Chapter 22

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We danced, and danced and danced. And when I say dance I literally just mean that she rubbed up against me and shaked what her mother gave her so much that I thought it would fall off.
But tonight was a night of fun. So I let her have her fun. I let her do whatever she wanted to.
Until those shots started to ware off.
I made my way back to the bar, and requested five more shots.
She followed me there, watching me attentively. She hailed the barista.
She ordered the same thing I ordered.
Then she raised her shot glass up to me, and took a shot. Then another, then another, until all five were downed. When she was done she looked back at me, her eyes shining with anticipation. I took up my glass,raised it to her, and without taking my eyes off her, I downed all five of my shots. She smirked.
She grabbed my hand and took me to the dance floor. This time it was my turn to have fun. I danced in sync with her. I caressed her petite body while she grinded back on me. We moved together, effortlessly. My head started feeling fuzzy. She looked as if she couldn't hold her liquor much either.
The guys were all by the bar, their dance partners seated on their laps.
I decided to join them. I grabbed Sidney's hand and towed her off to the nearest barstool.
"Five shots each."
I looked up to meet her eyes.
That would make it fifteen shots in total. I'd be pretty messed up tomorrow. But this was something I needed. Being around my people.
Enjoying myself. So as usual she downed her shots, and I downed mine.
She was fully intoxicated, and so was I.
All the guys was pretty much in the same boat. So it wasn't surprising when all the guys finished their drinks and made their ways to their cars, holding their dance partners right by their sides.
My head was spinning. I should not have gotten into my car drunk. I should not have attempted to drive across an entire town to get home whilst being drunk. But I did it anyway.
I opened the passenger door for her to sit, then closed it when she was seated.
There were fine wolf whistles. I turned.
All the guys were in their cars, motors on.
"Come on Luke. First one to reach the junction wins."
They wanted to race. And I was all for it. So I jumped in the drivers seat and turned the key. Someone started counting. On one, everyone sped out the parking lot. Rachel long hair was flying all over the place. I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins.
This is what I needed. I needed to be sure to thank the guys later on.
Those fifteen shots were hitting me hard. Little by little I passed Codey then Freddy then Mark then Geo then Kareem and at last Zac. I slowed down as I hastily parked my car in front the house. Rachel was already standing.
I went up and unlocked my door.
She followed me in silence. We went up to my bedroom, and silence ceased to exist. It went like that for a while.
It wasn't night anymore. It was morning. But that didn't stop anything.
I hadn't an idea what time it was.
It was a ringing phone that woke me up. I was about to roll out of bed when something obstructed my path. She had blonde hair, very long blonde hair. Her figure was small, but curvy.
There she laid. Wrapped around me like a coverlet. And then for the first time since I left the diner yesterday, my brain started to work.
There was a girl in my bed. Someone's, I presume hers, phone was ringing.
The sun was well risen. Clothes were littered all over my floor. Worst yet, I could barely remember anything from the night before. The ringing started irritating me. I stook her.
"Hey you're phone is ringing."
She stirred then rubbed her eyes awake.
"That's my ride home calling, I'll see you later Luke."
I gave her a little nod.
"The door next to mines is the bathroom."
It was her turn to nod. She closed the door behind her after gathering every piece of her clothing from off the floor.
I looked up to the clock, 3:42pm.
How on earth did I sleep for so long?
How many shots did I take?
What did I even do last night?
I knew one thing for sure. I knew I wasn't there alone. The guys were with me. They would know what I did.
So I called Zac.
"Y'all quiet down. Luke is finally done with his conquest."
"Zac what happened last night?"
"Bro nothing much. We drank, got chicks and raced home."
"Alright cool thanks."
Then someone else spoke up.
"Dude you took fifteen shots. Five at a time. You must have a killer headache."
"Shit, what was I thinking?"
"You weren't!"
I heard their collective laughter.
"I'm gonna get cleaned up."
"Hurry. Freddy is already on his way to get you."
I hung up.
Fifteen shots? What was I thinking.
I couldn't even remember that girls name. What did I do? What did we do?
Wasn't I supposed to do something today? There were too many unanswered questions.
I got up and went to take a shower.
My head was pounding. I popped a few aspirins. It'll work in soon.
Freddy came to get me in no time.
The guys were all chilling in the living room when we arrived.
"So Luke the conqueror. How do you feel?"
"Messed up."
They laughed.
"Where's that hottie from last night?"
"She went home."
"Aw damn. Bummer."
Codey looked at my thoughtful face.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
"I think there was something I was supposed to do today but I can't remember."
Codeys eyes sparkled with realization.
"Ohhh. Amber called."
It all came back to me. We were supposed to go to the mall. I promised to take her to the mall today. How could I forget? It was already so late.
She probably heard all the noise from last night. I was in deep shit.
Zac interjected before I could.
"Yeah. She called a bit earlier, asking where you were."
"What did you tell her?"
"I told her that right about now you were in you're bedroom with a blonde from the club."
If she didn't hear the noise, she surely knew from what Zac told her. How was I going to fix this?
My headache intensified. My eyes burned.
"I'm gonna take a nap."
I left them there, mouth agape. There was no fixing this. I basically screwed another girl and she was the front row audience.
It didn't make sense to go back home.
She wouldn't have stayed there. So I did the next best thing. I turned on my phone to call Amber. Only to be greeting by her numerous missed calls.
Why did fun always have to be so short lived?

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