Chapter 21

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•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
The diner was empty. Ann was working the register, counting up the bills. Mr Ben was passing by to collect the total and put it in the account.
From where I was sitting at booth three I saw someone walking towards the diner. Someone familiar.
He entered, looked around, spotted me then smiled.
"Aye man. Thanks for the advice. The boss let me off the hook. Maggie would just have to change sides."
I wondered if he knew that they had her already? That she was possibly being tortured by Rex? I didn't think he did. And I had no idea how to tell him. So I didn't. He looked happy. He deserved this happiness.
"Congrats Keith. If you stick around, you're dad will be dropping in soon."
"I don't know man. What should I say to him?"
"Just apologize."
"Okay, I'll wait."
"I'll let the chef know you're here."
I turned and went to the kitchen.
"Chef Keith's here."
I hollered from the doorway. Then I turned and froze in my tracks.
"I gave her my number, she'll call."
"What if she doesn't? What if she found out on her own?"
"How would she do that Kent? Think logically man."
They had now entered, and were on their way to sit.
After grabbing my notepad and pen, I went to get their orders. They looked up at the sound of my footsteps.
"Welcome to Ben's Diner, what can I get for you today?"
"You're that guy from the parlor."
Jason, I believe his name was, pointed to me. I nodded. The other guy spoke.
"Do you know where Amber is?"
"Who's asking?"
"Her brother."
I didn't question it. He did look like her. They shared their golden brown hair.
"Right about now she's at home, sleeping I presume."
The guy, her brothers' eyebrows knitted together.
I turned to Jason.
"Did you know she was lactose intolerant?"
He nodded.
"Then why didn't you say something?"
"She told me not to."
"She got sick because of that."
Her brothers' face softened, but Jason's own hardened.
"Then I guess you should ask more questions."
Before I could launch myself at him a voice penetrated my anger, instantly dissolving it.
"Luke my boy. It's so good to see you."
I turned.
"Hey Mr Ben, it's always a pleasure."
"When you're finished up with those customers I wanna see you in my office."
"Alright sir."
I turned back to the guys.
"What can I get for you today?"
"Two chicken burgers, two portions of fries and two sodas to go."
"Coming right up."
I gave the order to Ann and she handed me a tray for Keith.
"Everything good with you and dad?"
I wasn't entirely sure.
"I hope."
I turned and walked into the staff room, taking the right door into the office.
"Mr. Ben?"
"Yes Luke sit down sit down."
He was sitting behind his desk, reviewing what seemed to be a photograph. I sat.
"I know Keith is involved with a gang.
I need to speak to him."
I didn't know how he knew. But it was pointless in hiding it any longer.
"He's at booth four."
"Wait. He's here?"
"Yeah, I asked him to wait and talk to you."
"Thanks Luke. If there's anything you need, just let me know."
"Actually sir, I have a request."
"Alright. Let me hear it."
"I have a friend... and I was wondering if she could fill Linda's position?"
"Well of course. That would be good for the diner, bring her in as soon as you can okay? And send Keith in on you're way out."
He hired her. He actually hired her.
I can't wait to tell her. I walked back to booth four smiling.
"He's ready to see you now."
His forehead was sweaty.
"He knows about the gang, but I do r know how much."
I continued.
"Play it cool with you're words and you'll be fine. Good luck."
I left him there and walked out the diner. I needed air. Keith knows that Amber was in the library. Rex is looking for Amber. I need to talk to him soon. If Keith knew that they had Maggie, would he tell them about Amber? He really loves her. I can't guarantee his trust anymore. He can switch on me any minute. There were too many variables. It made my head hurt. I needed to clear my head. I decided to hit the club when I was off duty. So I went back inside and continued waiting tables.
A good hour had passed before Keith walked out the office. Matter-of-fact he didn't even walk out. He stormed out.
I didn't even get to reach him before he pushed the door aggressively and marched to his car. When he drove out the car park after making an illegal Uturn, I knew that whatever they talked about was bad.
"That boy as the temper of a bull."
I hadn't even heard his footsteps, but now he was directly behind me.
"That he does."
"Well so be it. I'm closing up early, go get changed."
Before I could respond he was already back in the diner making his way to the office. I didn't question it. Nor did Ann or chef. We just got changed, packed up and left the diner.
I was now about to drive out the parking lot when my phone rang.
"Oi Luke. If you aren't too busy screwing Amber wanna meet us at DTD? The hotties are outnumbering us."
Maybe this is what I needed. This was the Luke they knew. So that was who I was gonna be.
"I'm on my way."
I heard a round full of wolf whistles before the call disconnected.
A smirk appeared on my face. I made it to DTD,or Dusk Til Dawn, it's registered name, in no time. I broke a few red lights and went a little over the speed limit, nothing major.
Kareem was waiting for me outside.
"Those chicks are rogue!"
he exclaimed as soon as I was in earshot.
"Just how I like them."
He led me straight to the bar, where Geo, Mark, Zac, Freddy and Codey all sat, engaged in what seemed to be a round of shots til you down.
I slid onto a stool at the end, and ordered myself five shots of vodka.
I downed them all. Right after each other.
"Damn did Amber dump you?"
Zac teased.
"Maybe she was bad in bed."
Kareem suggested.
They all laughed. I joined in on the laughter because why not. As the laughter died down I felt someone appear beside me.
"Hey there, mind if I sit here and look pretty?"
She was pretty. Or it could've just been the alcohol but I nodded nevertheless.
"So what's you're name?"
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Rachel."
"You're pretty Rachel."
She didn't even blush. Just simply bent forward to my ear and whispered.
"I'd be prettier in you're bed."
I had nothing to lose.
"We'll see."
She threw me a wink before strutting over to the DJ that seemed to still be setting up. He nodded to whatever she had told him and then turned on the mic.
"Alright people. Let's get this party started!"
There were shouts of agreement as music filled the club. People came alive. Some dragging people off to the dance floor, some being dragged.
That was when I realized that all the guys had already been dragged off.
I followed shortly when someone grabbed my hand, tugging me all the way.

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