Chapter 17

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"Sit with us."
It was a command.
"I'm working a double right now so I can't."
I declined.
"This place is empty except for us."
She turned to the girl sitting opposite her.
"Hey you, move."
That was all it took. The girl got up from her seat and went to booth four.
Kim looked back to me.
"There's you're seat."
I didn't seat there however. I walked to booth four, and sat opposite the girl she commanded to move.
"She's mean huh?"
I said so that only she could hear.
She nodded.
"What's you're name?"
"That's a nice name, don't let Kim push you around like that okay? You're too pretty for it."
She blushed, then muttered out a soft 'okay'. She reminded me of Amber.
That gave me a question.
Hey Claire, can I ask you a question?"
She looked hesitant.
"A friend of mine said that her Japan came you know want she meant?"
She bursted out laughing.
"Oh boy."
She was gasping for breath and slapping the table.
She wiped her tears before she responded.
"She meant her menstrual cycle came earlier than expected."
Her tone held amusement as my face flushed bright red. I looked to the clock as a means to distract myself, 5:33pm. Ann's shift would ended three minutes ago. I guess she was really enjoying the chefs company.
After much debate, I decided I'd call Amber.
•~••~•~•~•*change in POV*•~•~•~••~•
Luke has been gone for about three hours. Of which I spent mostly sleeping. My fever was gone when I woke up, which was about fifteen minutes ago. I rolled out of bed, cleaned up myself and went downstairs to eat. But that was one thing about being on my period. I ate a lot. And I normally ate a lot so I basically ate a huge amount. Much to my dismay, this house barely had groceries. My fetus vessel was gone, the sticky note on the fridge said she'd be back early tomorrow, it also asked me to do the groceries. It even had an arrow pointing to where the money was.
I was sitting cross legged on the floor, a pillow wedged under my legs and one behind my back(thanks to Mother Nature) when I heard my phone ringing somewhere in the distance. I was not moving. I sat there, praying the phone would come to me. Surprising it did. It's vibration caused it to fall right off the coffee table and into my lap.
After sending a quick thank you to the guy above, I answered the call.
"I thoughg you were still sleeping. Do you feel better?"
His concern brought an instant smile to my face, or was it his voice?
"Just woke up actually."
I contemplated on telling him that I was hungry.
"I bet you're hungry. I can't leave, but that doesn't mean you can't come here. If you wanna, you can walk out to the street junction and take a taxi, they'll drop you right in front the door."
I didn't get to reply.
"Only if you're fever is gone though. You're not leaving that house until you feel better."
He was about to continue rambling but I cut him off.
"Should I wear a jacket?"
"Nah it isn't that cold. You can just throw on a hoodie. I left my blue one in you're room I believe, you can wear that one if you wanna."
He packed my clothes. Of course he knew I didn't have a hoodie. That's why he said what he said. I tried convincing myself that there wasn't any altered motive behind his words. But it still made the butterflies in my tummy flutter(Or maybe that was the soup, eh a girl could dream;)
"I'll see you soon then."
I was about to hang up when he said his last words.
"Be safe."
Say what you want but I was feeling giddy. I went to my room, being careful not to exert too much energy and got changed. I grabbed my side bag. In it were all the things a girl would need in a time like this. I slipped on my Nike shoes, swapped out my stuff from and clutch to into my bag and walked out the door. After locking it I walked up the street to the junction. It took five minutes max. The walk was calming, considering my heart was pounding.
A taxi stopped about three minutes later. The fare wasn't much, surprisingly. The drive was a bit far and uneventful. I was almost asleep when he pulled up outside what seemed to be the diner. Fancy curtains framed the four windows, each window had a booth it seemed. To the last booth to my left sat Luke, and a girl.
They sat far apart, and made little conversation. Luke saw me from outside, and began getting up.
I shook my head.
I walked in and went straight to their table. I slipping in next to Luke and gave the girl a little wave.
"Hi my name is Amber, what's yours?"
She looked shy, fiddling with the ends of her hair.
"That's a nice name,"
I wore a bright smile. This girl was nice. I felt it.
"Thank you,"
She blushed ever so slightly. I hadn't expected her to continue so when she did I was a bit startled.
"You know, Luke was so shocked when you agreed to coming. His eyes were so wide, it was hilarious."
She laughed at the end, it was contagious. Luke started rubbing his neck. Then he cleared his throat.
"I'll be right back."
I got up so he could slip out. Now Claire and I were opposite each other.
"He's a nice guy. He stood up to that mean girl for me. He's been sitting with me since she made me move."
Sounds like stuff went down before he called. She jolted her thumb to a blonde girl. She was clearly the center of attention. None of the girls at the tables could match her beauty. She reminded me of Tasha. Images from that night crept back into memory and I tried my very best to push them back to the deepest part possible.
"Don't worry, she's probably just jealous that you're beauty is natural."
She giggled. But before she could word her response someone interrupted.
"Welcome to Ben's Diner. What can I get for you today?"
He had a notepad and a pen, his lips pursed in anticipation.
"Is there anything in particular that you would suggest?"
"Surely. The sweet potato fries are heavenly when paired with the sour cream dipping sauce. To add to the the spicy chicken wings are to die for. As a drink, you should try the diners' speciality drink and for a snack, you can have cinnamon bread sticks with any toppings of you're choice."
"Load me up then."
With that he turned away to behind the counter. Everything he called out, he was sure I'd like. I'm pretty sure some of the things he said wasn't really meant to be eaten together but what can I say? He knows I'm a growing girl. I'm also sure that I'm only allowed one topping on my cinnamon bread stick. I'm totally gonna take advantage of his generosity. So I sat there and watched him enter and exit the kitchen. Oblivious to the glares I were receiving until the glarer decided to make their presence known.

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