didn't think she would be okay alone."
I cooed. I couldn't help it. They were so cute together. His entire face was red.
"Claire's making breakfast. She said to tell you to get ready if you were up."
I nodded. It almost sounded like they timed my awakening. The only person I knew that was good with time was Luke. I allowed myself to habor a tiny smile as I got ready.
I walked in the kitchen to giggling.
"Come on Jeremy, I can't, I have to be here when Rachel comes home."
"She won't miss you for long. We would only be gone for a few hours."
He kissed her cheek.
"Fine fine!"
More giggling.
I was about to knock the door to make my presence known but someone knocked before I could. Claire was the first to turn, her face totally pink.
"I um we uh w-"
I held my finger up.
"Someone's by the door. I'll get it."
Then I made my exit. They were cute. Their relationship was blooming, unlike mine. It made me both happy and sad. Those emotions quickly changed to questionable anger when I opened the door and saw none other than Jason.
"Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay?"
"Quite frankly no."
"Well that's unfortunate."
"Look I don't know what's gotten you're panties in a wud and I really don't care. Just get in the car."
I didn't expect that kind of reaction from Jason. But I didn't want to attract any attention from anyone. I didn't want Claire to feel bad for calling him.
So I picked up my bag from off the floor and walked to his car. I found myself opening the door of the back seat. I sent Jeremy and Claire a wave as we pulled off.
"Listen Amber. I didn't mean to yell. I just had a fight with Kent before coming to get you so I was a little on edge."
"A fight about what?"
"What do you mean?"
"We fought about you Amber."
I knew he understood what I asked. He chose to not answer. So I decided to change the topic.
"Where are we going?"
"To my house, well our house."
I wanted to ask why, I wanted to ask who was included in this 'our. But something about his tone made me shut up.
The drive was boring. I stopped paying attention when we started driving into the busy city. I really hadn't expected him to be living in the heart of the city, so when he pulled up to a gym I didn't know what to expect.
"Come on."
He opened his door then walked to the building. I found myself waiting for Luke to open my door for me. That was until I realized exactly what I was waiting for. I hastily opened and closed my door, giving the building a once over. It looked decapitated, out of service, broken down. Nevertheless he walked around the building like he lived there. I followed him to the back, where there was no door. I turned to Jason, and raised my eyebrows as high as was humanly possible.
He didn't even spare me a glance. He continued to walk towards the building. Then he turned to me.
"The door is hidden."
He walked up to a wall. Then he knocked it in some kind of pattern that I wasn't able to catch. Shortly after, the middle portion of the supposed wall rose. In the space where it once was stood a familiar stature.
"It's nice to see you little sis."
I felt the ground shift under me.
I probably sounded breathless. But that was because I was. I heard Jason say something. Then I saw Kent's lips move, buy words weren't registering.
Nothing was registering, except for the darkness that followed shortly after.
I knew I had fainted.
But I didn't stay out long. When I woke up, they were both staring down at me.
"Good morning?"
"Since when have you been so sickly?"
Damn not even a good morning back.
Kent started the ball rolling, now I had no choice but to keep it rolling.
"I've always been. It just got a bit worst after you left..."
He looked pained.
"She made you hide it didn't she?"
He nodded to himself.
"Well we have some catching up to do."
He continued.
"How are you? Excited for school, to make new friends?"
"I already made a few new friends..."
I knew he was not satisfied with that little titbit of information because his eyebrows were raised.
"My neighbor took me to a party and I made some friends then we went to the diner and I made some more."
Jason interjected.
"By you're neighbor you mean that black hair boy?"
"That's the one."
I did not like where this was going.
"You sure he's not more than just a neighbor?"
"What are you getting at?"
"Nothing, I just don't think he thinks of you as a neighbor."
"What do you mean?"
"Jason stop trying to get her mad and just tell her what you know that she wants to know."
Jason turned to Kent.
"Okay fine."
Then to me.
"We dropped by the diner, he was really mad that I let you go with the ice cream when I knew you were lactose intolerant."
Wednesday was the day that he left work early. Could they be the reason?
It was also the day that he brought home his conquest and scarred me forever. But telling that to them would be pointless.
"Did anything else happen?"
They looked at each other.
"Did anything else happen?"
I slightly raised my voice. Kent spoke up.
"Jason just annoyed him a bit. Then his boss came and asked to see him in his office."
Mr Ben wanted to see Luke? What for?
Did he fire him? Did he hear about Keith? Did he hear about Maggie?
There were so many secrets I couldn't tell which one he might've figured out.
I wanted to call Luke. He could answer my questions. But I knew I couldn't. Not yet at least.
Both boys were staring at me attentively. Kent answered my question but I gave him no reponse. They knew I was thinking hard. But they didn't know why.
"Can I spend the night here?"
They looked taken back.
"Sure, as long as you're mom knows."
I don't understand why he does that. He always says I'd like she's only my mom, when DNA shows otherwise.
"She doesn't care. She isn't gonna be home anyways."
"Well alright. I'll take the couch."
They didn't question my motive nor did they question the fact that I was going back to sleep at noon. I caught my body moving towards the nearest bed without my will. What can I say?
Sleep was my sanctuary.

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