Chapter 24

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It was pathetic. Luke was out there continuing his player ways and I was invading a near strangers house.
Claire's parents weren't home when we got there. Matter-of-fact they didn't even seem to live there. The only thing that there was related to them was a picture over the fire place. Claire's twin sister, Rachel wasn't at home. Claire said that she'd be spending the night by her friend. She said that Rachel was the opposite of her. Claire would stay home and study while Rachel when out and partied. Rachel was the primary reason that Claire had been part of Kim's group. She just wanted to look out for her sister. But being popular required more than she was ready to give.
She wasn't ranting. It was like she was telling a story. Her story.
We had already watched three chick flicks when I heard Claire's belly grumble. She heard it too.
"No need to apologize. Let's order pizza. Are the delivery guys cute?"
Her cheeks turned pink.
"Actually...I kinda have a crush on one of them..."
"We're totally ordering pizza."
She pointed me to the house phone since he knew the number and tried his best to make her deliveries personally.
"Sounds like he likes you."
She was still pink while I placed our orders.
"Can I have one pepperoni pizza delivered to this address please?"
"Sure I'll be there soon."
I hung up, then turned to Claire.
"Does he have a Scottish accent?"
"He's doing the delivery!"
She looked like she was about to faint.
"Come on lets get changed."
I had a plan. It was late. This was probably his last delivery. Based on his clothes, driving speed, and other means I would know if he was gonna be on his way home after. If he was really interested in Claire, he'd be more than willing to come in for a slice of his own pizza. I mean, he might prefer snacks. But getting him inside was the main plot.
We got changed from our Pjs into something more presentable. He arrived within fifteen minutes.
I was by the window. Observing his movements from the car. He didn't look has if he was going back to work. He took his work hat from on the back seat. He wore casual clothes. Time to put my plan in action.
He rang the doorbell, once then twice.
I walked up to collect my pizza.
"One pepperoni pizza."
He thrusted the box in my arms. I took it and passed it to Claire who was standing behind me.
I handed him a bill.
"Keep the change."
He looked up, gratitude in his eyes.
"After this delivery, are you going home?"
He pondered.
"Yeah I am."
"Claire and I are having a sleepover. Wanna come in and help us eat this pizza?"
He stood there with a calculating look on his face. He ran his hand through his hair before responding.
I moved aside so he could enter and locked the door so he could exit.
Claire deserved this much. She was a listening ear when I needed to be heard the most. This was the least I could do for her. Claire guided him to the living room while I went to the kitchen to get us some plates. I was sure to take extra long so she'd get some alone time with him. When I walked back in the room, Claire was shuffling through some movies and he was scrolling through his phone.
"Pizzas here, curtesy the pizza delivery guy, by the way what's you're name?"
Claire spoke up.
"Nice name."
His cheeks turned pink.
"Thanks, yours is nice too."
They were shy alike. It was cute watching them.
She abruptly pushed a CD in the DVD and went to sit on the couch with Jeremy. I took a sit on a recliner after sharing out the plates then the pizza.
Claire shot out her seat as if she was burnt.
"I'll be back."
I nodded and so did Jeremy.
"So what school do you guys go to?"
I didn't expect him to start up a conversation.
"Ravens high. I'm actually transferring in."
"I've seen someone looking like heraround school. Did she cut and dye her hair?"
"Nope. You saw her twin sister, Rachel."u
"Well I guess I'll be seeing y'all in school then."
Claire walked in before the conversation could get awkward.
She was carrying three bottles of mineral water.
She handed two to us respectively and then popped the seal of the third.
The movie started. Everyone grew attentive. Except for when I had to plate us some more pizza. Then I realized something. She hated pizza.
But she liked the delivery guy. The irony make me sniffle a laugh, causing them to turn to me.
"I just remembered something funny."
I held my hands up in defeat.
They suspiciously nodded their heads.
I noticed that they moved closer to each other. I also noticed that their hands were almost touching.
I was probably invading their privacy.
It was really late. But I couldn't leave.
I couldn't go back home yet.
So I settled for the porch.
"I gotta make a call."
I got up and went straight out the door.
I heard a few words before it closed.
"He isn't worth it sweetie."
And I knew they were directed to me.
I sat on the swing to the left. I didn't move, so neither did it. The only thing that moved were my thoughts. They were racing 75mph in the wrong lane.
I decided to actually make a call.
But to who? To Zac expressing my hurt? To Kent expressing my confusion? To Bella expressing my regret? To my dad expressing my hate?
I didn't call any of those.
Matter-of-fact, I didn't even make a call. Someone called me.
"Why are you calling me?"
"Because I miss you. I miss us."
"Whst does that have to do with me?"
"I wanna see you."
"Dude it's almost midnight."
"Not now. But soon."
"There's something's I need to tell you. About Jason. About you're brother."
Now I was interested.
"Why can't you just tell me now?"
"Because it's complicated okay?"
"I don't think that's it. I think you want to see me so you can get me kidnapped again."
"I'm sorry about that Am-"
"Shut up Jack. The wound healed, but the memory is fresh."
I hung up. I was breathing heavy.
He'd call back. I knew he would. But I couldn't turn my phone back off.
I had too many questions. I needed answers. I was fed up of being left in the dark. Someone needed to shed some light. My head was spinning.
I tried to get the napkin from in my pocket. I tried to read the number.
I tried to punch it in. But I couldn't.
My eyes were blurred. I knew what would happen. So instead of waiting for it to happen and then giving Claire a heart attack, I decided to make it look more normal.
I walked back inside.
"I'm going to bed."
They jumped apart from each other.
I couldn't careless. I didn't have much time. I made it to the hallway. My hand was on the doorknob. I could feel the mattress. Then I went numb. Blackness engulfed me. I didn't make it after all.

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